Miller To Work On Mad Max 4 and Happy Feet 2 At The Same Time As Justice League. Doomed.

So have you been one of those optimistic few holding out some kind of naive hope that the Justice League movie they’re working on might actually turn out to be any good? Despite the fact it’s only being made to be a launching pad for the lesser heroes like Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern ect.., despite the fact that it’s being directed by a 62 year old guy who has only directed 2 films in the last 20 years (Happy Feet and Babe), despite the fact that they’re turing the Justice League into the Teen Titans by casting baby face actors who generally play teenagers, despite the fact that it’s going to be running concurrently with the already existing Batman and Superman franchises but with different actors………. are you one of those brave optimistic few?

Well add another item to that “Why Justice League Is Doomed” list. Seems like George Miller is going to be working on 2 other movies AT THE SAME TIME as he’s working on Justice League. Happy Feet 2 and Mad Max 4. The good folks over at Moviehole give us this:

“[Mad Max 4] Fury Road” has finally got a greenlight, with pre-production commencing immediately. It sounds as if Miller will be working on this film, and “Justice League” concurrently – the latter is also set up at Fox Studios – as well as…. “Happy Feet 2”. Yep, work has also begun – albeit slowly – on a sequel to Milller’s uber-successful penguin flick but since the first one took four years to make don’t look for this one in theatres anytime soon.

He even speculates that ‘’Mad Max 4 : Fury Road’’ will be released before “Justice League”… but that’s a guess based on how fast the former seems to be moving forward

This is becoming comical. Yes, there are directors who have worked on multiple project before at the same time… but often with bad results… and rarely 2 in actual production at the same time. A film like Justice League, with the scale that they say its going to be on… and all those different major characters requires his full attention. Clearly, Justice League does not have Miller’s full attention. Am I saying it CAN’T be done? No I’m not… but what I am saying is that dividing his attention between 3 films in development at the same time… and maybe even in full production at the same time greatly reduces the odds of something good coming out of this.

So how about it? You STILL one of those faithful few who have hope in this flick? I’m not.


  • 1. Michael replies at 25th October 2007, 8:26 am :

    Miller could be working on ten movies and I would still be excited about Mad Max 4! As you have said time and time again, Justice League is going to fail, it’s just one big marketing exercise. Miller surely will not want to screw up his own creation (Max).

  • 2. Steven Carroll replies at 25th October 2007, 8:27 am :

    That’s just idiotic!

  • 3. Terry Letourneau replies at 25th October 2007, 8:30 am :

    This could be a musical about the Justice League saving the world from an anti-penguin Mel Gibson in a post apocalyptic Australia.

  • 4. Frank replies at 25th October 2007, 8:39 am :

    Man!! I can’t believe how disappointed I am getting in this project. Why bother?

  • 5. Persetti replies at 25th October 2007, 8:51 am :

    Forget about Justice League, just hype Mad Max 4 from now on please

  • 6. Marvin replies at 25th October 2007, 9:36 am :

    Yeah, I’ve always wanted another Mad Max Movie. And lately my opinion of Mel Gibson has fallen. Do you think he’ll even do it? What do you guys think?

  • 7. Persetti replies at 25th October 2007, 9:44 am :

    I think it would work without Gibson if they get another bad ass actor like him but the nostalgic value would be better with him in. Now that I think about it they should get Bruce Campbell in the lead, that would rock…

  • 8. Marvin replies at 25th October 2007, 9:50 am :

    I think Bruce Campbell is great. But don’t you think he brings with him a more campy comical feel? He might make it harder to give the movie a more serious tone. How about Hugh Jackman to play Max. What do you think?

  • 9. rafa1215 replies at 25th October 2007, 9:56 am :

    Maybe this is a dream? Maybe this isn’t really happening? Damn I have to pee! Wait. It’s not a dream. Perhaps Miller wants to start part 1 as young JLA and have part 2 the older JLA we’ve all been waiting for?

  • 10. FilmNerdJamie replies at 25th October 2007, 10:00 am :

    I can’t help but think this might be Miller’s way of getting out of JLA. Can’t imagine how any director can helm two mega-budget productions con-currently.

    Plus, now we’re getting news that WB is actively hearing out writers for the SUPERMAN sequel. Could something be up?

  • 11. Dr.Finger replies at 25th October 2007, 10:25 am :

    My only hope is that it won’t be so bad as to turn Warners off from ever bringing another DC property to the big screen.

  • 12. Phil Gee replies at 25th October 2007, 11:07 am :

    I do not believe this film is going to happen. WB will try everything they can and then suddenly realise that it cannot be done in a way which will pay off for them. By which time, Singer might jump ship from Superman, Chris Nolan might not decide to make a third Batman, and WB will only have Harry Potter to bail them out of their lost gold.

    If only DC could part ways with Warner…..and make a deal with Pixar instead (ooooooooh, wet dream).

  • 13. Ezza replies at 25th October 2007, 11:55 am :

    Well they’ve casted Wonder Woman. Unfortunately.,22606,22648423-5012985,00.html

  • 14. DarkKinger replies at 25th October 2007, 12:23 pm :


    For each dot above me is profanity.

    I am not against the multiple projects thing, but it has been said the results are not pretty. The big problem in the first place is JLA. We haven’t seen The Dark Knight (which should be MUCH better than this mess) and The Man of Steel (which we may or may not know if Singer still got it like he did with X2). There is no buildup for JLA. Shit, we had YEARS of buildup between Batman and Superman (not in a brokeback way, lol) for those 2 to meet in on 1 film.

    I can’t see this pulling together. I doubt JLA can be good, with the massive fans of comic books out there. I see Mad Max 4 and Happy Feet 2 in the clear, but I don’t give a damn, with all due respect. A film like JLA should be made AFTER we get World’s Finest and maybe Wonder Woman (if it has a shot). I see no good commitment. Say what you will about Superman Returns, but at least Bryan Singer showed commitment (not on some plot points, but still)!

    I really hope JLA gets the same fate as Halo The Movie, because I don’t think we need another Batman & Robin incident that took years to get another DC hero movie out.

  • 15. DarkKinger replies at 25th October 2007, 12:24 pm :


    For each dot above me is profanity.

    I am not against the multiple projects thing, but it has been said the results are not pretty. The big problem in the first place is JLA. We haven’t seen The Dark Knight (which should be MUCH better than this mess) and The Man of Steel (which we may or may not know if Singer still got it like he did with X2). There is no buildup for JLA. Shit, we had YEARS of buildup between Batman and Superman (not in a brokeback way, lol) for those 2 to meet in on 1 film.

    I can’t see this pulling together. I doubt JLA can be good, with the massive fans of comic books out there. I see Mad Max 4 and Happy Feet 2 in the clear, but I don’t give a damn, with all due respect. A film like JLA should be made AFTER we get World’s Finest and maybe Wonder Woman (if it has a shot). I see no good commitment. Say what you will about Superman Returns, but at least Bryan Singer showed commitment (not on some plot points, but still)!

    I really hope JLA gets the same fate as Halo The Movie, because I don’t think we need another Batman & Robin incident that took years to get another DC hero movie out.

  • 16. DarkKinger replies at 25th October 2007, 12:26 pm :

    Sorry about the double-post. Damn Error-Page!

  • 17. Persetti replies at 25th October 2007, 12:29 pm :

    Marvin, yeah Bruce would propably make it an “Ash in an apocalyptic world” kind of movie. Hugh Jackman would be fine though or maybe Christian Bale…

  • 18. frankwolftown replies at 25th October 2007, 12:43 pm :

    Repeat after me everyone:


  • 19. Darren J Seeley replies at 25th October 2007, 12:55 pm :

    JLA teams up with Mad Max and they all have happy feet among penguins.

    Mad Max 4 has been long in development. Been what? 8 years now? (We almost got it 7 years ago, but pre production was pulled due to 9/11) Mad Max is Miller’s calling card (and I’m sorry, Gio, Thunderdome was terrific in terms of story) and if anything could get him out of Super Friends, this is it.

    Or, it was a card he held up for WB: “If I do Super Friends, you agree on a Mad Max 4″

    But if this source is true, then Justice will be on hold until Max 4 is done.
    And I don’t care who Wonder Woman is. If the film ceases to exist, the actress, as hot as she is, is shit out of luck.

    As for him on Happy Feet, I don’t see it much in conflict since it is an animation thing.

  • 20. Darren J Seeley replies at 25th October 2007, 1:00 pm :

    Bruce would propably make it an “Ash in an apocalyptic world” kind of movie

    … think Bruce Campbell is great. But don’t you think he brings with him a more campy comical feel? He might make it harder to give the movie a more serious tone…

    Bruce’s done a ‘pocolypse flick. Wasn’t campy either. It’s called ‘Mindwarp’ co-starring Agnus Scrimm of ‘Phatasm’ fame; it was co-produced by Fango back in late 80’s.

  • 21. movie replies at 25th October 2007, 1:58 pm :

    justice league could be interesting

  • 22. BT replies at 25th October 2007, 3:19 pm :

    I like how you guys are all upset that young people allegedly auditioned to be in the movie, and yet John are also upset that a 62 year old (gasp) is directing the movie. John, my tastes in film are pretty much the opposite of yours, but I can’t believe you wouldn’t be able to recognize that Miller is a master and that it’s amazing WB actually chose someone that good to direct this project. Who would you prefer? A 30 year old commercial director?

    He didn’t direct Babe by the way (he did write and produce it) but Babe Pig In the City and Happy Feet are both unique, visionary projects that no one else could’ve pulled off or would’ve even attempted. They show a mastery of the cinematic language and of modern special effects. They make indelible characters out of animals, create epic fantasy worlds out of whole cloth and have some of the best chase scenes on film in those ten years when he’s only directed two films. And they aren’t even his best films. I can’t wait to see what Miller will do with these characters.

    If it was someone else I’d be just as skeptical as you, but George Miller is a genius and if he is allowed to do what he wants it will be great.

    You know, it just occurred to me that a guy who called fucking Transformers the best popcorn movie ever made just insulted the director of Road Warrior. Pardon me, I have to go scream into a pillow and then bang my head against the wall a couple of times.

    Okay, I’m back. This report doesn’t say he’s filming them at the same time. It just says he’s opening an office for pre-production on Fury Road (which he was about to begin shooting years ago before the Iraq invasion so he’s already got a lot of it ready, I’m sure).

  • 23. John replies at 25th October 2007, 3:25 pm :

    Hey BT,

    You said:

    “Pardon me, I have to go scream into a pillow and then bang my head against the wall a couple of times.”

    By all means feel free to bang your head all you’d like. It won’t change the fact that I’m 100% correct.

    I never ever ever insulted George Miller. But he is 62 doing a much younger genre of film. And he’s only directed 2 films in the last 20 years… let me repeat that… he’s only directed 2 films in the last 20 years and both of those were childrens films (Happy and Babe).

    If you want to take any suggestion that the guy isn’t the right fit as an insult… then you insult pretty easy

    Miller is not the right guy to direct this film. And he’s certainly not the right guy if he intends to concurrently develop 3 films at once… and film 2 of them at the same time.

  • 24. mada replies at 26th October 2007, 4:15 am :

    Few things that I’d just like to say here;
    First of all John, I don’t wanna sound like a pain in the ass (cause I too have very little faith in the JLM) but anyway, that thing you said about casting nothing but babyfaces for the roles… Some time ago I read from AICN that all the persons were testing for only two roles. The Flash (youngest member of the league) and Wonder Woman, which you would probably too wanna see as a young sexy woman rather than a 40 something milf, eh? If not, then forget that last part and just remember that it would make more sence to have a young actress for the role.
    OTher than that, I have very little faith on any of these projects at the moment. I’m just crossing my fingers for Mad Max 4

  • 25. louis replies at 26th October 2007, 5:46 am :

    stuff the rest, bring on FURY ROAD!!!!!!!

  • 26. BT replies at 26th October 2007, 11:00 am :

    Miller is a visionary, a master of special effects and cinematic storytelling, one of the best directors of action scenes who ever lived, a creator of mythologies and a guy who primarily works with archetypical hero stories.

    I’m a Batman nerd, I like the Justice League cartoon, and I like some of these other characters. But I never really thought a Justice League movie could work until I heard the name George Miller. I want to see the director of Road Warrior do a chase scene with the Flash. I want to see how the creator of Mad Max handles the character of Batman. I want to see what the genius behind the megalopolis in Babe: Pig in the City and Barter Town in Beyond Thunderdome does visually to create a world of super heroes. I want to see what the guy who made dancing penguins seem as epic as Lord of the Rings will do with DC Comics.

    He is the perfect director. As long as they let him do what he wants he will make a great movie.

    You say he’s the wrong director. So who’s the right director?

  • 27. John replies at 26th October 2007, 11:05 am :

    BT said:

    “the guy who made dancing penguins seem as epic as Lord of the Rings”

    Ummm… wow… did you really just say that? Hey, to each their own I guess, you’re entitled to your opinion, and your opinion is every bit as valid as mine… but we are clearly operating on two different levels of reality here.

  • 28. BT replies at 26th October 2007, 6:16 pm :

    I agree, you have not seen Happy Feet. But seriously, name some better directors.

  • 29. John replies at 26th October 2007, 6:23 pm :

    Sadly BT, I have seen Happy Feet.

    And you still don’t get the point do you? I never said Miller isn’t a good director… but a 62 year old guy who has only directed 2 kids movies in the last 20 years is not a good fit for JL. Hell, take away the mad max franchise (even though Thunderdome was a sack of shit) and he doesn’t have all that much on his resume)

  • 30. BT replies at 26th October 2007, 7:33 pm :

    You see the surface but you don’t see the substance. Happy Feet and Babe 2 are kid’s movies, yes, but they’re great kid’s movies. Babe 2 in particular is more imaginative and groundbreaking than the vast majority of “adult” movies of the last 20 years. And a guy who can do a great chase scene whether he’s using cars, a dog and a pig or computer animated penguins is a good guy to have doing a movie about the Flash and about Batman fighting Superman.

    What about Chris Nolan? I like his movies, but he hasn’t made a movie half as good as Mad Max, Road Warrior or Babe 2. We could still tell that he would bring something interesting to Batman Begins, and he did (although Miller could teach him a lot about directing action). Miller has a longer, better track record and I would argue that the movies he’s already made are more applicable to what he’s going to be doing with Justice League.

    And I still don’t know what his age has to do with it. Spielberg is 60 I think. If he was doing it would you have said he was too old? What if Scorsese wanted to do it for some reason? You’d be mad because he’s too old?

    Anyway, you’re not going to say any directors you think would be “a good fit”? I thought you’d have some ideas.

  • 31. John replies at 26th October 2007, 7:50 pm :


    Once again, you’re not even listening to me. Yeah, if Steven Spielberg were doing it, it would be a 100% different story, because in the last 20 years, he’s done 10 films, all of which were better than Shitty Feet or Babe 2, including several projects that demonstrate he’d be a much better fit than Miller.

    And Nolan? Memento, The Prestige, Insomnia, Batman Begins (all FAR superior to anything Miller has done in the last 20 years)… all done in the last few years who knows and understands the demographic that JL would be targeting a lot better than Miller would.

    If all you want to do is keep referring to a movie that miller did in 1979, then why don’t we just suggest that George Lucas direct JL cause no movie Miller did even comes close to how good Star Wars is.

    I really enjoyed Babe 2, but you’ll never find it on any credible “all time” lists. Happy Feet was total political propogandized garbage that didn’t deserve a lick of the attention it got.

    There are TONS of directors who would be a better fit for JL. That’s not to say that all of them are better directors than George Miller is in general or all time… but a better fit for this particular project.

  • 32. BT replies at 26th October 2007, 9:23 pm :

    Yeah, I can’t think of any names either. Miller it is.

  • 33. chris (the real one) replies at 27th October 2007, 1:21 pm :

    even tho it would be wonderful if they made a movie akin to the JLA animated series, we should all by know that wont happen…….this will be like transformers was…..a souless, commercial pg-13 popcorn flick that will prolly make money…..the studios kinda know what they’re doin….they’re gonna make safest flick possible……we should all know that the studios arent gonna take any huge risks…..grindhouse taught them a poor lesson….gutsy original adult movies WONT sell with the masses…..sorry folks ur dream comic book flick wont be made (until the dark knight comes out)

  • 34. BB replies at 31st October 2007, 4:06 pm :

    There is only one screen Batman. Click on my name to find out who he is.

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