This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 28th, 2007 at 8:11 pm.
Categories: News Chat.

With the new Knight Rider TV Movie on its way I am getting a little itchy for that snappy banter between the Hoff and his smartass TransAm but then I felt a disturbance in the force.

IWatchSTuff says:

KITT may no longer be a Pontiac Trans Am. According to someone working on the Knight Rider effects team (adding a red light to the front of a car), the new vehicle will be a Ford Mustang.

Now I am not a purist when it comes to TV translations to film, and Transformers proved to me that you can keep the original magic and awe without sticking to the same brand of car, but I am hesitant to really buy into the Stang as Kitt. Are they going to keep Kitt’s eloquent voice and dry wit?

I can live without the Hoff playing Knight, but having his character’s SON be the candidate for the next Kitt car is a bit unnecessary. They could have pulled any old sharp looking boytoy treat of the week to play Kitt’s sidekick. But I was jonesing to see an updated TransAm sporting the waving red Cylon eye.

Can you deal with Kitt as a Stang? Does it matter?

30 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. bert belgium

    So it’s Barricade?

  2. bert belgium

    and no the guy from boy meets world isn’t going to do the voice I read somewhere!!

  3. Team Richard

    WTF was he on TV?


    The Stang won’t bother me because there hasn’t been a new T/A since 2003, and with all the after-market companies with goodies for the Stand, it’ll look damn sharp! (It better!) I would’ve liked to have seen a WS6 T/A be Kitt just for nostalgia, but really, it’s not that much of an issue.

    As for “Knight Jr” that isn’t a bad thing, although it is tired in Hollywood. Too used to them messing up great potential. Having said that, I’m not holding high hopes for this program to be that great. Might just rekindle a little spark I had way back when I was a kid for KITT. Honestly - I want KITT to sound like a hot sexy bitch again! YAY!

  5. Rodney

    @Team Richard…. as the article mentions above, Kitt was originally a Pontiac Trans Am.

    @Bert…. Barricade was not a Mustang. All the vehicles on Transformers the movie were GM products.

  6. Memph Man

    Dude, what Transformeres movie did you see? Barricade is a Mustang! He is Saleen version Mustang. And if you don’t wanna take my word for it, you can look it up anywhere on the net, even the toy descriptions.

  7. Craig

    So I drive a new Ford Mustang (gt. Brags for me)… Any honestly I don’t see Kitt as a mustang. I just don’t. I don’t think mustangs are sleek enough, mustangs are about power, and muscle. The Trans Am had a sleek, Rogue like nature to it. IMO. They should try to buy into chevy’s new camaro (Since the trans am, and camaro have been almost mirror images of eachother since they’ve been released, different engine works and such, yes I know, but they were basically the same car) and the new camaro hold the same sleek nature as the old camaros, with a new age touch to it. I hope you all agree?

  8. Craig

    Oh And rodney, check your sources better please, Baracade was a Ford Mustang Saleen. Just because they bought rights into using GM’s products doesn’t mean they ALL had to be GM products. I think bone Crusher(the tank) Was a Chevy Tahoe if I’m not mistaken :P (just bustin balls) ..

  9. Craig

    photoshop? for some reasons the poster just doesn’t sit right with me.

  10. Joel

    Could be. It’s all over the web though.

  11. Joel

  12. Lee

    The car on the movie poster, what is that? at first I thought Koenigsegg CCX? I know KITT could be a Mustang, so could that poster be a picture of KARR?

    and also, did I just open up a can of worms by saying that.

    [for the stupid:

  13. Lee

    under closer inspection, the car in the poster is a god damn Koenigsegg CCX with no badges or head lights

  14. Joel

    … and some snooping around the web says that it’s a fake poster made by a fan. Cool nontheless.

  15. Lee

    and i have come to the same conclusion. Too bad, even though, having a Ford Mustang KITT vs a Koenigsegg CCX KARR would be a bit of a one sided fight. Kinda like putting James Bond in a Ford Mondeo instead of the Vanquish and making him fight the Jag in DaD.

  16. Rodney

    Joel, that poster came out about 3 years ago on the net and was exposed as a fan effort. It’s convincing, but its already been outted.

    Cool poster though.

  17. Joel

    I never claimed it was authentic, Rodney. Just said it was cool.

    As a swede I have to say that the Koenigsegg would be a cool antagonist.

    BTW: I have no idea why a swedish car has a german name that means Kings Egg.

  18. sal

    personally, I think it will suck and bomb at the box office. Knightrider the TV series is cheesier that warm brie. How on earth can they resurrect it and give it some credability?
    I can’t imagine anyone wanting to go and see a film about a man with his special car that has gay voice. Not that there’s anything wrong with gay voices, it’s just that if your gonna have a muscle car speak, give it a brutish voice like MR T. Couldn’t do any more damage to the franchise than has already been done.

  19. doug nagy


  20. #007#

    @sal, I tend to think so too. Nothing against the TV show…but seems brewing up a major failure. Fist the auto make change, what next?

  21. Kristina

    Who cares? If they want this movie to sell to the biggest demographic(18-35 year old males) they need to sex up the car. I’ve never seen one episode of Knight Rider, so the change doesn’t bother me.

  22. Lee

    This Just in From, KITT Will be a Ford Shelby GTR500KR Mustang.

    Personally, The Koenigsegg CCX still looks better.

  23. Rodney

    @Sal, Firstly Kitt’s voice isn’t “gay”. There is no qualities to Kitt’s voice that is stereotypically gay. Unless you meant british, because the voice does sound a hint of british.

    Secondly, as the post said, it is a TV Movie, so your assumptions about boxoffice were obviously considered. Its actually going to be staged as a pilot for a potential TV Series. If the TV Movie is well received, they will attempt an ongoing show about it.

    Who knows. It might actually be good.

  24. Marina

    I’m with Kristina on this one and I’m not sure the mustang is the best choice if we’re talking sexy cars. It’s all about the Dodge man. Charger to be exact.

  25. sal

    I am british, and the voice sounds gay enought to me. But like I said, there’s nothing wrong with that, it just doesn’t suit a muscle car in my opinion.

    Didn’t realize it was going to be a TV movie , must have missed that bit due to the shock that they’re actually ressurecting this rubbish, so that’s fair comment. But I still think it will still suck, but then again, most TV does.

  26. Joel

    Here we go:

  27. Craig

    Okay just to clear something up. There NO mustangs called a gt500kr. KR stands for knight rider. It’s just going to be a GT shelby 500. :)

  28. Tom

    Craig…GT500KR, KR stands for “Kind of the Road”, a special edition Shelby….brush up on your car facts fool….

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