The Grudge 3 is in the Works

Thegrudge3Recently at the press conference for the upcoming ’30 days of Night’ producer Sam Raimi talked about new ‘Ghosthouse’ films that are coming up. Needless to say, the movies will not be on my must see list.

MovieHole gives us this:

According to Raimi, there’s a “Grudge 3” on the way (the script has been written); a “Rise 2” (he’s unsure whether Michael Chiklis and Lucy Liu will reprise their roles) and yes, regrettably, he still plans to remake “Evil Dead” – just not for a while.

Okay, as much as I want to bash the upcoming and needless Grudge sequel, I have to say this…RISE 2?!! WTF?! This movie was horrific and made hardly any money at the box office. Do we really need a sequel to this? ‘The Grudge 3’ is also a project that I could do without seeing. (Actually I could have done without seeing the last installment) Obviously, the theme of the movies is that the “grudge” never dies. I guess the only thing that has died is most people’s anticipation for the final installment.

I love Sam Raimi, but a lot of his films under his ‘GhostHouse Pictures’ production company have pleased me as much as Michael Bay’s ‘Platinum Dunes’ films have. (Not a compliment by the way!)

Although, I am looking forward to ’30 Days of Night.’ I’m crossing my fingers this movie will meet my expectations.

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  • 1. Kurt replies at 17th October 2007, 12:42 pm :

    David Slade, director of HARD CANDY is behind 30 Days of Night. In my book that is enough said. I’m There!!

    I fully agree with you though, GHOSTHOUSE PICTURES has been a dismal failure up to this point, Raimi has been a much better director than shepherd of new talent and projects. As for PLATINUM DUNES. I simply refuse to watch any of their films as the mandate there seems to be REMAKE movies that were already very good in the first place…

  • 2. Melbye replies at 17th October 2007, 1:25 pm :

    I liked number 1, but 2 was just bad. Totally uniteresting characters and it didn’t have enough Gellar.

    They also mentioned Rise, that has to be one of the most boring movies ever. I started playing Zelda: Phantom Hourglass on my DS when i wathced that movie. What happened to Lucy Liu

  • 3. Darren J Seeley replies at 17th October 2007, 1:54 pm :

    ” Rise ” was there…blink…it disappears. I haven’t seen it yet. But given the fact that even on a limited release, it spiraled down into the abyss, there really isn’t that much money to be made on it unless it make a killing in foriegn markets.
    Melbye is right on: what happened to Lucy Liu? Well, the way she’s going, and if she can’t find any more dominatrix ball busters to play, she’s in the sequel, no doubt there. If FX can get Chiklis one more “Shield” season of “‘FanFour3″ is on the board, Chiklis might not need the work…

    I hated the Grudge (re-make) films. Meh. Nothing special.

    I kind of liked “Bogeyman”, direted by Stephen Kay.
    Oddly enough, the best thing to come out of Ghosthouse…does not have a sequel…

  • 4. Bishop replies at 17th October 2007, 2:11 pm :

    Yet… (Boogeyman 2 does have a sequel in the works methinks). I pray, based on the source material, and the awesomeness of Josh Hartnett, that 30 Days of Night does not suck Taiwanese Rabid Monkey Scrote much like everything else that has been done by them.

  • 5. 1138 replies at 17th October 2007, 2:43 pm :

    You are right on the money Serena. I love horror and scare flicks, but the recent batch of stuff coming from Ghosthouse has been bland bland bland!!!!

    “30 Days of 30 Nights” has promise with David Slade at the helm and Johs Hartnett starring!

    But otherwise there hasn’t been a good horror flick in ages…

  • 6. TheFlyingWorm replies at 17th October 2007, 5:16 pm :

    FOR THE LOVE OF…JuOn was great. Saw it before that silly remake. It ended there. AN EVIL DEAD REMAKE?!!!?? You can’t re-create the comedy/creepiness of the original. They tried in the sequels and FAILED. BLOODY FUCKING HELL YOUR DAMN RIGHT I’M MAD. Holy shit, FUCK I HATE HOLLYWOOD…why do I even watch movies anymore?
    Because Norm MacDonald is out there somewhere being funny when he doesn’t even try to.
    By the way, I am no Hartnett fan, but he might be the only one to make this “30 Days” shit any good.

  • 7. bassturd replies at 17th October 2007, 5:46 pm :

    ehhh, I never could get into Evil Dead 1/2. I luved Army of Darkness tho. Mabey Evil Dead was a little TOO much on the cheesy side for me, but I understand it was suppose to be funny/scarey and it had a low budget. But I would like to see a remake of it…tho it will be hard to find someone to replace Bruce Campbell.

    30 Days of Night looks really good to me, but sadly it’s only at 38% on RT right now. Hopefully it will pick up some good reviews soon.

  • 8. TheFlyingWorm replies at 17th October 2007, 6:35 pm :

    I agree BassTurd (love the name by the way) Evil Dead was cheesy, very cheesy. But that’s why drugs are great, they give shit a little character and make you laugh. Nothing creeps me out more/yet laugh at the same time as much as seeing that dead chick dancing outside the house he was staying in. A remake could work but it has to be done in a dark, serious tone. The humour of Evil Dead will never be replicated. And like you said, THERE IS NO replacing Bruce Campbell. I even like his movies on Sci-Fi. Very good chap.

  • 9. bassturd replies at 17th October 2007, 7:09 pm :

    hehe thx.

    I agree, I’d actually like to see a serious Evil Dead movie. I dunno how that would go over with the fans of the original tho. But since everyone likes the original so much, why not make a different version of the movie? Seeing how everything HAS to be remade these days it seems.

  • 10. bigsampson replies at 17th October 2007, 8:22 pm :

    these movies didnt scare me….i was like wtf rats in my hair…call the exterminator……ghosts and shit….move out…commen sense ruins a horror movie… wtf do any of these people fight back..they never show it…sarah michelle is allright looking but thats about it…wtf are u doing in japan…are u a ninja…if not get the f over it and move back to the usa…sorry canada i didnt say you cause you guys are kinda like….well…..nothing wxcept for bootlegging movie thiefs……jk but ya well anyways this series sucked liked the ring….japanese dont no how to scare people…shit the stories my grandpa told me about wwII where scarier ….crucify some people now we want to buy toyotas lol …there movies suck

  • 11. TheFlyingWorm replies at 17th October 2007, 9:07 pm :

    fuck it, i had something but i deleted it.

  • 12. John replies at 18th October 2007, 6:24 am :

    Was there even a Grude 3 asian version? I know there was a 1 and 2.

  • 13. Bishop replies at 18th October 2007, 6:45 am :

    There was:
    Japanese TV:
    Ju On: The Grudge
    Ju On: The Grudge 2
    Japanese Cinema:
    Ju On
    Ju On 2
    American Cinema:
    The Grudge
    The Grudge 2

    I know multiple sequels were planned for Japan, but I think it got sidetracked by the lure of America.

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