Eric Bana Is Star Trek Villain

Eric-Bana-Star-TrekBest news yet to come out of the new Star Trek movie reboot. They’ve just landed one hell of an actor for their bad guy (always a key role), Eric Bana. Bana will play a villain named Nero, although at this point nothing is really known about him, or if he’ll be human, Romulan, Klingon or what.

Bana has shown over and over again that he is a major talent, and a little while ago we heard word that the studio really wanted a top notch name actor for the role of the bad guy… and man… they pulled it off. I never even had Eric Bana’s name cross my mind for a role in the film until I heard about this. GREAT choice.

There are many things they’ve been doing right for this new Star Trek movie (Rebooting the franchise, casting Zach Quinto as Spock, this movie with Eric Bana), but I STILL can’t get over the fact that once again they’re going back to the tired, done a million time plot device of “A problem with the timeline” story arch that worked great once, but has become a proverbial crutch for the Star Trek franchise the last decade and quite frankly I’m sick of it.

Time will tell, for today, things with Star Trek are on a high note. Landing Bana was a great move.

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  • 1. Gerry Alanguilan replies at 10th October 2007, 8:43 am :

    Eric will most likely play a Romulan. The name “Nero” echoes ancient Rome, and the model for Romulans and the Romulan empire has always been ancient Rome. Great choice, I think!

  • 2. Senor Chefy replies at 10th October 2007, 9:11 am :

    “There are many things they’ve been doing right for this new Star Trek movie (Rebooting the franchise, casting Zach Quinto as Spock…”

    Reboot + casting Spock = Contradiction?

    This feels less like a reboot and more like the same with new faces.

  • 3. John replies at 10th October 2007, 9:12 am :

    Hey Senor Chefy,

    That’s not true at all. Battlestar Glaactica is the best example of a reboot, and it has mostly the same characters.

  • 4. Senor Chefy replies at 10th October 2007, 9:46 am :

    Hey John-

    I see the idea in pointing out Battlestar, but Battlestar’s tone was completely changed, with characters being completely overhauled (Apollo became a flawed, angry hero, Starbuck became a batshit crazy girl, Boomer changed sex, race and species, Thai changed to white, angry drunk- even the iconic Cylons changed). The idea (12 tribes, Earth, running from Cylons) held to its core, but the characters and story arcs changed dramatically enough the whole thing resonated as reboot.

    As you mention, Spock is being cookie-cutter cast to look like Nemoy, the plot devices are the same- I just haven’t seen/heard much indicating a substantial “reboot” so much as a revisiting. I’ll wait and see, but calling “reboot” sounds premature to these ears (er… looks premature to these eyes? eh- whatever. You get my drift).

  • 5. John replies at 10th October 2007, 9:52 am :

    Hey Senor Chefy,

    The thing is, throwing around terms like “reboot” vs. “revisit” or “Reimagine”… they’re all the same thing really in the grand scale.

    It’s doing star trek… but not in it’s current incarnation or canon… it’s doing it over.

    Will it break as much as BSG did? No, I agree with you, I don’t think it will… but it’s still breaking… to what degree and by how much is still to be seen.

  • 6. Bryan C. replies at 10th October 2007, 10:02 am :

    The problems with the time line plot was so over used in the Star Trek Voyger series. I wonder if they were fans of the show?

  • 7. alfie replies at 10th October 2007, 10:40 am :

    this isn’t a reboot.

    nimoy is in the film playing as well as quinto.spock

    battlestar is definitely a reboot. same character names completely different characters and completely different in tone.

    if quinto was cast as a brand new take on spock it would be a reboot but since he is just playing nimoys version as a young man…it aint a reboot.

  • 8. Kristina replies at 10th October 2007, 11:18 am :

    NICE. I’m not even a Trekkie, but this is NICE. Might finally give this guy the spotlight that he so deserves.

  • 9. Phil Gee replies at 10th October 2007, 12:11 pm :

    Oh man, i’m ready for this now. I’ll have to stay open minded about the story (Nimoy says it’s great and i trust him), but Bana is always money on screen.

    I’m ready for Kirk to scream;


  • 10. Mr Stay Puft replies at 10th October 2007, 1:01 pm :

    Phil’s response reminds me that all Trek villains should aspire to Khan greatness. I’ve never seen anything that suggests Bana will pull that off.

  • 11. Darren J Seeley replies at 10th October 2007, 6:50 pm :

    @Mr. Stay Puft :

    See it. Bana is a bad ass in that film.


    Nimoy is playing an older Spock.


    Then again, that itself (Nimoy’s older Spock) may mean squat; after all, “Casino Royale” rebooted Bond, yet, they still show love for Dame Judi Dench, and she did come back as ‘M’. [also, in a theory, if a ‘Trek’ timeline is changed and creates an alternate timeline…it is a ‘quasi-reboot’, with only events of the ‘Enterprise’ series to remain…aside from that stupid last ep]

    BTW, wasn’t it about a week ago that they were considering Karl Urban for a role as a Romulan? Or is he playing someone else?

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