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Hitman International Poster

By John - October 24, 2007 - 22:30 America/Montreal

You know, if it wasn’t for the fact that the upcoming “Hitman” film was a video game based movie, I might actually be really looking forward to it. No, the trailers haven’t exactly been inspiring… no, the casting isn’t exactly perfect… but the sense I’m getting from it has a nice feel to it. But who are we kidding… it’s a video game movie and thus will be worthless. Someday a video game movie will come along and break that stigma, and perhaps Hitman will be that movie… but until it happens I won’t allow myself to get suckered in by them.

That all being said, the good folks over at ComingSoon give us this new international Hitman Poster. Not bad, not great… looks more like a video game cover to me really. Nice dress though.



  1. Dan says:

    That really does look like a video game cover, I think this movie will follow its predecessors and suck majorly. But we are allowed to dream that one day a video game will be made into a movie and not be an absolute shame. I think Jason Statham would have made a great hitman, but I think that guy is bad ass in anything.

  2. Joel says:

    Wow, that’s boring! Talk about a generic poster. I wouldn’t look twice at that in the video store.

  3. Viddy says:

    HMMMM…Well, at least Tim Olyphant looks badass in that heavily touched pic….And in a way he looks like Vin Diesel…But maybe it’s just me….

    Ah, bloody hell, let’s just say it, Hitman will suck major balls!

  4. Darren J Seeley says:

    This reminds me of a generic looking straight to DVD cover that looks less than great graphic design and more of something slapped together in five minutes on an old version of Photoshop…

    But since the comments above say “it looks like a video game box cover’, is it possible that a) they intentionally want that video game look or b) It was the video game cover to tie into the film, and to save a dollar someone said, looking at the video game cover mock up…hey, let’s save a dollar and put this cheap crap on our int’l ad campaign!

  5. ChrisP says:

    I happened to see Xavier Gens’ Frontiere[s] at the Toronto International Film Festival and thought that it was an awesome movie. It wasn’t perfect, but mostly due to some questionable acting at some parts. Not to mention that it was one of the most violent movies that I’ve seen in a long time. With that experience in mind, I’m going to give the director the benefit of the doubt that it Hitman won’t suck. Hopefully, this will be the first to break away from the “crappy video game movie” trend.

    Silent Hill rules!!! (… but only to diehard Silent Hill fans, which kind of sucks).

  6. Donald says:

    If that isn’t the ultimate example of the Freudian ‘extension of the phallus’ I don’t know what is…

  7. Steven Carroll says:

    Looks. Really looking forward to this movie.

  8. @spence says:

    I am kind of looking for to this movie, i was always a fan of the games, but if i had to guess it will be a steaming pile…. “Someday a video game movie will come along and break that stigma” and the video game movie that will do it, is the Halo movie…dum dum dum :)

  9. Frank says:

    Metal Gear Solid would potentially make a great movie.

  10. Blink says:

    I’ve actually heard that this movie kicks royal ass. So we will see. I was just like John in the begining, but latley I have been getting more pumped.

  11. @spence says:

    Yeah i think MGS would make a good movie too.

  12. Jordan says:

    “Check out that side boob. How about that side boob? That turn you on? Well it shouldn’t, because that’s MY side boob. Good night everybody.”

  13. Kristina says:

    They did something to his eyes to make him look creepy, but he still looks like a toddler in the trailer.

    Oh, and I finally saw Die Hard 4, and he SUCKED as the villain. I mean, WOW, was that embarassing.

  14. Andrew says:

    Good poster for a soon to be bad movie.

  15. Ricky says:

    I can’t get over it. Why didn’t Bruce Willis take the role? He IS THE HITMAN from head to toe. WHY? WHY? WHY?

  16. Chisox says:

    Silent Hill was ok

  17. Kristina says:


    Willis about twenty years younger, sure. He’s too old now.

  18. Art says:

    I think this is a stupid looking poster. It is waaaaay too touched up, and makes Olyphant look more like a Gottschalk’s mannequin than a killer. Plus, he’s too pretty to begin with to play the hardened Hitman. Just my humble opinion.

    When are we gonna see a Max Payne movie? That would kick butt.

  19. @spence says:

    @ jordan….

    nice lol

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