This entry was posted on Tuesday, October 23rd, 2007 at 6:25 pm.
Categories: News Chat | By Rodney

Hellboy is one of my favourite comics to film efforts made to date. Of course Hellboy was a much lesser known comic so a LOT of people didn’t even realize it was a comic book movie. Still I enjoyed it a great deal. So when I found out they were making a sequel, I was pretty excited.

StalePopcorn passes this on:

Hellboy 2: The Golden Army is one of my most anticipated flicks of the upcoming year, and the website is now live, with a nice welcome note from Guillermo Del Toro, even nicer artwork, and a few pictures and video blogs here and there.

So now we are just ONE step closer to seeing this movie come to life. The animated features have been keeping my appetite fed for now, but I really want to see this movie happen now.

Clearly Del Toro knows how to cater to the fanboy as these are JUST the kind of sneak peeks we want to see.

Check out the Hellboy2 website here

3 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Kristina

    Well I’ll be damned. Rodney used my quote in the article! I feel so important right now:)

  2. vargas

    Well it’s about time they came with a sequel. I was beginning to think that maybe it wouldn’t happen

  3. Alex

    I can’t wait for this movie!

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