Movie Blog: Uncut - October 29th 2007

Posted by on 29. 10. 2007in Uncut Podcast

UncutHey there guys. We had a really fun time recording the podcast tonight. We cover a while bunch of different issues, including a short discussion at the end of the podcast about the future of The Movie Blog and the upcoming announcement. Join us now as Darren, Doug and I discuss:

1) Owen Wilson’s first interview that was pointless

2) JLA, The Flash, Green Lantern and Wonder Woman

3) New Paris Hilton movie… YAY!

4) Lohan family getting their own reality show… YAY!

5) Peter Jackson fires Ryan Gosling

6) Battlestar Galactica hitting the big screen

7) Heroes season 2. What we do and don’t like so far

8) The big upcoming announcement is good news, not bad

All this and a few things more.


If you’re having trouble with the player, you can just download this episode here

You can visit each member of the round tables sites here:

John Campea’s Site

Bruxy Cavey’s Site

Darren Conley’s Site

Doug Nagy’s Site

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who has written 6783 posts on The Movie Blog

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23 Responses to “Movie Blog: Uncut - October 29th 2007”

  1. AjaxLou says:

    Change is necessary for survival. Here’s hoping The Movie Blog changes serve the folks behind the mikes well and the fans out in the web just as well.


  2. TheSnowLeopard says:

    Gawd! For the first time I switched off your podcast midway through.

    Sorry guys, but you’ve lost your mojo.

  3. Phil Gee says:

    Well as long as there is a podcast, that’s all i need to hear; great show guys.

  4. Jeb says:

    Yeah, I gotta echo the Heroes comment. Season 2′s been garbage. I think Bryan Fuller’s departure really has hurt the writing on this show, and it lacks the whole cohesion that held together Season 1. Let’s hope they get their shit together real soon…

  5. Marco Shimomoto says:

    Hey Guys!
    What’s the point of finding out you are the longest running podcast if you can’t go on with it. You have to continue, even if it just for the kicks.
    Or if you stop plan a come back live edition years from now, like the old bands have been doing ;)
    Wonder Woman is all about bondage, let her put on a leather or plastic suit (with real nipples!), check the first stories she teaches how to do a knot on another girls. I say get Gretchen Mol like Betty Page movie!

  6. Robert(wolf) says:

    Great show. Two things that made me laugh:

    Doug: ”I think hookers dissolve quicker than most folks. I think it’s because there bones is without morality”

    Darren: ”Is myspace still around?”

  7. Krintina says:

    Best show in ages guys.

    A couple of thoughts.

    Wonder Woman has no popularity other than novelty. You’ll see some girls dresses as WW on Halloween, but that’s about the extent of it.

    I’ve loved Heroes this season so far personally. I just want to know what the %&$* is up with those twins! Creepy!

    The Lohans need to GO AWAY

    Great show guys!

  8. Sean says:

    Darren: “If you had a million dollars would you cut your own hair?”

    Doug: “Fucking certainly not! I’d have a wigmaster.”

    Bloody genius!

  9. Jarred says:

    Excellent show guys. I’ve always thought you were a little harsh on good ol’ Peter Jackson John. It’s good to hear you giving him some props.


  10. pookey says:

    Shit! First time listener here gents. I discovered you just recently and I’ve got to say that was the most entertaining podcast I’ve ever heard. Then I get to the end and it sounds like you might be ending it? WTF indeed!

  11. Ross Miller says:

    My guesses as to what the announcement is:

    1. This site is joining with a lot of other sites to make a huge one.

    2. John is selling it but will still have creative control (*pictures John with a crown on in a big throne atop a mountain, doing his best Dr Evil finger-to-the-mouth-impression and laughing*)

    3. There IS no announcement:P

  12. Bishop says:

    Doug Nagy.
    Fine return to form.
    There is valkyrie tang waiting in Valhalla for you.

  13. AjaxLou says:

    I vote for number 2.

  14. The Jim Walker says:

    Sell it to me! i will give you (pinky in corner of mouth…) 1 MILLION pennies for it…

  15. bigsampson says:

    um so ya…………….

  16. Kevin C says:’s The Movie Blog?

  17. Beejag says:

    Soooo, been a while since i posted anything, but I was just curious, (since I believe I have an at least partial understanding of what is probably coming,) would the lack of updates lately be connected to this major announcement?

    And great podcast this week again, I haven’t been able to catch any lately and found myself yesterday going through the ol’ movieblog archives reviewing the past two months worth :P good times indeed.

  18. bdawg923 says:

    I think the Nottie in that title is like Paris is the Hottie and he’s the Not Hottie (Not+Hottie=Nottie). He’s like the un-hottie.

    Great show guys!

  19. krazie835 says:

    Well now Ryan Gosling is saying he left because he was to young for the part and he believes that Mark Whalberg is better suited to the role.

  20. alfie says:

    i reckon john is going to continue doing live shows and podcasts but stoip writing for the movie blog because he has gottne that web publicity job at that studio he mentioned a while back…

    thats my guess..

  21. Robert(wolf) says:

    I was thinking about Number 1 just last night, Ross.
    I wouldn’t be suprised because there seems to be a lot of friendship developing between the film sites.

  22. david says:

    Great show - it felt very ‘old school’ movie bloggy. But it also seemed like it was the very last one of it’s kind, with the impending announcement.

  23. Krys says:

    Hey guys. I’m a new-ish listener. This is by far the best movie podcast I’ve heard. You guys are hilarious.

    When I heard Darren (I think) a couple weeks ago say “I can’t even watch my cat shit…” I was sold.

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