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First Hellboy 2 Character Poster: Liz

By John - November 29, 2007 - 09:51 America/Montreal

It’s no secret that I really loved the first Hellboy film. It was a very different kind of Super Hero film, but it was beautifully shot, a terrific lead character, it was funny when it needed to be, exciting when it needed to be, and had come solid villain characters (an essential element for these kinds of films).

Hellboy 2 is well on the the way now, and MTV gives us our fist official look at Selma Blair (who I’ve been liking more and more over the last couple of years) as Liz Sherman… the Drew Barrymore-esque Firestarter and main squeeze of Hellboy. Looks good… nothing special… but it looks good.



  1. #007# says:

    I’m with you on this John, I really loved Hellboy, can’t wait for the sequal. I like the look in Selma’s eyes…

    Cries out…”Come and get me you bitch”!

  2. LizardFreak says:

    *fap *fap *fap

  3. jordan r says:

    not sure what it is, but there’s something about Selma Blair that is sneaky-hot. maybe it has to do with her scene with SMG in Cruel Intentions.

  4. Kristina says:

    I loved Hellboy, and I can’t wait for this flick. I’ll be there opening day, no dobut about it.

  5. @spence says:

    the first hellboy was awesome, i am looking forward to this one…..

  6. Ian C. says:

    This is kicking the deadest of horses, but Selma Blair would’ve made a great Lois Lane.

  7. stormy says:

    Selma Blair is AWESOME! Hope she gets lots of screen time in HBII. As for her playing Lois Lane, I hated SUPERMAN RETURNS (all movies shot on digital suck) but thought Kate Bosworth was terrific. No doubt Selma could play that part for she could play anything IMHO.

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