This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 28th, 2007 at 8:14 am.
Categories: Funny.

I thought this was just hilarious. Every year starting around this time, studios will start putting ads in the major movie trade magazine for their movies that they want Academy members to consider for Oscars. You’ve seen these ads… they’re usually the movie poster topped with the phrase “FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION”. It’s basically their way of begging for an Oscar (not that there’s anything wrong with that).

Anyway, Joey send me this from Defamer today, and I thought it was brilliant. Seems the people behind Walk Hard are itching for some gold too. Genius marketing.

14 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Jonathan

    Good stuff. Probably going to be a dumb movie, but I think everyone deserves to give it a shot, even if they’re misleading with their “Knocked Up” and “Superbad” stuff in the ads.

  2. HEy Jonathan,

    Why is it misleading? They’re all written by the same guy.

  3. Mozzerino

    Love the poster.
    I hope this movie rips the pretentious piece of shit, that was WALK THE LINE to shreds.

  4. Kurt

    No interest in the movie, but that poster makes me “Laugh Hard” - pretty clever and pretty funny, considering the type of movie they are going after and all.

    I love a creative concept (in the morning!)

  5. Jeremy

    Mozzerino - How was WALK THE LINE a pretentious POS? I thought it was a fine film - unless of course you don’t like stories about failure and redemption that are actually true…

    And everything I see for Walk Hard makes me wonder if it’s going to suck as bad as Talledega Nights (sp?) or if the bigger joke is that it’s actually brilliant.

  6. Shane uk

    I agree jeremy, I also thought ‘walk the line’ was a fine film.
    The thing I found from watching these trailers is the feeling that its more of a disgrace to Johny Cash, all the scenes in the trailers are key points in his life which is being made a mockery of. Yeah its only a joke but how far is this gonna go?
    Whats next a comedy feature based on ‘Ray’ with johnny knoxville in the lead role?!
    Get some new ideas!

  7. Johny Cash deserves to be mocked a bit. I’m sorry… I know he was a music legend… but he was also a very bad man. Yes, he had some good redeeming qualities too, but just because a guy writes some amazing music doesn’t saint him. He did horrible, awful things and wasn’t a good person most of his life.

    So if movies can poke fun at ANYONE… why not at Johnny Cash too? What makes him better than anyone else?

  8. Vonda

    “Why is it misleading? They’re all written by the same guy.”


    just wanted to make a tiny correction.
    Superbad was written by Seth Rogen & Evan Goldberg

    they’re all connected through Apatow, but same writer = no. its one of those “from the guys who brought you…” marketing ploys where they bring everything under the same team.

  9. Mozzerino

    @ John:

    Now wait a minute here. I may have hated WALK THE LINE, but I am a very big fan of Johnny Cash.
    And you describe him like his was the boss of a concentration camp or something. He did have a pretty serious drug abuse problem and had aggressive mood swings, but I wouldn’t say he did “horrible” things. What exactly do you mean?

  10. Hey Mozzerino,

    No, I did NOT make him sound like a concentration camp guard. I said: “he had some good redeeming qualities too”.

    However, the man was a flagrant adulterer who cheated on his wife for years, lied, abandoned his kids, mistreated people his whole career, abused drugs and alcohol that effected others around him … yadda yadda yadda.

    The dude was no satan or anything… but he was certainly not a “great guy” and most certainly not above being poked fun at.

  11. Jonathan

    You’re only partially right, John. Judd Apatow co-wrote this, yeah, and his fingerprints are on it, but this is Jake Kasdan’s movie through and through and that’s pretty apparent from the trailers. Saying: “From the guy who brought you ‘Knocked Up’ and ‘Superbad’” IS misleading and will confuse people into thinking this is a Judd Apatow film, when in reality, it’s not (not too mention that Apatow didn’t even WRITE Superbad, he only produced it).

  12. Koko

    Touche’ Jonathan. He’s on the money John.

  13. chris (the real one)

    Nothing in the previews has made me laugh, even a little. Thats saying a lot cuz i actually enjoyed Talledega Nights. But so far the ad campaign is pretty damn good.

  14. nbakid2000

    I’m with the people who said this movie looks like crap - I didn’t laugh at the trailers once, and I’m a HUGE music fan so you’d think any movie parodying a music star (or not) would at least somewhat interest me.

    Of course I also thought Talledega Nights was a p.o.s. too, but everyone else seems to jump on the Will Ferrel train and think it’s great as well. Of course the fact that I’m not a hick and I hate NASCAR in general probably had something to do with it as well.

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