This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 24th, 2007 at 7:55 am.
Categories: Trailers.

I didn’t see it working at first really. Will Smith in I Am Legend looked like a bit of a lame idea to me… but I’m actually one of those people who think Smith gets too much of a bad rap and that he’s a much more capable actor than most give him credit for (that doesn’t mean a lot of his movies don’t suck… but he’s pretty solid most of the time).

But the more and more I’ve been seeing of I Am Legend, I’ve got to admit I’m getting a little more jacked about seeing it. Now this new full trailer has poured out onto the web… and I kinda like it. Take a look for yourself:

21 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Glenn

    and for those who can’t stand youtube quality, check it out in HD HERE

  2. bigsampson

    it looks good but its been done before so its nothing new….im sure they will add a little something extra but really it looks like a remake of OMEGA MAN but with out heston and with smith lol….looks like a well shot movie but what else would you have with will smith in the movie.

  3. Goody

    That’s the international trailer.

    IGN got the new US trailer.

  4. Glenn

    not sure which trailer is for which, but there’s a different one, which i assume is the US [making the one i posted above the International] HERE.

  5. Marvin

    I hope it stays as true as possible to the book. We’ll see what happens I suppose. I do like apocalyptic type movies.

  6. Jordan

    that looks good i hope it will be somthing new though because if its jsut anther zombie movie that we have all see it before

  7. Patrick

    Wasn’t the Omega Man based on the I am Legend novel? Not sure, but that might explain why they seem so similar. Haven’t seen the Omega Man, so I cant say.

  8. AjaxLou

    Marvin this adaptation will be as close to the book as Smith’s I, Robot. So from that perspective don’t waste any time hoping for that.

    I await the day when someone makes a film version that pays proper respect to the source material.


    Another zombie-ish movie? Please tell me it ain’t so!

  10. Glenn

    oh man, THIS trailer is so much better. so so so much better.

  11. miles

    i am suprised you weren;t digging it john.

    i am very much looking forward to this flick.

  12. calviin

    I’ve never read the book, so let me say this from my impressions from watching the trailer.

    My thoughts was, “Wow, I didn’t think they’d have a sequel to Resident Evil Extinction out so quickly.”

    But that’s not a complaint, because I actually enjoyed Resident Evil Extinction, and if you didn’t, bugger off.

  13. Kristina

    I wasn’t overly impressed. I know they are holding back on some stuff, but I just can’t get pumped to see Will Smith do his Big Willie schtick for two hours. At least in other movies, I could be safe in the knowledge that there were other people in the film that I would be able to watch, but two hours straight of Big Willie might drive me nuts. Even in a film as semi-serious as this one looks, you just KNOW that he’ll get that “aww HELL naw!” in there somewhere.

  14. oldshell

    First Impression: This film is going to be terrible! A poor man’s 28days later if you will (….Smith?). I just watched the trailer having read the book a few years back and with every few seconds I kept thinking “this doesn’t look like being what I remember the book being like”. Now thats not necessarily a bad thing… but it just looks so standard. 28days later, day after tomorrow… etc etc etc… Should have gone with the original premise instead of another generic horror/survivor flick. Plus unlike John I think Will Smith can’t really act.. he’s just Will Smith as Will Smith. If I saw Brad Pitt in the role, getting more and more kooky as a lone human. Now that would be LEGENDary!

  15. Mr Stay Puft

    This movie is going to be big. Will Smith is one of the last remaining box office guarantees in Hollywood.

  16. miles


    LOL @ ‘awww HELL naw’

    you know that is going to be in there.

  17. Mr. James

    My one BIG disappointment after seeing these trailers are the quality of the zombies!! Wow! I kept comparing them to the robots from iRobot. The things look like CGI robots trying to overtake Will Smith. If you watch one of the HD trailers and slow the chase scenes down frame by frame you’ll see what I mean. They don’t even look believeable.
    I’m still going to be there opening day for this one because I’m a huge fan of the book and I think the story will still be good. However, I have no faith in this being a great film.

  18. Krewo

    People, if you haven’t done this already, GO READ THE BOOK. It’s an amazing book, and this movie won’t be near it, based on the trailer; it might get you interested in reading the book but it will act as a major spoiler fest.

  19. Sir Jig-A-Lot

    mayhap it won’t suck both balls after all. just one nut.

  20. Jeffrey

    Will Smith’s “I am Legend” trailer looks interesting, but the book had a lot more entertained to read than the movie itself. Probably, this movie should be a far exceed entertainment and quality than 1970’s The Omega Man. The movie plot of “I am Legend” will be unfortunate happen for a tragic event of deadly super virus that will wipe off world humanity in our life time soon. Bush/Cheney will trigger for the World War III when they decide to attack on Iran with nuke weapons and will leash horrific biological and chemical warfare on U.S. soil in order to frighten people to blame on the enemy (Iran) of the terror strikes for casus belli. Bush/Cheney and their loyal people will escape to a top-secret underground city by using a speedy secret underground monorail from the White House to a remote top-secret subterranean military installation for their safe haven while billions of innocent people on the surface will perish after they contracted by lethal air-borne virus and mutated themselves, but only a handful of surface survivors, including Robert Neville, will struggle to survive thru a perilous time. The future Bush/Cheney generations in the subterranean will slowly transform to be blue-skin mutants because of adverse subterranean environments that affect their long-term health and genetic DNA from the result of a lack of sunlight, a lack of purified air and water, their food and medical supplies will run out, and a long-term strengthen of their warlike mentality. They will become a new subterranean race of Morlock – a sadistic, bloodthirsty, cannibalistic and high-intelligent humanoid race. Meanwhile, people on the surface will slowly recovered after fatal virus will dissipate, but a nuclear winter will hold them back for several millenniums. That affects their genetic DNA from the climate effect with a little sunlight and colder temperatures that will cause them to produce a new breed of blond-haired and shorter-height people. They will become a new surface humanoid race of Eloi. Advanced technology, education and Earth civilization will be lost forever. Illiterate, playful and cattle-like people of Eloi will be prey by man-eater race of Morlock for the food. Will Robert Neville save the world with his immune of lethal virus?

  21. Matt

    This movie looks fucking sweet!!!! I’m going to see it for sure.

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