Movie Blog Uncut - October 15th 2007


Hey there guys. I know its been a few weeks, but the Monday Roundtable is back. 3 weeks ago I was in LA so we couldn’t do one, 2 weeks ago we did do one, but a technical probalby ruined it, and then last Monday was Thanksgiving here in Canada. But we’re back. On today’s show:

1) Justice League turning out to be Teen Titans

2) Transformers DVD release and 2 disc set

3) Ian McKellen says he’ll play Gandalf with our without Jackson

4) Burt Reynolds movies (tangent)

5) 20 Most anticipated movies of the upcoming year

6) New Design and features on The Movie Blog

7) Which to see first, Gone Baby Gone or 30 Days of Night

All this and a few things more.

Listen To The Show Now:

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You can visit each member of the round tables sites here:
John Campea’s Site
Bruxy Cavey’s Site
Darren Conley’s Site
Doug Nagy’s Site

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  • 1. Jackie replies at 15th October 2007, 5:17 pm :

    Woot! Finally a Movie Blog Roundtable. It’s been awhile, John.

  • 2. bdawg923 replies at 15th October 2007, 5:29 pm :

    The RSS feed didn’t update. Is there a new one you guys are using? Can you include the current RSS feed for Uncut in this post please?

  • 3. Rick King replies at 15th October 2007, 6:06 pm :

    Hey what happened to the RSS feed, the one I am using is no worky!

  • 4. Rick King replies at 15th October 2007, 6:14 pm :

    Looks like the feed url has changed, no podcast from today,

  • 5. John A. replies at 15th October 2007, 6:30 pm :

    It also looks like the download is cutting out at 46 minutes and it is supposed to be longer. Can’t tell how long but it just cuts out mid stream.

  • 6. Andrew replies at 15th October 2007, 6:31 pm :

    Yeah, it did that to me, too. The feed cut out at 46 minutes.

  • 7. Ray Flaherty replies at 15th October 2007, 6:41 pm :


  • 8. John replies at 15th October 2007, 7:08 pm :

    Hey guys,

    Ok, it’s a brand new podcasting system we’re using, so we had a couple of glitches.

    1) You should all find now that the whole podcast is up, not just 43 minutes.

    2) There is a NEW FEED for those of you who subscribe to the show. See the post.

    Hope that helps.

  • 9. Kristina replies at 15th October 2007, 7:46 pm :

    George Clooney as Gandalf?! Campea, Campea, Campea…….way too young, way too good looking to play a old, craggy wizard. Lord, do you want Zac Efron to play Bilbo?!:)

  • 10. John replies at 15th October 2007, 7:48 pm :

    Hey Kristina,

    John Travolta was way too skinny and way too male to play his role in Hairspray. :P

  • 11. Kristina replies at 15th October 2007, 9:22 pm :

    Oh John, that role called for a guy to specifically cross-dress to play that role. Clooney doesn’t fit the role of an old-ass wizard. I’m sorry, but the mere thought of Clooney wearing that HAT and walking with that staff just cracks me up.

  • 12. alfie replies at 15th October 2007, 9:40 pm :

    downloading the show now…please don’t tell me campea suggests clooney as gandalf???

    dear sweet lord…

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