This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 24th, 2007 at 5:32 am.
Categories: Funny.

A touching story about 4 men stricken with tourette’s who have become lost, until one man comes to give them hope. (thanks to Dan for the heads up)

10 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Bishop

    Thanks for my morning laugh. Nice way to start the day.

  2. haole

    Yes, leave it to Alex Baldwin to show us all how to treat people with courtesy and class…. and call his daughter a little pig.

  3. Zac Shipley

    this guy does really excellent trailers.

    Some people love “Brokeback to the Future”, some people loved “Shining” and I loved “10 things I hate about commandments”

  4. DarkKinger

    Well, that’s a LOT of cursing for the morning. Doug would be proud!

  5. Bjorn/

    “Must love jaws” is also a classic…

  6. Phil Gee

    Aw, i wish it were real.

  7. gh1

    South Park did this

  8. gh1

  9. Laura from TriviaPot

    … how do you find all this shit?… You’re fucking amazing!

  10. sinema

    yes i watch the south park episode which mention tourette

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