First Look at PredAlien from Aliens Vs Predator 2

Posted by Rodneyon 26. 10. 2007in News Chat

Thanks to Joel who pointed us at this article this morning.

USA Today reports:

It will be money well spent if they can pull off the latest AVP, in which an alien that bursts from a predator’s body, or a “predalien,” leads the war as the creatures descend on a small Colorado town.

OK, so it’s not Fellini. But the Strause brothers, who made their names overseeing the visual effects on such movies as The Day After Tomorrow and 300, say the franchises have a mythology that still resonates with audiences — old and young.

I like that they are attempting to bring the old school Aliens suspense and horror back into the franchise, but I am having difficulty seeing how that theme will fit into smalltown middle America.

I think it is a little silly to have a blending of the predators and the aliens just because an alien hatched in the predator’s body. I always thought the alien’s host body from which it hatched was simply to keep the egg warm until it was ready to tear itself free of its host. Now apparently they borrow DNA. And dreds.

I have been burned by the previous AVP movie after they made such a big stink in promotions with the age old question “WHO WOULD WIN?” and the internet was a buzz with theories and explainations. Unfortunately I predicted the winner, and it was the humans who really won.

I would prefer this NOT be on earth at all and have no humans involved. Instead smalltown Colorado is going to get front row seats to this fight, and surely there will be a human element that will somehow triumph over both species. We are apparently more resourceful than two races bred for combat.

Hopefully this new installment will actually feature more Pred on Alien violence. Maybe they will kill off the predalien while decimating the town eliminating all humans early and have that be why they are fighting in the first place.

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Rodney who has written 8232 posts on The Movie Blog

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30 Responses to “First Look at PredAlien from Aliens Vs Predator 2”

  1. Nick says:

    “I always thought the alien’s host body from which it hatched was simply to keep the egg warm until it was ready to tear itself free of its host. Now apparently they borrow DNA. And dreds.”

    Just to let you know Rodney, the Alien has always been this way throughout the entire “Alien” series. When the embryo is growing inside a host, a part of the host’s DNA is mixed with the Alien which gives it it’s physical characteristics as well as mentally. This was very apparent in “Alien 3″ when that alien was born from a dog. It looked much different from your standard drone alien and it was much faster. As well, Ripley mentioned that it wasn’t afraid of fire like the others. So yes, DNA has everything to do with it and this situation with the Predalien is true to their biology (even though the dreds might be a tad much but they still look cool).

    That’s just some food for thought in case you or anyone else is wondering.

  2. Joel says:

    The very definition of an ugly bastard. ;D

  3. Kevin says:

    With regards to the alien egg using the body as just an incubater, that is not the case.

    Remember Alien 3, the egg was laid inside a dog rather than a human host and the thing ran on all 4′s after it hatched although it did not take any DNA it did move like a dog

  4. Nick says:

    “Remember Alien 3, the egg was laid inside a dog rather than a human host and the thing ran on all 4’s after it hatched although it did not take any DNA it did move like a dog”

    You have to remember though Kevin that in “Alien Resurrection”, the alien queen that they took out of Ripley also had human DNA inside her because she gave birth to a humanoid/alien at the end of the film. This suggests that in “Alien 3″, the queen that burst out of Ripley before she died had previously shared DNA links.

  5. PERKELE says:

    Well the dna borrowing thingy has always been in the alien franchise. In the comics and games, there has been different alien mixups, like dog in alien 3 and predalien in the pc games. In one comic, there even was a huge crocodilealien, which was cool. In the original giger alien, the alien skull was like a stretched human skull with alien parts included.

  6. Joel says:

    The DNA borrowing is probably the best excuse why the Alien is a humanoid (2 arms, 2 legs, etc.). No word on the Predator though. :)

    What I’d really like to see is the home planet of either the Predators or the Aliens.

  7. UKAndy616 says:

    Good Grief! Looks like an Alien’s been in Half-Life 2 and has acquired a head-crab! And what’s with the facehugger across the chest?

  8. Jano says:

    “…war…on a small Colorado town”

    South Park?

  9. Kevin says:

    Good point Nick

  10. AjaxLou says:

    Given the Predator’s culture you would think an infected Predator would kill himself or be killed by other Predators rather than let an alien birth.

  11. Butter On My Popcorn says:

    What came first? The Alien or the Face Hugger laying egg thing.

  12. Nach says:

    So Rodney was wrong on this one. Yey!!

  13. rafa1215 says:

    I guess the marketing team went with borrowing the DNA of it’s hosts

    looky here

  14. Krewo says:

    Looks silly as hell.

  15. Marvin says:

    No sequel has lived up to Predator 1 and Aliens 2. And, I’ve been disappointed so many times by just dumb cheesy sequels. So I don’t have much high hopes for this one. But, I’ll watch it none the less.

  16. Kristina says:

    Looks like the bitches in my suite.

  17. bassturd says:

    I agree with Marvin. Predator 1 was always my favorite.

    That picture of the “predalien” looks increcidibly stupid. Like they hacked parts of an alien and parts of a predator and put them together instead of it being a new being itself. I didn’t have high hopes for this movie but the trailer looked like it could be decent fun…however this has knocked it into the abysmal zone.

  18. Nick says:

    What I’d really like to see is the home planet of either the Predators or the Aliens.

    Apparently Joel, we will be seeing the “Predator” homeworld in the movie as Fox gave them more money to do so.

  19. Nick says:

    “Good point Nick”

    Thanks dude, I grew up watching these guys so I’m pretty strange in my knowledge base. :-)

  20. Joel Gustafsson says:

    Nick: Alright! I didn’t know that. Now I’m curious. Thanks! :)

  21. Lee says:

    Looks like crap, ill ask again…how can they continue to “F” this franchise up? its a crying shame

  22. 1138 says:

    That costume sucks!!! And for people who don’t know it was Fincher that came up with the idea that the Alien absorb or assimilate the DNA from it’s host hence the dog in Alien 3. It’s was and is a stupid idea…that means if an alien is born from someone that is mentally or physically handicapped the Alien would also be handicapped??? That kind of defeats the purpose of perfect species that the character Ash (Ian Holm) describes in Alien I. The original idea involved just incubation not assimilation.

    I do agree with Marvin, the rest of the Alien movies sucked, I and II are by the best of the series…perhaps even on the list of the the best Sci-Fi horror movies of all time.

    This Alien Predator combo just looks silly…I hope this movie is good…the first Alien Vs. Predator was horrible.

  23. Darren J Seeley says:


    Batman vs. Alien, if I’m not mistaken…

    As for the picture above…Venom with dreadlocks…

  24. Darren J Seeley says:

    and for people who don’t know it was Fincher that came up with the idea that the Alien absorb or assimilate the DNA from it’s host hence the dog in Alien 3

    That’s partially incorrect, 1138. It wasn’t Fincher. It was Vincent Ward who came up with the idea of the Alien absorbing DNA from the host. (and to a lesser extent, David Twohy before him) Fincher was brung on as a director late in the film, working with a draft that had oxen being facehugged, and they shot quite a bit of it…only when live oxen didn’t work, they reshot it…with a dog who could be trained.
    Fincher only came up with the dog.

  25. Darren J Seeley says:

    late in the film’s prep

  26. bigsampson says:

    lol well all i can say is that they do take the dna and mash up with the host…..look at the comic book series when they are on the planet thats all water….there are like whale type aliens…also in the future weyland corp. makes the drug from the egg sack of the queen…which later starts to mutate the humans who use it….this charecter they made looks like crap….there have been way better designs for him made, wonder why they bypassed them

  27. bjon says:

    hey bigsampson, where can a guy find pictures of those better designs. The idea of mixing an alien and a predator to make something new is so tight.

    Oh and to AjaxLou, you are genious for bringing that up about the predator’s culture. When I saw the first one and the predator got “infected?” with the alien, I was thought he would FOR SURE kill himself. That is just the way of the predator species. They would never endanger their entire race like that. And one of them would gladly kill himself if it meant killing an alien. Even more honor in that.

  28. 1138 says:

    I stand corrected Seely. I now recall that Fincher did come on board late and that the idea was not his…but still bleeeaaahhh horrible idea!And horrible movie!

  29. Nick says:

    I stand corrected Seely. I now recall that Fincher did come on board late and that the idea was not his…but still bleeeaaahhh horrible idea!And horrible movie!

    To be perfectly honest bud, I thought “Alien 3″ was good but the Director’s Cut of the movie is 10000x better! In the Director’s Cut, they actually brought back the dead ox and had the alien burst from it instead. There were also some other great scenes added in as well.

  30. Kaneda979 says:

    Well, I think it looks cool, but ya, they could of done allot better. They should of went with the design in the AVP2 game. I think the Predalien in it looks really sweet. Still has the dreds, but they go back instead of spread out on the sides, more like the original long alien heads and spikes on it’s shoulders.

    Check out this pic also, it looks really awesome:

    I know what you mean Rodney. The original idea for the first film was that it took place way in the future, I thought that would of been much better. The whole thing happening again in modern times and on earth just seems weird and kind of silly. But I can see how it can work too. As long as the Preds and Aliens get allot more screen time and allot more battling in then in the first film, like using a “Transformers” formula, and some good scary as hell events happening to the humans and them just getting ripped to shreds left and right, then I’ll be happy.

    To 1138. Actually we’ve seen in the movies and the comics/books the Aliens have a keen sense of other life forms. Being able to scene flaws and even they’re own kind in other life forms so they don’t kill them by mistake. So I think if they did come across a mentally challenged person they would just kill them or leave them be.

    The DNA stealing thing is actually and awesome idea. It allows them to adapt amazingly well to they’re environments and become even more formidable killing machine by actually stealing they’re enemies abilities to us against them. Hence, the perfect weapon, or killing machine, or perfect species. They’re just freakin’ badass! :)

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