Shaolin Soccer 2: Shaolin Girl Trailer

A while ago we heard about a follow up film to the amazing Stephen Chow film Shaolin Soccer… the catch is that this time it’s about a girl who plays lacrosse. Yes… lacrosse. At first it sounded too odd to be true, but I immediately realized that if you really think about Chow’s other films… NOTHING is too ridiculous.

Anyway, our friends over at Filmjunk posted up a trailer for it and I thought you’d like to check it out. I actually don’t think it looks anywhere near as fun… maybe they’re holding a whole bunch back from the trailer? As a side note… seriously folks, if you haven’t been Shaolin Soccer yet… make sure you get out and grab a copy or order one online… it’s sooo worth it.

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  • 1. Jano replies at 11th October 2007, 7:00 am :

    …uh, John, shouldn’t it be named “Shaolin Lacrosse” then?

  • 2. ChrisP replies at 11th October 2007, 7:09 am :

    This isn’t supposed to be a direct sequel. Stephen Chow is on board as producer only and some of the cast is back. Heck, it’s not even a Chinese production. A film company from Japan (hence the Japanese tiles) decided to pick it up. It has potential, though.

  • 3. Mike Mai replies at 11th October 2007, 9:11 am :

    awesome cast of japanese actors, but not sure about this story.

  • 4. FunkyMunkey replies at 11th October 2007, 9:28 am :

    The trailer is just a bit crap, really

  • 5. Senor Chefy replies at 11th October 2007, 10:42 am :

    Bless your heart for promoting Shaolin Soccer. That show is hilarious- Kung Fu Hustle is even better.

  • 6. Krewo replies at 11th October 2007, 3:14 pm :

    What exactly is lacrosse? Nevermind, I’ll check Wikipedia…

  • 7. Stefan replies at 11th October 2007, 5:00 pm :

    Is this movie even related to the original one? The chinese title just translates as Shaolin Girl.

  • 8. takata replies at 12th October 2007, 5:01 am :

    its not a sequel!its like someone said above, its only using stephen chow as producer maibe who nows a special apearence but i dont no.
    the cast is almost all japonese and the production its from there to.
    i think its one of that movies that only use the premise or the basic idea from a previous succesfull movie to atract moviegoers.
    this is normal here in japan!

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