New Terminator Trilogy Reboot

Looks like things for the new Terminator films are moving ahead full speed now. A new trilogy is in the works that will in essence reboot the franchise. The good folks over at SciFi give us the following:

Warner Brothers has acquired North American distribution rights to Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins, triggering an early 2008 production start for a film that seeks to reinvent the cyborg saga with a storyline to be told over a three-film span, Variety reported. The movie is expected to reboot the franchise with a story set in the future, during the all-out war between Skynet and humankind. Warner plans to release Terminator Salvation in summer 2009.

The producers said that the new film will carry the size and scale of Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines and will have an event-sized budget. It will likely be less than the $200 million price tag of Terminator 3

Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins is a horrible title, but I’m sure that will change eventually (and it is after all just a title). I’m a little concerned that the Terminator 3 writers are crafting the script. While I had fun with Terminator 3, no one can deny it was clearly the weakest of the trilogy, and I would have rather seen fresh blood step in and create the new franchise.

The article also mentions that it’s unknown if Arnold will make an appearance. I think the only real question is if Arnold will do a cameo or not, cause he’s CLEARLY not going to be starring in this puppy no matter which way you look at it. A cameo would be fine… but I think it would be a little gimmicky to even do that. Leave Arnold out of it.

One thing is for certain… with Warner Bros. picking up the rights… you know it won’t be a female Terminator in the lead. ;)

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  • 1. Herby replies at 10th October 2007, 11:31 am :

    I find it interesting that the more money that goes into the Terminator films, the worse they get.

    IN MY OPINION, the best of the films is still the first one. A great Science Fiction film with a fucking great script. But we forget it was not a big-budgeted film. Nobody cared or cares, every second was just kick-ass film-making.

    Terminator 2 got some more money and yes it’s a great film. But the script is no longer as tight, the thrills are not really in the storytelling (though it’s a great story) as much as the action, and the explosions and the campy one-liners.

    Terminator 3 - Who needs a script, to hell with story telling. Screw continuity. Just bring back Arnie, make the new Terminator a drop dead gorgeous babe, and throw in a lot of action.
    What a steaming pile that film was.

    I don’t have high hopes for 4

  • 2. Darren J Seeley replies at 10th October 2007, 3:05 pm :

    The more I hear, the more I fear.

    and yes, that is a horrible title.

    “reboot’—what in the hell. It’s a “popular” term, but it should not be in regards to Terminator canon. Show Future War if you must (it isn’t needed) but unless Kyle Reese can’t be found to be sent back to 1984….screw this.

    Why is this needed?

  • 3. Mozzerino replies at 10th October 2007, 4:13 pm :

    It’s not needed.
    But it’s certainly cool.
    Witnessing the war against the machines in the future is something every Terminator-fan is dreaming about since the first film came out.
    If they can pull it off, I’ll be more than happy to go see it and I’m surely not alone.
    And I very much doubt that TERMINATOR: REBOOT will be the official title.

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