In Bruges Trailer

Holy crow kids! This trailer looks completely bad ass, Colin Farrell looks like he has found a role that he was born to play. With Brendan Gleeson and Ralph Fiennes rounding out the cast, I think it is safe to say that we have a holy trinity of greatness. In Bruges will be kicking off Sundance on January 17th (after seeing this trailer - I am not surprised.) We got wind of this news through our friends at /film:

I cannot wait to see this picture, until then - please enjoy the trailer with me.

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  • 1. UKAndy616 replies at 26th November 2007, 10:32 am :

    I’ve just watched the trailer and I’m grinning from ear to ear. :D

    I think we have a winner.

  • 2. Kurt replies at 26th November 2007, 10:39 am :

    Feinnes is hilarious. (And I loved the fact that there is absolutely not censoring in the trailer)

  • 3. DJ Machismo replies at 26th November 2007, 11:06 am :

    This is certainly going to be a film to look out for. Looks brilliant!

  • 4. doug nagy replies at 26th November 2007, 11:21 am :

    Feinnes is certainly on my short list of favorites.

  • 5. alecks replies at 26th November 2007, 12:05 pm :

    I hope the film will be as good as what the trailer is showing….

  • 6. chris (the real one) replies at 26th November 2007, 1:18 pm :

    LOL…..”retract that statement aboout my cunt-fucking kids”……gold…..this looks good

  • 7. DarkKinger replies at 26th November 2007, 4:23 pm :

    Ralph Fiennes is gonna go ‘Doug Nagy’ in this pic, booya!

  • 8. Jacob replies at 26th November 2007, 4:39 pm :

    I live in London and yesterday I was invited to see this film as part of a test audience in two weeks time. I think its the first screening and we get to give our opinion on the edit cut before its shown. Should be pretty sweet….i’ll let you know if it’s any good.

  • 9. tr0n replies at 26th November 2007, 5:39 pm :

    I totally thought it was Michael Caine when the letter was being read but was Ralph Fiennes!

  • 10. bert belgium replies at 26th November 2007, 9:22 pm :

    Yaaaaaaaaaaaay Belgium!!!!! I live here, and have never even heard of them shooting here!! Although I live on the other side of the country!! I hope they get good shots of our beers!!!

  • 11. Apaul replies at 27th November 2007, 12:08 pm :

    Looks to be a great film. Can’t wait to see it.

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