Hulk Trailer To Debut During Super Bowl

Word on the street is that the angry green man will make an appearance during the Super Bowl! We get the scoop from Lindsay Thompson’s personal blog via superherohype:

The big announcement is that I will be working on the new Incredible Hulk movie… I’m so excited. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever done before and I can’t wait for all the crazy things I’m going to learn while working on it. THIS IS NOT A SEQUEL. Basically we’re all pretending the first one never happened. It stars Edward Norton, Tim Roth, Liv Tyler, and William Hurt. It should be awesome. I’ve seen the tests for Hulk and its amazing! Way cooler than it looked before. I believe the trailer will be premiered during the Super Bowl. Not sure yet, but I’ll keep you updated.

I am excited that the Hulk is being remade. It is no secret that I hated the last one; and as much as I loved Phantom - Nolte, the movie did not bring the Hulk to the screen the way it was meant to be. This time I hope they up the smash up to 11 and the drama down to level 2 (out of 10).

To launch the trailer during the Super Bowl is certainly appropriate. Not only is the Super Bowl the best time slot for a commercial, but I am stressed to think of a movie that will better appeal to the throngs of drunken, testosterone-pumped masses than Mr. Hulk. Timely and appropriate equals advertising success.

The commercials on Super Bowl sunday are on occasion better than the game itself. I am guessing that this trailer will be a water cooler knockout on monday morning along with the new Budweiser commercial.

18 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. DarkKinger

    This is where Marvel comes in and shows us how its done, unlike the “other” one. Super Bowl is a great idea for the trailer, so I’m gonna keep my eye one this.

    I don’t mind the first Hulk movie, but I am expecting non-stop action for the next one. Anyways, I was already sold on Edward Norton vs. Tim Roth to begin with.

  2. Doug Nagy

    I agree, more Norton equals more awesome.

  3. Andrew

    Hey Doug,

    How much do you want to bet that John’s scene will be cut from the final film?

  4. Robert(wolf)

    I was watching bits from The Hulk movie(lee’s) and I didn’t realize how shitty effects and action was. The Hulk spends of his time running like a bitch. There is only so much of cat and mouse I can watch on screen.

    Let the new Hulk role on!

    Good to see you writhing on TMB Doug!

  5. Doug Nagy

    Thank you wolflord!

  6. Henrik

    I thought the first Hulk was awesome. It’s hard not to be excited by more action, but hopefully they will do the first one justice. I mean even you didn’t like the story or characters, you’ve got to admit the scenes of Hulk vs. Tanks, Hulk vs. Helicopters, Hulk vs. Fighter-Jets & Hulk vs. City was pretty kick-ass.

    We’ll see if this one can be as good.

  7. Ethan

    I thought Hulk was a great movie, it was a different kind of superhero movie than most.
    That being said I believe from the information being given out, that the Incredible Hulk will turn out not only better than its predecessor but better than lots of other comic book movies.
    Edward Norton can turn any movie into a better movie, his acting is impeccable and this just fits his character.
    Finally I think airing it during the superbowl, where people are already pumped and drunked, will get lots of posotive views.

  8. Klendathu

    I don’t know if I’m the only one, but I’ve got a bad feeling about this.

  9. Seth Grimes

    Ya Klendathu.I think you are the only one.

  10. DON

    when will superbowl come??

  11. Kris

    the first hulk is intelligent….

  12. Time Waster

    Surprised no one remembers that the Ang Lee “Hulk” had an ad run during the Super Bowl, and that effectively killed any buzz the project had going.

    There were some unfinished effects shots in it, and after people saw it they thought it looked like crap.

  13. Kristina

    @Time Waster

    I was just about to mention that ad. This movie has extra-high stakes, since the vast majority of the moviegoing public fell asleep after Jennifer Connolly’s millonth tear fell down her goddamn face. There is already a negative buzz in the general public with regards to Hulk movies simply because the last one was so SHIT. And please keep in mind, most folks don’t patrol the web for movie news like we do, so most of the 150 million folks who will see this ad will think that it IS a sequel, and make a mental note to proceed with caution rather than get hyped up for it. I’m interested in seeing it simply out of morbid curiosity, but will I be there opening weekend? I dunno. This ad has got to be fucking GANGBUSTERS just to get past that wall of negativity. It’ll be very interesting to see what they do. It’ll probably be some shit in line with the Dark Knight teaser(very little actual footage, probably just the Hulk’s shadow and some grunting, random shit blowing up, Liv Tyler crying, and people running in terror). You heard it here first.

  14. Bishop

    I remember and ad that showed Hulk picking up a tank and swinging it around like a baseball bat. This got my blood pumping pretty good.

    I have recollections of enjoying the movie, but that could just be because I love Hulk. He was my very first Halloween Costume that I remember. So I have a very special place in my heart for him. I also have a little Hulk novel where he squares off against Doc Samson from 1976. Apparently we are going to have a glimpse of Samson in the new film. (wheeeee!)

    I do think that:
    A) I will need to see the previous film again just to finally decide whether I like it or not
    B) Hulk > Thor. Boo-ya.

  15. Phil Gee

    That’s right Bishop. All i wanted from a Hulk movie was to see him throw a tank in the desert, and we got it (i’m not really that big a fan).

    But i do agree with what’s been said. I hope Marvel has hired the best trailer editor in the business that can get exactly the right message across. I still think the fact the Ed Norton is Bruce Banner will raise a lot of eyebrows and get people interested.

  16. leeloo

    superbowl is february 3 2008

  17. Marvin

    I strongly hated the first one. I am ecstatic it’s being remade. I have high hopes for this one.

  18. Seriously, I would have done better. I mean The Hulk was not enough like Spider-Man. Like, you do have an action movie but the stupid thing is that there is only bits. I have to say that The Hulk is boring and lame. The Hulk 2 is coming out, now that might kick the first ones ass. This is mostly a sci-fi fantasy film but without the action, it sucks!

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