Will Smith To Star in Michael Mann’s ‘Empire’

will-smith.jpgRecently, Will Smith has agreed to star in a new drama directed by Michael Mann, called ‘Empire.’

Movieweb gives us this:

While key plot points are being kept under wraps, it is known that the film will be about a wealthy media mogul who plans to control the world. This will be the first time Mann and Smith have worked together since Ali.

This project sounds promising, but I gotta tell you I was NOT a fan of ‘Ali.’ Call me crazy, but the movie in my opinion was dry and boring and I have yet to still watch the entire film. To be quite honest, the last Michael Mann film I really liked was ‘Collateral.’ (Wasn’t a fan of ‘Miami Vice’ either)

Although if plot points are being kept under wraps then it must be something exciting…right?

The film doesn’t have a start date yet, but it will most likely go into production early 2008 to be the upcoming and inevitable strike.

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  • 1. Terry Letourneau replies at 11th October 2007, 7:54 am :

    When you say ‘take over the world’, do you mean literally, like a Bond villain… or in a Bill Gates or Richard Branson way?

  • 2. Terry Letourneau replies at 11th October 2007, 7:56 am :

    oops, I mean ‘control the world’.

  • 3. bigsampson replies at 11th October 2007, 8:05 am :

    wow i thought ALI was such a good movie…

  • 4. AjaxLou replies at 11th October 2007, 8:08 am :

    Collateral is over-rated. I enjoyed Last of the Mohicans and Heat though.

  • 5. Kristina replies at 11th October 2007, 9:28 am :

    Well, we don’t know plot details, but we do know that Smith will say “aw HELL NAW!” at least once.

  • 6. Schneid replies at 11th October 2007, 9:41 am :

    Couldn’t agree more on Ali. One of the most boring movies i’ve ever seen. Yeah, Smith can imitate Ali, doesn’t make it a good movie. this sounds more promising

  • 7. Darren J Seeley replies at 11th October 2007, 11:36 am :

    The best thing about ‘Ali’ was the first half of the film. That was the movie as far as I’m concerned. I liked ‘Vice’ better on repeated viewings; I think folks expected more of the over the top action/music track drama instead of the undercover drama (much less a loose remake of the MV ep “Smuggler’s Blues’)

    But…as far as ‘Empire’ is concerned, I… hate to say this Serena—but you’re wrong. The film will most likely be filmed after the strikes, unless Mann can squeeze it in after “The Few”…which he is filming in 2008.


  • 8. bjon replies at 11th October 2007, 11:37 am :

    I can see people thinking that Ali was dry and boring but that film was more important not because it was “a good movie” but because Will Smith came out as a serious actor and took a serious step up in the film industry.

    And though Miami Vice may have not been fantastic, it was still at least a decent film and that’s what’s tight about Mann cuz he can always at least make something fun or a little enjoyable. Well before Ali I guess it was more than just a little enjoyable to see one of his films.

  • 9. andrew replies at 11th October 2007, 12:18 pm :

    no way this will go before the strike, will is still filming “hancock”, and he starts filming the drama “seven pounds” in february.. it goona be hard to fit in another film before june 30

  • 10. Mark replies at 11th October 2007, 6:43 pm :

    I didn’t realize Mann directed all of the movies mentioned in the post and comments. I’ve seen them all and thought they were all dry and boring, and never gave them enough thought to dig into the “who” any further. I almost walked out of or turned off every single one of them because I couldn’t wait for them to be over. I just looked through his credits on IMDB…. With his directing style and boring scripts, I honestly don’t understand how he’s recruited the likes of Pacino, De Niro, Cruise, etc.

    Bjon, I do like your thought. Smith has better acting chops than he gets credit for. I wish he’d take a risk on some “smaller” dramatic films to prove himself, but it may be too late for that. It’s hard to turn down that many zeros.

  • 11. Dean replies at 12th October 2007, 6:57 am :

    Serena, i am sorry to say this but you have just gone way done in my estimations. How can you say “the movie in my opinion was dry and boring” but then say you haven’t even seen the movie. Shouldn’t you really watch the whole thing before making such strong comments like that?

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