This entry was posted on Thursday, October 25th, 2007 at 9:19 am.
Categories: News Chat.

(Just so you know, there are newer posts below, I’m just keeping this at the top of the page for the next couple of days)

Hey there guys. Well, my little journey is almost finished. Way back last February when I first announced my little documentary project “Prince of Peace - God of War”, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, and I thought I would be mocked resoundingly. But instead, you guys were constantly cheering me on and encouraging me for which you will never know the true depth of my gratitude.

And now, I’m finally able to announce that we are now taking pre-orders for the DVD which will ship November 24th. We’re only having a limited number of DVDs made (cause I can only afford to have so many made) and I wanted to make sure they were made available to the Movie Blog International Friends first.

Thanks again for all your support, and thanks in advance for ordering 20 copies each to use as stocking stuffers! Oh, and a VERY special thanks to Gordon, who even before I put this post up became the very first person to order the Prince of Peace - God of War dvd!

You can order your copy of Prince of Peace - God of War by going to the order page of the new official website (


17 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Ricci

    Your sure up late!!

    Ordered mine, congratulations on its creation, good luck with its distribution.


  2. Henrik

    What does it cost?

  3. Gordon

    Woohoo - I was the first, and got a mention on a post!! My day just got a whole lot better - thanks John. Can’t wait for the release and hope it’s a success for you. Oh, I must also mention that it’s a complete bargain at the canadian dollar to sterling exchange rate.

  4. Ricci

    £8.50ish for UK

  5. ethernz

    ordered mine!

  6. Hey Henrik,

    The DVD is $15 (plus $2 for shipping)

  7. Erik

    Should I order now or wait till the autographed super special two disk edition comes out?

  8. mikevaus

    Just ordered. Thanks for all your hard work John.


  9. Phil Gee

    Sold Mr Campea:)

    I have a multi region player anyway so it won’t matter if it’s a region 1 DVD.

  10. John

    does the case transform?

  11. Hey “John” (different John)

    As a matter of fact, the case DOES transform into a Jessica Alba sex robot. Did I not mention that in the marketing?

    Who wants a copy now? :P

  12. calviin

    You know, you should probably include a price on the site somewhere. Anywhere really. I don’t wanna have to wait until I’ve logged into paypal and it’s in my basket to see how much it costs. If/when I send friends to see the site, they will be deterred by not knowing the cost.

  13. Jason

    Ordered! I’m looking forward to checking it out! Thanks John!

  14. Jason

    Will you have copies for sale at the premiere/release party?

  15. Hey Jason,

    Yes, there will be special copies available at the Premiere Party.

  16. krazie835

    I think i will order one it certainly looks promising. You ever going to make another film John?

  17. Hey Krazie835

    Thanks man! Actually, Doug and I are working on one now… doesn’t mean it’s going to go anywhere… but we’re working on it.

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