The Running Tunnel

Posted by John Campeaon 31. 10. 2007in News Chat

In the spirit of Halloween, our friends over at Film Junk made a really fun short movie that they filmed in one day) called “The Running Tunnel”. It’s directed by Jay Cheel (editor of The Documentary Blog), who also worked with me on Prince of Peace - God of War. Check it out:

Film Junk Presents…’The Running Tunnel’ from Jay Cheel on Vimeo.

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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11 Responses to “The Running Tunnel”

  1. Ethan says:

    That was awsome! wicked funny, hey John you Rodney, Doug and everyone at the Movieblog should put something together for Christmas or something!

  2. Pineapplehead says:

    It would be disturbing. Probably just Doug with a turkey instead of a squash.

    ‘I’m the stuffing!’

  3. frankwolftown says:

    This is crap. I can’t make it past the first two minutes.

  4. Reed Farrington says:

    Yeah, I agree with you, frankwolftown. I couldn’t make it past my opening credit.

    I told Jay we should have flown in Clooney or Craig. Turns out they won’t work without a script. And they won’t do Halloween movies.

  5. scoville says:

    Looks like the type of party John would throw.

  6. PopcornSamurai says:

    How was that crap, I thought it was hilarious. Especially considering it was just thrown together in one night.

  7. WolfMarauder says:

    This was moderately funny. However, I do admit that this is possibly the best 24 hour film I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen a lot.

  8. PopcornSamurai says:

    I couldnt help but burst out laughing at “WE BUILT THIS CITY ON ROOOOCK.” and I agree with Wolf I thought the camera work was well done and the whole thing was well put together for 24 hours.

  9. Jay C. says:

    Thanks guys. We’re hoping to make this a semi-regular thing over at

    If anything, it was encouragement that if we actually took the time to write a script, do some prep and make a shooting schedule, we could actually end up with something somewhat worthwhile.

    Stay tuned.

  10. frankwolftown says:

    Look I just just don’t like it man. Everything else o this site I’ve loved but I can’t get into this! I thought would since I watch ./shutdown. That show is as nerdcore as you get and it has crappy acting to boot. When I watch this clip it makes my stomach turn. I’m not usually ‘that one guy’ but, I am now. Besides, everybody likes it so you can ignore me. :-(

  11. Reed Farrington says:

    Hey, frankwolftown, no need to defend your opinion. Everybody has his own tastes. I’m sure you’re not the only person who disliked this. (That probably goes without saying.)

    I’m guessing that YouTube probably has a lot of more entertaining short “films” that were shot in less than 10 minutes.

    I’ve told Jay that if I wasn’t in this, I would think this was crap.

    I’m just happy that you took the time to sample this movie and for that, I sincerely thank you.

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