Doug’s Enchanted Review

I was skeptical about this film. The idea of a cartoon person coming to the real world just seemed like it was a disaster waiting to happen. I thought I would be walking into a train-wreck of a movie that desecrated the name of Disney. I was wrong.

The General Idea

This movie begins in Andalasia where everything unfolds as fairy tales should. The lady in the forest begins singing gay and merry songs with her woodland pals when prince charming shows up, saves her from a wicked troll and requests that they be wed the following day.

The wicked stepmother intervenes (as they always do) and sends our damsel through a portal that brings her to the dreary, gum stained streets of New York City. She is pursued by her beloved, her friend the chipmunk and a double agent underling of the evil step mother. Madness ensues!

The Good

This movie was extremely entertaining, and very funny at points. The picture celebrated the clichés of a disney fairy tale unapologetically and then forced them upon the real world to see if our way of life is any better. The story itself unfolded in a fairly predictable manner, and as the movie progressed the morals were extolled without being preachy.

A word must be said about the performance of Amy Adams. She was absolute magic in this role and really did make you think that she could be from la la land. The movie was really on her shoulders a lot of the time and she carried the weight like a veteran beast of burden. She should be very proud of herself, legions of children will delight in this movie because of the quality of her performance.

The Bad

I stress to find knits to pick with this movie. I did not like one particular musical score so I guess I can mention that. There was a scene in the park with buskers, and the music seemed out of place when compared to the rest of the film. So I guess I would suggest a superior song; but that is where my problems end.


I could go into the details of the film and break down the scenes, but I would prefer you do this for yourselves. This is a movie you must take your young children to see. It is safe, clean and it celebrates what is good in life. We will always be a people that enjoy a good fable; this movie is just that, and I recommend it highly. This movie is Disney magic kids. I give it a 9/10



  • 1. Chris replies at 22nd November 2007, 6:42 pm :

    Best fucking review ever; no joke.

  • 2. chris (the real one) replies at 22nd November 2007, 6:47 pm :

    wow….im surprised u liked this, i was thinkin the same thing when i saw a preview….good review might take a young relative to see it thanks

  • 3. Jeff replies at 22nd November 2007, 6:50 pm :

    OMG, WICKED review! Nice one Doug \m/\m/

  • 4. AjaxLou replies at 22nd November 2007, 7:06 pm :

    Haha - great review Doug!

    You’re getting suooftt! ;)

  • 5. chris (the real one) replies at 22nd November 2007, 7:11 pm :

    lol just watched the video review… god, nagey u deserve a tv show bravo…

  • 6. Cleric replies at 22nd November 2007, 7:16 pm :

    Doug is hysterical!
    This movies does actually look good, Amy Adams is so good,

  • 7. Serena Whitney replies at 22nd November 2007, 7:29 pm :

    OMG…ROFL…Doug, I had to rewind your “Tourettes” moment a zillion times! :) Entertaining review!!

  • 8. RyanMag replies at 22nd November 2007, 7:44 pm :

    I JUST got back from seeing this movie, because it was a choice between Magorium Fagorium or this….and i was like what the hell let’s see a disney flick.

    And it’s weird cuz i feel exactly the same way, i actually liked a disney movie thats like a fairy tale.

  • 9. Rick King replies at 22nd November 2007, 7:47 pm :

    Holy crap that was funny! I am looking to Doug’s future “tourette” moments in his reviews. Roger Ebert has nothing on Doug. Can you imagine, Roger Ebert saying,”…as for actress that played the lead…umm. What was her name? …cock! shit!”

  • 10. DarkKinger replies at 22nd November 2007, 7:48 pm :

    Great to hear Enchanted is good. Awesome to hear Doug make this review rated R!

    Would a Rated-R family film be a problem? lol.

  • 11. PhoenixP3K replies at 22nd November 2007, 8:22 pm :

    I want more R rated reviews from Doug. Let’s just hope Disney doesn’t try to get this review off Google Video.

  • 12. Kristina replies at 22nd November 2007, 8:51 pm :

    If DOUG liked this kiddie flick, then man, I HAVE to see this.

  • 13. Kristina replies at 22nd November 2007, 8:53 pm :

    And John laughing in the background….just hilarious.

  • 14. frankwolftown replies at 22nd November 2007, 9:40 pm :

    That was the best worst review of a movie I have ever seen. I love it!

  • 15. bjon replies at 22nd November 2007, 11:41 pm :

    frankwolftown said it. hahaha. so good.

  • 16. Phil replies at 22nd November 2007, 11:46 pm :

    That is honestly the best review of ALL TIME! John!, you laughing in the back round made it more funnier. Please continue to put out more fucked up reviews from Doug!

  • 17. RustyJames replies at 23rd November 2007, 12:11 am :

    may I use the term “nagy magic”? This man has it. It’s the rare film critic who can combine class with a “fat girls” t-shirt.

  • 18. Marina replies at 23rd November 2007, 1:14 am :

    Good review Doug. It sure did look like something new and fresh from Disney and I’m happy to hear it hits the spot.

    On the video review….Good god man. You’re the only person I can think of who can put together an R-Rated review for a G-Rated movie and make it work. Hysterical!

  • 19. Marco Shimomoto replies at 23rd November 2007, 3:16 am :

    Great, great, great R-rated reviews of kids movies!

  • 20. Robert(wolf) replies at 23rd November 2007, 6:43 am :

    Best review ever! I want Doug to forget names more!

    I might just check that movie out when it comes out here!

  • 21. miles replies at 23rd November 2007, 7:14 am :

    i didn’t mind it, but i think the 9 out of 10 is excessive.

    i think it would of been alot cooler if the whole ‘tongue in cheek send up of the princess’ hadn’t already been done to death.

    either way, it was entertaining. there were some hilarious scenes.

    i hated how the dragon looked at the end though.

  • 22. doug nagy replies at 23rd November 2007, 7:58 am :

    the dragon did look a little whack

  • 23. Phil Gee replies at 23rd November 2007, 1:11 pm :

    It’s when Doug has to review a kids film that he despises (like an Ice Age 2) that will be the greatest video review of all time.

    But this’ll do for now; great stuff.

  • 24. downbeat replies at 23rd November 2007, 1:14 pm :

    Best movie review I have EVER seen. Thanks Doug.

  • 25. IncliningPizza replies at 23rd November 2007, 1:32 pm :

    I thought this movie was going to be another peace of crap from Disney, but now I might check it out after all the praise I’ve heard from it.

    What was better than the fact that Doug Nagy was swearing so loudly in the middle of the review was John laughing in the background. That was great.

    Thanks for the review, Doug!


  • 26. TheSnowLeopard replies at 23rd November 2007, 7:33 pm :

    Good review. I think someone should clock the speed at which Doug speaks. It must be some kind of record.

  • 27. {ph[oe]nix} replies at 24th November 2007, 4:55 am :

    Oh fuck me, that review was awesome. Doug, you are the king of awesome.

    Please do more like this.

  • 28. samantha replies at 24th November 2007, 2:31 pm :

    Damn, Doug’s one hot guy. I’d suck it.

  • 29. Drewman replies at 24th November 2007, 9:59 pm :

    Yeah, Amy Adams is amazing. I don’t know where she’s been! Since getting completely RIPPED OFF (by the bullshit Rachel Wiesz win) at the Oscars for her performance in Junebug, she’s been almost non-existant (aside from her nothing role in Talladega Nights).

    Glad to hear she rocks in this. I had no doubt, maybe Hollywood will finally take notice of the talent of this fine young actress.

  • 30. nbakid2000 replies at 24th November 2007, 11:06 pm :

    I was actually pretty interested in seeing this film (as I grew up with Disney films so they hold a very special place in my heart) and it’s great to hear that it’s a very solid movie. I’ll be checking this out asap.

    BTW, wasn’t Amy Adams in the Office? Or was that a different, similiar looking actress?

  • 31. Kristina replies at 25th November 2007, 2:18 pm :

    I saw it today. It is AWESOME. Amy Adams IS the movie. She kicked ass.

  • 32. Drewman replies at 25th November 2007, 3:26 pm :


    Amy Adams is NOT in the office. It’s a shame people don’t know who she is (see Doug’s review). Go rent “Junebug,” even if you don’t think too much of the movie, her performance is awesome and did get her an Oscar nomination (a nomination she easily should’ve won).

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