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Teresa Palmer Lands Wonder Woman Role in Justice League

By Rodney - October 26, 2007 - 09:41 America/Montreal

It would appear that relative nobody Teresa Palmer has officially landed the coveted role of Wonder Woman in the new Teen Titans movie….. Oops! Justice League movie.

Coming Soon reports:

The Grudge 2, December Boys and Wolf Creek star Teresa Palmer has landed the role of Wonder Woman in George Miller’s anticipated Justice League adaptation at Warner Bros.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I think this girl will fit the whole younger hip Justice League that Miller is forcing upon us. They are catering to the teen market, not those who actually KNOW who the Justice League are.

But still, this rubs me wrong for this girl as WONDER WOMAN. Sure, if they are going for a Wonder Girl image then she might suit that flippantly ignorant ditzy younger counterpart to Wonder WOMAN.

Wonder Woman was invented with the sole purpose of presenting a STRONG independent bold role model for women. At the time she was introduced, the North American culture needed something like that. However, even dying Palmer’s hair brown wont make her Wonder Woman.

If they wanted a strong bold character and still fit the teen demographic they should have gone with the ever sexy and super confident Sophia Bush.

But they are determined to piss on this movie, so why not hire a scrawny blond to fill the wonder corset. Genius.


  1. FilmNerdJamie says:

    Well…ACTUALLY…it’s still un-confirmed; merely an internet rumor waiting to be confirmed by WB…which has yet to happen.

    Keep in mind, some film sites jumped the gun and immediately reported that Rupert Evans had been cast as Superman for JLA…when in fact he had not. So until we get an official press-release from WB, take this lasting rumor with a grain of salt…

  2. Henrik says:

    “Wonder Woman was invented with the sole purpose of presenting a STRONG independent bold role model for women.”

    So why did they give her huge tits and show off her legs? I guess maybe there was an alternate purpose afterall.

  3. Jake says:

    Henrik: male superheroes like Batman, Superman etc are all muscle-bound, attractively-drawn characters…… so by your reasoning I guess they were designed for ‘alternate purposes’ too?

  4. Henrik says:

    Yeah they’re being designed with the sole purpose of seeling images to earn cash. Not to be rolemodels, but to be cashcows.

  5. Nautica says:

    wait, i thought this movie was going to be all cg? did i miss something?

  6. Grandpa Reno says:

    So they got the casting sheets mixed up for the JLA and Teen Titans movies?

  7. alfie says:

    hang on isn’t this the site that fucking creams itself over brandon rouths superboy??

  8. alfie says:

    because he did not look like a man at all

  9. Darren J Seeley says:

    Since I despised Wolf Creek, hated Grudge 2 and haven’t seen December Boys…my hopes are not high…and it was low enough. of the SuperFriends movie. I say if the lass is really that good, keep her…and dust off that ol’ Whedon script.

    You know the one.

  10. JAMIE says:

    henrik…hey i LIKE her legs and her jugs man! shell make a perfect wonder woman- and so would jessica biel or jessica alba or jessica anderson or-no wait lindsy lohan IS good lookin but not a wonder woman- AHH WHO GIVES A CRAP! shed make a good wonderwoman too shes hot!!!

  11. Frank says:

    Man! This whole thing fucken sucks! What a letdown.

  12. Henrik says:

    Jamie is at least being honest. A hot wonder woman will sell to all the pathetic geek boys wanting JLA: The Movie to be their new best excuse for having sex (beating out Batman Begins I guess).

  13. B A T M A N says:

    i like scrawny blondes. (;

  14. Lew says:

    I agree with FilmNerdJamie, Wait and see. So far I heard Jessica Biel, Rachel Bilson and other’s were going to be Wonderwoman. There was also a post about how horrible the script was and that turned out to be an internet rumor as well.

  15. Lew says:

    Of course I mean Wonder Woman - it’s early.

  16. chris (the real one) says:

    lol….im not a big fan of a lot of these movie sites dooming movies before the see anything…..bad info about a movie doesnt automatically make the movie suck….at least wait until a trailer comes out…..give it a chance…..

  17. Kristina says:

    Too damn young! They are going the Hugh Hefner route here, getting a bunch of pretty young things, using ‘em up for maximum profit and pleasure, and then dumping them once they get too old. They’re going younger to make a ton of sequels, but this strategy screwed up Superman Returns, and it’ll do the same thing here. This girl is two months younger than me, for God’s sake! WAY too young to be Wonder WOMAN.

  18. HandnHalfSword says:

    She is going to suck as bad as Wonder Woman as Kate Bosworth sucked as Lois Lane.

    No actress should even be considered if she’s under 5′ 10″, and this bimbo is about 5 inches too short.

  19. Ingiger says:

    “so why not hire a scrawny blond to fill the wonder corset.”

    This remark is snide, shallow and body-fascistic.

  20. Rodney says:

    Thanks for noticing Ingiger!

    The statement was made to prove that this scrawny blond is everything Wonder Woman is not, but right on track for the violation they insist on taking the JLA movie.

  21. Chuck says:

    Oh my fucking Muhammad!! This is crazy! Megan FOx should be WW!

  22. SOG knives says:

    Interesting ideas… I wonder how the Hollywood media would portray this?

  23. Jadebuny says:

    She does not fit to be WW she look more like dum blone than anything else. I believe No one can replace Lynda Carter but if they have to than Gail Muller( Australian Supermodel) or Megan Fox my choice. should be the Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting ules before doing so)

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