‘Saw 5′ Shooting in December

saw-5.pngSaw 4’ has yet to come in theatres for a few more weeks, but in two months time, the fifth installment to the popular series will start filming.

Michael from MoviesOnline gives us this:

SAW 5 will begin development just after Xmas. Hackl told us that Patrick Melton and Marcus Dunstan will be working on the script and they will be going into production after Xmas.

It’s official. The ‘Saw’ series have become the millennium’s “Friday the 13th/Nightmare on Elm Street” franchise. Although, is it a wise decision to start filming ‘Saw 5’ when the commercial success of ‘Saw 4’ will not be determined for a few more weeks? My guess is ‘Saw 4’ will probably be left on a cliffhanger note, and fans of the series will probably watch the fifth installment. As much as the series is bashed continuously on the net for its seemingly endless sequels, the movies still make a lot of money and most likely will continue to do so. (At least on DVD)

David Hackl is set to direct the next installment and Patrick Melton and Marcus Dunstan (writers of ‘Feast’) are the official writers for the next film.

So what are your thoughts? Are you guys going to watch the next few ‘Saw’ films?

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  • 1. Jonathan replies at 15th October 2007, 12:06 pm :

    Comparing Saw to A Nightmare on Elm Street or Friday the 13th is a huge, HUGE diss to those two franchises (which aren’t anything that great to begin with - just SAW is that bad). I can’t believe people are still wanting to see this absolute, worthless shit…

  • 2. bjon replies at 15th October 2007, 12:06 pm :

    I am so tired of this series. I was tired of it when I saw the first one. Horror films that have people dieing in them only because those people make insanely idiotic decisions are annoying.

    I want somebody to make smart decisions and STILL get screwed because then it’s actually freaky. Because there seems to be no way out which is terrifying. These movies are just annoying to me.

  • 3. bjon replies at 15th October 2007, 12:11 pm :

    thank GOD somebody agrees with me. I thought I was the only one because when you’re in theater and that preview comes on, you hear “wooohoooo.” and “yea baby!” and shit like that and I just don’t get it.

  • 4. Nick Blaze replies at 15th October 2007, 12:15 pm :

    Who cares?

  • 5. Kristina replies at 15th October 2007, 12:18 pm :

    Hell NO.

  • 6. Josh Kelhoffer replies at 15th October 2007, 1:02 pm :

    Saw is exactly like the Friday the 13th franchise.

    While it is different, and th eoriginal Saw and the original Nightmare and the last one (New Nightmare) were good. The sequals all sucked, and every Friday was a peice of shit. But that is not why the series are alike.

    Back in the 80’s, with the exception of two years (maybe three) every year was stricken with a Friday the 13th film, and they were released, like the Saw films, year after year, sometimes, for the same reason. They were cheap to make and people paid money for that shit, until around Part 6 or 7 where the general audience got tired of it coming out year after year.

    While Saw is a better franchise than Friday. At least there was one good Saw movie and one decent sequal.

    If Lionsgate doesnt wise up and hold off on these sequals (and lousy movies like WAR), they may end up losing some money off this franchise.

    Personally, I’m sick franchises liek this and Resident Evil, where it is shot and edited by blind people, and the writers stop four drafts too early, and I’m personally sick of the story obviously being mad eup as it goes, and Jigsaw being offed and then finding a way to come back.

    And besides, they are running out of body parts to put on the posters

  • 7. Emily replies at 15th October 2007, 1:08 pm :

    I swear, the Saw movies are the worst things that I’ve ever heard of and it seems like the franchis is NEVER going to end. Planning the filming of a fifth one before the fourth one even releases? What is wrong with people who actually waste their time and money watching these movies? I just can’t understand it!

  • 8. Darren J Seeley replies at 15th October 2007, 1:42 pm :

    I may not be the biggest “Saw” fan on the face of the planet, and how many trips to the well can me made?

    In any case, more power to ‘em, strike while the iron is hot.

  • 9. Brendan replies at 15th October 2007, 1:57 pm :

    Hearing this is a little disappointing… I guess Hollywood hasn’t learned the more sequels there are to a movie the more it dilutes the overall quality of the franchise. Too bad.

  • 10. TheFlyingWorm replies at 15th October 2007, 2:04 pm :

    And the worst part is that SAW 6 WAS ALREADY GREEN-LIT as of a couple months ago. What the fuck man?! I got that info in a British horror magazine.

  • 11. TheFlyingWorm replies at 15th October 2007, 2:06 pm :

    and yes I will be watching them. Not a huge fan after the first one, but they are interesting

  • 12. Grave replies at 15th October 2007, 2:12 pm :

    Wow! im impressed how many ppl hate this series of movies. I loved Friday,Nightmare and SAW. I like the charater of Jiggsaw as being the non-monster, non killing type of villian. I think the reason many ppl dont like this series if the fact that the killings are done by these “traps” and not Jiggsaw himself. Sure SAW2 was a bit dissapointing and the others wont have the same edge as the orginal but the same can be said for Friday and Nightmare series. If ya dont like it dont watch it. If you havent seen it stop complaining about it or beware to being labled a hypocrite

  • 13. TheFlyingWorm replies at 15th October 2007, 2:44 pm :

    Yea, the first Nightmare ruled on all levels. I saw it when I was a kid and can’t really say I have been more scared by a movie that I watched by myself than that one. Maybe Candy man or the Exorcist. And the idea of being that girl in that boat at the end of the first Friday is nothing short absolute fear. But that’s where Saw differs, because it is psychological, whereas the ones you mentioned are fear-driven. What gets me is that alot of the guys I work with didn’t like the first Saw?!, yet they loved the sequels, which I don’t know why. The first one set the precedent…It made you think.

  • 14. Darren J Seeley replies at 15th October 2007, 4:35 pm :


    …non killing type of villian. I think the reason many ppl dont like this series if the fact that the killings are done by these “traps” and not Jigsaw himself.

    Interesting theory. But then you are excluding Amanda, the accomplice-protoge who did kill in the previous two films.

    And by the way, Jigsaw did kill people. The fact is…who made and set the traps? Who kidnapped people and/or had others kidnap for him …and put those people in those situations? The point is, he does kill- but in his twisted mind, he simply does not see it that way.

  • 15. TheFlyingWorm replies at 15th October 2007, 4:44 pm :

    In a physical sense Jigsaw was standing behind that chick the same way Carl Weathers did when he helped Happy Gilmore swing the golf club. I know just tell me to shut the fuck up, I have written 12 posts on here already. I’m on break from school so I’m bored.

  • 16. Dylan replies at 15th October 2007, 4:47 pm :

    Maybe the 5th one will have some much-needed humor, seeing as the Feast guys are writing it?

  • 17. Pablo replies at 15th October 2007, 8:08 pm :

    That’s funy that everyone seems to hate the film, yet the’yre still relatively successful. I enjoyed it. It’s just a movie people!!!!

  • 18. gh1 replies at 15th October 2007, 9:06 pm :

    Loinsgate is never going to lose money on the SAW films, atleast not in the near future. They are dirt cheap to make and Saw franchise is probably the most successful horror franchise of recent years (how many other horror movies have grossed 90 million a movie with a budget of 10 million.) Even it bombs at the box office they are so cheap to make that they can still rake a decent profit through dvds. Could you really blame lionsgate for milking the franchise for what it’s worth?

  • 19. nevadasmith replies at 15th October 2007, 9:51 pm :

    Not trying to be a smartass or anything but has the changeover to this new blog format done something to the spelling of replies-it never seemed to have so many mistakes before-or is it just the spelling ability of Saw fans/detractors in general.

  • 20. Kenneth replies at 16th October 2007, 1:58 am :

    Jesus christ they’re really milking this one, aren’t they? I mean, I liked the first, but this is really taking the piss.

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