This entry was posted on Thursday, November 29th, 2007 at 11:04 am.
Categories: News Chat | By John

Keri Russell had the best hair on TV for a while. The Felicity star was famous for her hair… and then BAM!!!!!! She got a hair cut, and everyone lost interest in the show. I’ve never seen a TV show get killed by a hair cut before… kinda the same way INXS got killed by Michael Hutchence snipping his locks (remember that… he appeared on that awards show with the new hair cut and suddenly no one was talking about INXS anymore).

Anyway, Russell has been making a resurgence of late… and a welcomed one. I’ve gone on and on about how brilliant she was in the little flick “Waitress” that she did with Nathan Fillion last year, and I’ve enjoyed her on screen in just about all her appearances. Now it looks like she’s hooking up with Adam Sandler’s new flick “Bedtime Stories”. The folks over at ComingSoon give us this:

Keri Russell has landed the female lead opposite Adam Sandler in Disney’s Bedtime Stories, reports Variety. In the family-adventure, Russell will play a potential love interest for Sandler’s character, a harried real estate developer whose life is suddenly turned upside down when the lavish bedtime stories he tells his niece and nephew become real.

I won’t pull any punches here… this sounds HORRIBLE. Haven’t we seen this 100x already? I understand the paycheck must be pretty good, but Russell seems to be establishing herself as a solid dramatic actress in her last few outings… why would she risk all taht by appearing in a Sandler flick? It was no big deal for Jessica Biel to appear in awful “I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry” since she hasn’t exactly been pounding down Oscar’s door if you know what I mean… but Russell has been forming into a legit A-List talent… seems like a bad move to me. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.

2 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. krazie835

    I think I know how this movie will play out. He meets Keri Russle and he falls for her and he eventually starts something with her and then he some how losses her but towards the end he wins her back. That’s just like in every single Adam Sandler movie I’ve ever seen.


    John, I gotta agree with your whole last paragraph about Ms. Russel being a talented actress, and this “bonehead” decision to be in a crap-tastic flick with Sandler. Come on Kerri, don’t kill your career as it’s gearing up again!

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