Man That Rocks The Cradle

Samuel L. Jackson may be the hardest working man in Hollywood. In his upcoming project Man That Rocks The Cradle he will be a nanny for a single father raising 4 children. We get the scoop from Variety via comingsoon:

New Line is developing Man That Rocks the Cradle as the first star vehicle for Samuel L. Jackson since the studio signed a deal with the actor’s Uppity Films. Bought as a spec script by Josh Cagan and based on a story by Cagan and Rob McKittrick, the film revolves around an overworked husband and father of four who decides the solution to all his problems is a live-in nanny. Jackson will play the nanny, Marion Delacroix, a reputed “kid whisperer” from the South.

This seems like Cheaper By The Dozen, but with a single dad, and 8 less kids. After watching Black Snake Moan I can certainly see Sam as a family man. He was great in that film, and being a parental figure to a whored out Ricci is no easy task. Having a nanny raise your children seems to be the Los Angeles norm, and perhaps this is the type of crowd that the film will be based on.

I will not say that I am looking forward to this film. I have no children, want no children, and do not find movies about raising them to be very funny. A movie about raising 4 children is a horror movie to a man like myself that avoids responsibility like it was HIV. If you are raising 4 kids you don’t need a nanny - you need a bottle of ether and a root cellar with quality locks.

5 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. DJ Machismo

    You said its Jackson who is the father of four in the first paragraph. Then the bolded paragraph describes him as the nanny, not the father.

    So which is it? Or is he just playing a schizophrenic?

  2. doug nagy

    He is a nanny, I misread it based on assumption that he was the father. HE is a nanny indeed!

  3. oldshell

    samuel L jackson shits out films so fast I hear he has a man with a poop-a-scoop walking behind him 24/7.

  4. doug nagy

    Indonesian child laborers have sent him a letter telling him to take it easy. He works 25 hours a day, a time machine is needed just to get everything done.

  5. Kristina

    Sam Jackson needs to slow the hell down. He’s so overexposed, not in a Paris Hilton “I’m in every tabloid ALL the time” way, but in a “I make movies more frequently than girls change their tampons” way. I’m honestly a little sick of seeing him constantly. When’s the last time you went to the movies and a trailer for a film NOT featuring Sam Jackson played? Chill out, Sam!

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