Live Chat Tonight

John-Studio-SmallHey there guys. Tonight at 6pm EST (3pm PST) I’m going to be hosting a live chat tonight to take questions and talk about all things regarding The Movie Blog behind the scenes. Running a movie blog, Blogging, policies, how we do what we do, podcasting, dealing with studios, dealing with readers, stories, and all the dirty secrets about Doug Nagy you may want to know… I’ll air it all out!

I’ve received a bunch of emails over the last few weeks about these sort of issues so I thought we’d hold a live chat about it tonight… it should be easy since I don’t expect more than 10 people, so it should be pretty interactive too without much trouble. So if any of this stuff interests you (I’m sure we can talk a little movie stuff too) go over here:

at 6pm EST and jump into the “show”. Should be a good time, and hopefully informative. See you then.

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  • 1. Darren J Seeley replies at 11th October 2007, 12:15 pm :

    No more than ten? Gee, that may the underestimation of the year.

    See you in three.

  • 2. Phil Gee replies at 11th October 2007, 1:15 pm :


  • 3. Jeff replies at 11th October 2007, 1:50 pm :

    I’ll be there too….and I agree with Darren…10 is the underestimation of the yes ;)

  • 4. IncliningPizza replies at 11th October 2007, 2:24 pm :

    Geez, Giohn, have you seen how many people come to the live shows? Sometimes sixty! That’s a lot! I’ll be there! O captain my captain!

  • 5. Azrael replies at 11th October 2007, 3:28 pm : logged in
    glad to catch up the live chat

  • 6. GleepWurptheEyeBiter replies at 11th October 2007, 7:24 pm :

    That was a great show John. Thank you so much for taking the time to talk about you and your blog. Hope to do it again sometime.

  • 7. SX0T replies at 12th October 2007, 5:34 am :

    Is there any chance of a transcript/recording/something of this chat/show being posted? I had class last night and couldn’t make it. If it does show up, I’ll greatly appreciate it.

  • 8. Kevin C replies at 12th October 2007, 5:40 am :

    Yeah, there hasnt been anything on itunes for a while from the roundtable or live show, were jonesing here john.

  • 9. Charley replies at 12th October 2007, 6:23 am :

    @Kevin: iTunes stopped updating for a while for me and my roomies. I had to put the feed url into a different aggregator. The iTunes version seems to be working again.

  • 10. Kevin C replies at 12th October 2007, 6:53 am :

    Thanks alot Charley, but I have no idea what you just said…

    Should I just reset all my itunes junk?

  • 11. Darren J Seeley replies at 12th October 2007, 8:22 am :

    Int’l friends:


    Go to Gio’s page at Now Live, click on ‘podcast’ from yesterday. It will take you to the recorded mp3 of the broadcast. You can then save it if you wish, or if you have an MP3 editor or something like that, you can chop out the first five minutes of silence and/or ‘the typing’.

    Note that all mp3 podcasts on NowLive is only up for a few months.
    These shows have never really been part of the iTunes podcasts.

    @the rest.

    Gio has previously stated that the roundtable podcast two weeks ago was unusable (although some of us would like to hear a spippet of it when ‘Alvin & The Chipmunks film gets released…) and this past Monday was, as I understand, The Canadaian Thanksgiving holiday (?).

    Come this Monday though…if there is no podcast…there may be hell to pay >;(

    As for the iTunes error…sometimes I get that too. Sometimes with TMB, sometimes for Creative Screenwriting…sometimes, you either have to hit the “refresh” button, or unsuscribe, then suscribe again. It’s a pain in the rear, yes…

    …but some things just have to get done….

  • 12. SX0T replies at 12th October 2007, 1:05 pm :

    Is it just me? or is there no podcast located under previous podcasts on his page?


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