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Leaves of Grass

By Doug - November 29, 2007 - 13:54 America/Montreal

It appears that Edward Norton and Tim Blake Nelson have become such chums on the set of The Incredible Hulk, that they have decided to birth a film together. We get the following announcement from comingsoon:

ComingSoon.net has learned that Edward Norton and Tim Blake Nelson, who star together in upcoming The Incredible Hulk, will reunite for Leaves of Grass. Norton will direct, Nelson is producing, and both star in the comedy.

Norton plays twin brothers - one a philosophy professor, the other a career criminal who gets his more erudite twin into big trouble with some murderous potheads.

Having Ed Norton play twin brothers is going to be awesome. I can see him playing both these roles and it will be great to see the differences and similarities between the brothers. It makes me laugh that Norton and Nelson have come together to do a marijuana comedy. I am guessing the idea for this film came about through some very intensive business sessions.

I have always loved marijuana related comedies. I remember as a kid watching Cheech and Chong as much as possible and laughing my ass off. Fast forward to Half Baked and you have another marijuana cult classic. When Bob Sagat uttered the words “I used to suck dick for coke. Now that’s an addiction. You ever suck some dick for marijuana??” it very well could have been the funniest moment of the 90’s.

I must remind everyone that we here at the movieblog do not recommend, endorse or support the use of marijuana. I do not even know what the stuff looks like. I have heard it is a cactus-type plant that only works when you eat it during the full moon, whist standing in a magic pentagram, painted with bat blood. It is a shame that so many comedies that feature this horrible substance are so funny, it makes me feel guilty when I enjoy them.

This film begins shooting March 8th. I will keep you posted on the progress, so you know when to avoid it.


  1. Ethan says:

    Yeah, movies with pot are funny! I.E, How High, Knocked Up etc.
    While I don’t care for the use of pot, their movies still are funny. Having Ed Norton play twin brothers is a good enough foundation for a movie, but having one get the other involved with “murderous potheads” makes it sound even better.
    I will be keeping my eye o this one throughout the future.

  2. bassturd says:

    haha you don’t know what pot looks like…ya right! I’ve seen it…never smoked it. I don’t wanna be a loser pothead.

  3. chris (the real one) says:

    LOL….movie sounds good….but doug nagey i must meet u in person to shake ur hand for this line:

    “Ive heard it is a cactus-type plant that only works when you eat it during the full moon, whist standing in a magic pentagram, painted with bat blood. ”

    once again mr. nagey i am at ur mercy….please contiinue to grace this blog with ur posts of infinite wisdom…

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