He-Man Animatics

Posted by on 30. 10. 2007in News Chat

One of the most potentially epic remakes of an 80s show would be He-Man: Master’s of the Universe. I was always a fringe He-Man fan when I was a kid. My friends all had the toys, but I was more obsessed with Star Wars so those figures trumped He-Man toys when it was allowance time. But still after the feeble attempt at a live action He-Man film in the late 80s, I think it is due time to bring out a tribute to that show that would do it justice.

Comics2Film offers us this video, which is one of the animatics (re:not fully animated) takes that would show some style and potential for a He-Man movie. I think this would have rocked in a live action effects movie.

Animatics for live-action He Man

Now try and imagine that in full featured live action glory. I especially like the end when you are waiting for Prince Adam to grow a pair and say “I HAVE THE POWER” and Skeletor says it instead.

So cool

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7 Responses to “He-Man Animatics”

  1. Ty says:

    Normally i dont like He-Man, but I have to say, this was pretty damn good, im actually interested in seeing He-Man going live action

  2. David says:

    Holy freaking cow, I love this thing. I was a huge He-man fan as a kid and I totally love this. Seriously…get this sucker made!!

  3. frankwolftown says:

    I thought that was gonna suck hard but it amazed me! Who ever made that should make the whole movie.

  4. Grave says:

    Good stuff, To bad that if they did a real movie it would not look like that.

  5. Rodney says:

    I dont know that I would want a whole movie of animatics. The Battlecat animation at the beginning was super cool, and the animated bit at the end with Skeletor as well.

    But a whole movie of “moving stills” would be distracting.

  6. Monty says:

    Animatics are just moving story boards, which are not meant to be used as the final product, a final version of this scene would have been fully animated.

  7. TigerClaw says:

    This is pretty cool and epic looking.

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