Horror Movie Viral Video

The concept of viral videos is going completly mainstream… it seems like more and more films are just making this a part of their regular promotions strategy… which is fine.

Anyway, my friends over at Screenrant gave me the heads up on this little video that is making its way around the web right now. Clearly some sort of viral video for a horror of some sorts… or is it old? I don’t really know much about it other than its been around for a few months at least. Still… it’s pretty good. Check it out.

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  • 1. SaraBean replies at 15th October 2007, 2:20 pm :

    Um, you’ll have to excuse me. Must change my underwear.

  • 2. frankwolftown replies at 15th October 2007, 2:30 pm :

    That one got me good.

    No if you’ll excuse I have to change my underwear too.

  • 3. anders replies at 15th October 2007, 2:46 pm :

    Thats not even funny

    shame on you.

  • 4. Ryan replies at 15th October 2007, 2:52 pm :

    Really? A screamer? Why not just Rick-roll us next time.

  • 5. ghjki replies at 15th October 2007, 3:47 pm :

    that is not funny
    you are an asshole
    fuckin prick

  • 6. Chris replies at 15th October 2007, 4:26 pm :

    How could you guys not have seen that coming?

  • 7. Bobby replies at 15th October 2007, 4:32 pm :

    Genius! :D

  • 8. bdawg923 replies at 15th October 2007, 5:30 pm :

    I saw it coming, but still kinda switched.

  • 9. jason replies at 15th October 2007, 5:32 pm :

    That idea is taken from a coffee commercial, still pretty cool.

  • 10. ScreenRant.com replies at 15th October 2007, 5:42 pm :

    C’mon folks… MAN UP! :-)



  • 11. DarkKinger replies at 15th October 2007, 6:13 pm :

    Goddamn! Scared the fuck out of me! Why can’t horror movie sbe like that?!

  • 12. Mike Mai replies at 15th October 2007, 6:19 pm :

    i used to fall for that crap all the time, but not anymore. still gives me a jump even though im expecting it though.

  • 13. Rodney replies at 15th October 2007, 6:40 pm :

    I was watching it and then it dawned on me, “Oh its going to be one of THOSE videos where something is going to JEZZUSFUCKSTICKCRACKERHATINGTURDSTORM!!!!!

    Yeah, it caught me and I knew it was coming. I even saw THIS very video before.

    Oh the trust we place in John’s hands.

  • 14. beachbum replies at 15th October 2007, 7:48 pm :

    I now have to wipe the shit from my chair…thank you.

  • 15. chris (the real one) replies at 15th October 2007, 9:18 pm :

    HA!! it got me……got me pretty good in fact……i dont think its for a movie tho….

  • 16. bond james bond replies at 15th October 2007, 11:30 pm :

    thats linda blair in makeup from the exorcist so clearly its just something created for the fun of it.

  • 17. Bjorn/Gnolad.com replies at 16th October 2007, 1:22 am :

    You bastard! :) I nearly shit my pants. Why do I never learn… whyyyyy?!

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