This entry was posted on Thursday, October 25th, 2007 at 7:44 am.
Categories: News Chat | By John

Now this is a fantastic idea for a movie. Who among us hasn’t as some point wanted to take a shotgun and blast the hell out of one of those cars out on the street that has it’s damn annoying alarm going off in the middle of the day, at 5am in the morning, or just as you’re trying to go to bed? I know I have.

So here comes along this little film called “Noise“. The folks over at Yahoo give us this:

“Noise,” Bean’s provocative second film, casts Tim Robbins as David, an upper-class family man driven insane by New York’s loud sounds — grinding garbage trucks, horns honking, back-up beepers and worst of all, car alarms squealing at all hours. He becomes so obsessed with noise that he turns into a black-clad vigilante, “The Rectifier,” waging his own crusade on those damn alarms shattering his quiet.

Genius! It’s actually sort of based on real life events for Director Henry Bean who says he’s actually broken into cars to shut their alarms off, gotten arrested for and spent nights in jail. To me… this man is a hero.

Having a performer like Tim Robbins in it is nothing but good news for the movie. I can already see Robbins’ face slowly starting to go crazy with automotive blood lust as he tries to sleep and some stupid car alarm screeches in the night like a cat getting violated by a Water Buffalo.

Now, if they could just make a movie called “ADS” about a man who goes insane with rage because of being subjected to 20 minutes of commercials every time he goes to see a movie… that would have ‘Oscar” written all over it!

15 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Terry Letourneau

    This kind of reminded me of the Michael Douglas film ‘Falling Down’. Loved that film. Maybe he should just move to the country like I did…but then again there are those damn cows across the road.

  2. Mandy

    This is the perfect role for Robbins. Kind of reminds me of his role in Nothing To Lose which was a really funny movie.

  3. bassturd

    I was gonna say the same thing…sounds like “Falling Down”. Who hasn’t wanted to flip out before with noisy neighbors and idiots talking on their cellphones while driving and almost wrecking into you.

  4. rafa1215

    Terry I was about to say the same thing. Maybe this will be Falling Down part 2? Or even a sequel to Falling Down? I freakin love Falling Down. Douglas was great in the film. My favorite part was the Latino gang trespassing scene - Classic scene

  5. DarkKinger

    Finally, a movie that shows what we really feel. GET THAT ALARM CLOCK, TIM!

    If I see a commercial for the movie that states, “HIDE YOUR CELLPHONES!”, it will be the greatest commercial EVER!

  6. Shutup

    ummm, How do make a 2 hour story outa this???. Stupid

  7. Shutup

    BTW, I wasn’t calling you stupid, just saying this is stupid

  8. Hey “Shutup”

    Are you kidding? That’s an easy one to do.

  9. HandnHalfSword

    I love the idea of a vigilante going after noise polluters.

    I’d love to see Robins go all Charles Bronson on some guy blasting rap music out of his pimped out Nissan.

    That would be a money shot.

  10. Kristina

    Ummm, I gotta side with Shutup here. A guy fighting back against, not the mafia, not corrupt cops, not even somebody who killed his family, but he fights NOISE? I can’t pass final judgement, but the premise sounds(pun totally intended)wack.

  11. Doug

    As someone who lives in the Big Apple, I kind of feel like even if this movie sucks, I’m still going to enjoy the hell out of it. As a marketing tool, they should have ushers in the theater acting as Robbins character, and every time they hear a cell phone ring or someone talking, they grab them out of their seat and drag them out of the theater. Ah, wouldn’t that be sweet :)

  12. chris (the real one)

    lol at kristina’s pun….the concept dos sound kinda lane, but with robbins in it, it could be interesting…..i’ll wait until i see a trailer before i pass judgement

  13. vargas

    I can relate to wanting to punish the noise polluters. Why just the other night I felt like dumping a concrete block on somebody’s car because they allowed the alarm to go for about ten minutes. The movie sounds funny.

  14. Jim Gleeson

    I think there needs to be a film that deals with the cumulative effect that the minor annoyances can have on the psyche. I do see it as a “FAlling Down” type of movie. I once had an idea for a superhero that dealt with just those sort of instances of annoyance that creep up on us. I also think that because of the lack of respect for other people’s space, and that can also be defined in terms of noise as well, its getting to the point where anything goes. Is my singing at the top of my lungs any worse than having to overhear someone else talk loudly on a cellphone while looking for powdered milk?

  15. HandnHalfSword

    How could this movie not suck?

    One way:

    The protagonist targets people who drive around with loud music blaring out of their cars, and uses methods too awful even for “torture porn” to kill them, and he’s presented as a noble hero for doing it.

    Otherwise, it’ll suck.

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