Serena Reviews ‘30 Days of Night’

30Days(*Note: I had seen this film on the past weekend, but because I have been covering the ‘Toronto After Dark Film Festival,’ this was the only time I had to post the review. Sorry for the delay.)

I had been looking forward to ’30 Days of Night’ since the beginning of this year. It has been on my top five must see film list of 2007, and once I heard David Slade was directing, (director of last year’s amazing indie, ‘Hard Candy.’) I was ecstatic and counting the days until the highly anticipated vampire movie was released.

For the very few people out there who don’t know what the movie is about, it’s about a small Alaskan town which is going into their month of darkness. During this time, a large group of bad ass vampires arrive to the town to feast on an “all you can eat” buffet of locals.

So was ’30 Days of Night’ worth biting your teeth into, or was it another critical failure from ‘GhostHouse Pictures’? Read on for details.


A lot of people were worried that Josh Hartnett was not right for this horror film, (even though he excelled in his performances in ‘H20’ and ‘The Faculty’) but he was able to give a solid performance as the strong Sheriff Eben Olemaun. He was also able to make me forget that essentially he was too young for the role he had to play.

The other actor that also stood out was Ben “scene-stealer” Foster, as the Renfield-like character that brings the mayhem to the small town. He didn’t have much to do, but when he was onscreen, all eyes were on him.

Now let me say, the vampires in this film are by far the scariest vampires I have EVER seen onscreen. The make up was amazing and quite impressive. Kudos to the people responsible for the special effects. They definitely exceeded all my expectations!

The best character however in the film was the small town itself. It provided a great and unique setting for a vampire film, (even though I had already seen this done in last year’s Swedish Vampire flick, ‘Frostbiten’) and I felt just as isolated as the characters for I knew that there was NO ESCAPE for them until daylight finally came.

Although the most bold thing about this movie was the minimal use of a score. (Something rarely done in mainstream horror films) The uncomfortable quietness throughout matched the somber and dark mood of the film, and made some scenes very unsettling to watch. (Particularly one attack on a couple in their home.)


For a movie that has possibly the scariest looking vampires ever seen on film, it sure was lacking in the “scares” department. In fact, the vampires were also revealed WAY too early into the film, which unfortunately took away any elements of mystery to them.
I wish the filmmaker had used the vampires to their full advantage instead of taking the easy route and polluting the film with many mainstream “boo” scares.

Also, a lot of the action sequences were a huge disappointment. Most of the sequences were shot way too fast, and the audience is only revealed truly great and effective “money shots” of the violence near the climax of the film.

Additionally, I felt the title of the movie should have been changed from ’30 Days of Night’ to ‘One horribly LONG night’ because that’s what it felt like. Several days pass off-screen, and the only change we see with the characters is Josh Hartnett’s beard (or should I say ‘neatly groomed goatee with slight stubble’) keeps getting thicker. We don’t see any effects or tolls the situation has been taking on the characters. Unfortunately, because of the lack of character exposition, I found it hard to feel for any of the supporting cast who eventually became late night snacks for the vampires.


’30 Days of Night’ is not a perfect film by any means, but it is by far one of the best (if not the best) vampire movies in the past decade. Despite its flaws, it still made for an enjoyable time in the theatres. I congratulate ‘GhostHouse Pictures’ for finally making a decent and solid horror film. Bring on the ‘Dark Days’ sequel! I give this film a rating of 7 out of 10.

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6 Responses to “Serena Reviews ‘30 Days of Night’”
  1. frankwolftown says:

    I have hated everything Josh Hartnett has done. 40 days and 40 nights, Pearl harbor, I didn’t even bother seeing the one with him and harrison Ford. I’ll give this movie a chance but only if he dies.

  2. bassturd says:

    I wanted to see this movie but not many people are talking about it. For instance, not even your review here has gotten many comments. It seems most passed on seeing this movie for some reason. I agree about Jash Hartnett. I don’t like him either for some reason. He seems to be like half asleep while acting…just going through the motions. But I could care less because I’d see this movie for the vampires and for Ben Foster.

  3. JWP says:

    I saw this film over the weekend and really enjoyed it. It was definitely one of the best vampire movies that I’ve ever seen due to the beastlike way in which the vampires acted and one has to love the screeching they did.

    The gore was something else too (without giving anything away) and I was also a bit surprised by a few things that they showed versus implying them….anyone that has seen this film should likely know what I’m talking about by this. Overall a great Halloween film and sad to see that it didn’t do better in the box office. I’m going to check out the other graphic novels to this one as they both sounded very interesting too — one involving Stella and the other a brother to one of the original survivors.

  4. Doug says:

    Saw it this past weekend. I enjoyed it, but I have to agree that it definitely did feel more like one long night, not 30 days.

  5. Serena says:


    Don’t let Josh Hartnett stop you from seeing the movie…it was a great time at the theatres…yeah, and don’t EVER..EVER..EVER…EVER watch ‘Hollywood Homicide!’ lol

  6. Wendy says:

    I am really picky when it comes to horror films. So, when I first heard about this film I was thinking it was going to bite donkey nuts. (FYI: I have to choose words carefully as this is an assignment for a class =p)
    I mean, I don’t find vampires all that “scary”, and I have yet to watch a vampire film that I don’t fall asleep to. But then I saw the trailer, and the film grabbed my attention. I haven’t gone to watch it for the sole reason that I despise large crowds (anti-social) so I never watch a film on its “premiere weekend”.

    Thanks for the review =)

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