This entry was posted on Friday, November 30th, 2007 at 12:51 pm.
Categories: News Chat.

Recently, Moviehole got a close source of the much anticipated sequel to give details about what ‘X-Files’ fans can expect in the beginning of the new film.

Here are some details:

-The film will feature mostly new characters due to the fact that Mulder and Scully are still on the run-The film opens with an investigation on a doctor who keeps fetuses in a jar, (yuck) and has a fascination with extra terrestrials-The first action sequence happens in a travel agency where a mentally unstable man holds everybody hostage and convinces agents Winlock, Darby, and Plummer to take the doctor to an alien abduction site

-Expect to see Lance Henriksen in the mix….but not necessarily as Frank Black

Hmm….These details sound a little odd considering Mulder and Scully are hardly mentioned throughout the beginning of the film. It also seems that this film’s focus will deal with the alien conspiracy once again. (YAWN)

Hopefully in the next few weeks we hear more details of the film that makes the storyline seem much clearer.

Click HERE to read more details of the film.

Your thoughts?

11 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Brendan

    No offense Serena, but ‘Yawn’ about the alien conspiracy? It’s X-Files. That’s what it is about. Would you prefer them deal with the fluffy bunny epidemic spreading across the south west?

    You have to realize that while it might seem played, the producers and writers still have to make the movie to stay true to the original and satisfy fans. That means that the X-files will not suddenly deal with werewolves or giant spiders, they will do what they’re best at and that is aliens and the such.

  2. @Brendan,

    I’m not saying the alien conspiracy thing is bad…it’s just to me, they have excelled at those storylines. It would be nice to see them deal with other subplots as well.

    For me the episodes where they dealt with the supernatural rather than the paranormal were more interesting to me.

    But I’m not an avid die hard fan…so if fans of the series want the alien conspiracy angle in there, then the filmmakers are doing the right thing.

  3. Klendathu

    I demand Robert Patrick.

  4. Darren J Seeley

    Brendan, some of the best “X-Files” episodes did not have much to do with the alien conspiracy.

    Granted, I think some of the conpiracy might have to be in the story at least early on, since it is picking up where X-Files the series left off. But up until now, all we have heard is that the focus will be on a non-alien threat. The concept of other agents (excluding Doggett) picking up Mulder/Scully’s mantle (as suggested above) is a nice idea. However, seeing how Mulder and Scully aren’t involved in the first act (unless they are also in the Travel Agency?) it seems to be a hard pill to swallow.

    By The Way

    Wasn’t the first film’s script have “tight” security about it? I seem to recall somewhere that Chris Carter was very protective of things leaking out.

    So I’m going to say this: MovieHole got a script which may not be the actual script.
    Besides, wasn’t there an X-Files ep that already shown alien fetuses in jars?

  5. Simple Simon

    Hmmm…I want Frank Black and I want an explanation of how the Lone Gunmen faked their own deaths. The rest of the movie can be about a haunted pickle jar for all I care.

  6. Brendan

    Actually I do agree with you guys that a lot of the episodes that weren’t abot aliens were some of the best (Ghost in the Machine, Dreamland and Pusher to name a few) but for the most part the show was about getting to the bottom of the alien conspiracy, maybe it would be fine if they avoided that though, who knows…

    Anyway, I agree with Klendathu- Dogett is a must.

  7. Terry Letourneau

    “a travel agency where a mentally unstable man holds everybody hostage”

    Sounds way too much like the episode ‘Duane Barry’.

  8. leeloo

    the alien conspiracy went way totally absurd.

  9. Josh Kelhoffer

    I was kinda hoping theyd pretend the last episode of season 7 and the entire last two seasons didnt happen. It just got absurd.

    I just hope they resolve the Mulder and Scully on the run story line so that maybe if they make a third, things would go back to norm

  10. daniel findley

    “a travel agency where a mentally unstable man holds everybody hostage”

    Sounds way too much like the episode ‘Duane Barry’.

    - SECOND love that episode

  11. Ransom

    I also demnand Robert Patrick!

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