Transformers Sells 8.3Million Copies in One Week

I rewatched my copy of Transformers on DVD last night after owning it for nearly an entire week. I forgot JUST how much I enjoyed that movie. I opted for the standard single disc edition despite the fancy two disc edition. Today I found out that Transformers sold 8.3 million copies in one week!!

FilmJunk reports:

Of course, these 8.3 million copies were made up of a number of exclusive versions for different retailers, including one from Target that came in a transforming case, and one from Wal-mart that came packaged with an animated prequel called Transformers: Beginnings. If you didn’t get your hands on the Wal-mart release but would still like to watch the prequel, it has recently found its way onto YouTube.

I only watched the first part (its broken up on YouTube) and I don’t feel bad about watching it online since the greedy bastards didn’t give us Canadians any of those special options like a transforming case or extra prequel.

Of course, I have to agree with the writer at FilmJunk who suggested that calling this “animated” was a bit of a stretch. Aside from having Peter Cullen do the voice over, there isn’t much about this collection of moving still images that made me think that this would be worth acquiring that particular edition.

If you enjoyed that then perhaps you are the kind of freak who thought that the Star Wars Christmas Special had “artistic value”.

12 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. bassturd

    terrible. I can’t imagine watching that movie again let alone purchasing it to watch it mulitple times….

  2. Monty

    8.3 million copies… A true sign of the Apocalypse.

  3. Rodney

    Or perhaps it is a sign that a LOT of people liked this movie.

    Its not like it was Jackass or anything.

  4. Kristina

    Christ, the movie was not as awful as people are claiming. I didn’t like a lot of things about it, but I also enjoyed a lot of it, too.

    And Dragon Wars was MUCH worse.

  5. slybri

    I was in Bestbuy on the day of release and grabbed the last HD-DVD copy on the shelf. The stand up display rack only had a few copies left of the regular DVDs. Everyone around me, everyone in line, everyone was buying a copy of Transformers. I’d seen this level of excitement for new video game releases before, but never for a movie.

    The HD-DVD is awesome. I’ve watched it a couple times already and the bonus features are insane. There’s on screen video commentary, directors commentary, pop-up factoids, a damage meter that tracks the robots while they fight, a 3-d High Def model viewer for checking out the robots close up, and more features that you can download in the future. It’s the first time a movie has asked me to create a password and login. Crazy.

    It’s a great movie to show off your High Def home theater and a showcase for the HD-DVD format.

  6. krazie835

    This movie isn’t as bad as people might say but its certainly not a good film. The movie is just incredeibly stupid but its also a lot of fun and that is how most Michael Bay movies are lol.

    The acting was poor the story line was bad and the music was bad as well but it was all made up for because of the fun time seeing GIANT FUCKING ROBOTS!!

  7. Michael Nischt

    Still hoping for a blue-ray release =(

  8. Chris G

    I only watched the first part (its broken up on YouTube) and I don’t feel bad about watching it online since the greedy bastards didn’t give us Canadians any of those special options like a transforming case or extra prequel.

    Actually Rodney, the Wal-mart here in Brampton are selling the movie with the prequel disc for $27.00. I opted out of that one and bought the 2 disc special addition. Couldn’t see myself paying the exact same for a lame “prequel”.

  9. Zac Shipley

    Best Transformers Movie Ever.



    The animated version is available at Canadian Walmarts. And Future Shop had metal case editions of both Prime and Megatron, while Best Buy had a poster and (I believe) T-shirt. Not as fun as a transforming case, but still something.

  11. Monty

    Rodney said;

    “Or perhaps it is a sign that a LOT of people liked this movie.”

    A LOT of people like Spider-Man 3, PotC 3, and Wildhogs, still not a good movie.

  12. Fajar

    fantastic movie ever…absolutly great.
    i can watch that movie everyday.
    i hope there’s transformer 2 next.

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