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Dark Knight Video From Today Show

By John - November 30, 2007 - 09:14 America/Montreal

Movie Blog reader Ty gave me the heads up on this nice little piece by The Today Show when they went behind the scenes on The Dark Knight. In the video we get to see some stuff I haven’t seen before, a nice little talk with Christian Bale and some of the other cast and crew. Short video, certainly worth checking out:


  1. Kevin C says:

    The new suit is less impressive there. His neck looks too skinny and his head too big…like a bobble head doll er something.

    Im sure the finished shots will look better though…I hope.

  2. Robert(wolf) says:

    I agree with you Kevin C. The suit seems to skinny also. Looks like Bale lost a small bit of weight.

  3. Grave says:

    Well I have to feel the same the neck looked small and the head looks big but having said that the suit seems to feel much better and it more mobile so we should get to see some kickin fight scenes because of the change.

  4. Kevin C says:

    If that is the trade off, then im fine with it. Plus we havent seen any finished shots at the intended angle so Ill hold out that it will look good on film.

  5. Team Richard says:

    Batcomputer anyone?

  6. Team Richard says:

    Sorry i’m wrong

  7. bassturd says:

    Begins suit is still my fav….don’t care how many people disliked it. It gave him a larger than life look…massive neck and head and shoulders with skinnier legs. Also it had a lot less destail…just black all over. New suit has too much going on and kinda makes him look wimpy cuz he looks so skinney. But as others said, I’ll wait and see. Joker is the main attraction for this film anyway.

  8. bret says:

    Is it just me or is christian bale purposely not talking in his real accent?

  9. Cufford says:

    Christian has apparently said publicly before that he intentionally avoids using his natural British accent in interviews, ostensibly to avoid confusing fans.

    It’s interesting in this interview to hear his real accent creeping in and out throughout this dialog. As if he wasn’t trying really hard to keep his fake American accent in play at all times.

    Great video segment, by the way!

  10. Kristina says:

    Yeah, you can hear his accent creeping in there, but I don’t really care how he talks. The guy is FANTASTIC.

  11. Kristina says:

    And man, Bale looks SO skinny…

  12. Klendathu says:

    Did they just show that photoshopped picture of Conrad Veidt and say it was Heath Ledger? I hope it was some sort of inside joke.

  13. Phil Gee says:

    Indeed they did Klendathu; i just don’t think they did their research:)

    And yeah, that’s an emaciated Batman for sure in that footage. I have to believe that there’s more than meets the eye to it. Plus, does the set with Morgan Freeman remind anyone else of the Architect’s room from Matrix Reloaded?

  14. Phil Gee says:

    Wow, Wizard and Superherohype have a new Joker photo:


    This guy is the most filthy looking supervillain i’ve ever seen.

  15. Dean says:

    bale always does that when he does an accent. go back to interviews he did during American Psycho, he always kept the accent til shooting finished.

  16. Ethan says:

    I have to say though, the suit does look unnaturally skinny.
    bassturd you said it best, the Begins suit was the best one. I liked that it made him look bigger also, it seamed like that was what he was supposed to look like. This one seams like the batsuit is a second skin and not armor like in Begins.

  17. DarkKinger says:

    This is where my full support is! Viva la’ Dark Kinght!

  18. Donna A. says:

    I some of this interview. I am looking forward in seeing Batman 2.
    Donna A.

  19. Seth Grimes says:

    If anybody thinks Bale looks skinny in THIS film.Go out and rent “The Machinist”.

  20. Seth Grimes says:

    As for the Dark Knight,I think Nolan knows better than to annoy fans with a stupid looking suit.Lets just wait ’til the previews show us more.

  21. bret says:

    ah ok thanks guys, i didnt have a problem with it, just found it odd i guess lol. Must be why so many people dont know he really isnt american.

  22. takata says:

    indeed comparing the begins suit whith this one i would prefer the the first.
    whith you look for wilder shots on this video its not bad at all,at night and in the dark you problably would have the same good results you got for the old one,but in closer shots its a very busy design and the quest for confort maded the helmet to big comparing whith the rest of the body.
    i dont now whith its just a impression,but bale had much more fitted body line for this new suit in the first movie,more bulked,now whith his body line showing so much under the new suit he looks more skinny then before.
    i keep my fate in nolan and the rest of the team on this one aniway!
    and the joker is looking BETTER AND BETTER everytime i see it soo 2008 pliss come faster!

  23. Colin says:

    Keep in mind that at the end of Batman Begins.. Batman was warned of crooks carrying automatics, something had to be done to protect it a bit more; if it means having a bit more armour on it then so be it.

    It seems that Bale has lost some weight for it, but don’t forget his past dedication to alot of things.. if they wanted him to beef up as much as Batman Begins he WOULD have. Remember.. in Begins he had just finished his constant, intensive training for the league of shadows so naturally he would be big. In this one, he has been fighting crime for some time and I can’t imagine it being so easy to work out nearly the same amount as when he was with Ducard. Just a thought on “maybe” the reason he is smaller!

  24. takata says:

    colin,this could work as a reason for why he got skinier.
    but visually speaking im my opinion,they got a better result whith the begins combination.
    bale is notorius for his acting dedication.
    so what exactly happened this time,i dont now!
    maybe they wanted a more light shape for the batman this time or they had another reason involving something with the new history.
    in my mind, i really dont think batman would let his own bodyshape change so much.after all fear its his principal weapon,and a skinier batman could made the bandits think his ¨undershaped¨ and weaker.
    aniway ¨ROBOCOPMAN¨its not bad at all!!
    and i would see this movie even whith they had puted the gray black suit on the dude!!!

  25. FunkyMunkey says:

    I like that joker pic, Phil Gee. It’s the first time he’s looked really scary

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