Disturbia 2

Gee..I didn’t see this one coming. (*Note sarcasm) Due to it’s successful run in the theatres, and the millons of dollars it made worldwide, a sequel to the biggest sleeper hit of 2007 is in the works.

Cinematical gives us this:

Nevertheless, it got lots of love, and it’s no surprise that Bloody-Disgusting is now reporting that the film is going to get a sequel. The movie is currently in the works, but they have heard nothing about who is attached to the project. My guess is that they’ll take the same theme and go with a new person, and maybe one of the film’s co-stars — perhaps Ronnie in college? Or maybe they’ll convince Shia LaBeouf to come back, and his adventures will have made him some sort of super-spy who moves around spying on dangerous wackos.

This sequel will only sound interesting to me if they keep the original cast from the first film. (I loved the movie, but if Shia Lebeouf wasn’t in it…I would have been soooo BORED!) Considering his career is taking off and that he will be in fact shooting ‘Transformers 2′ soon, I think the only person involved from the first one who would most likely be in the film is the character, Ronnie.

If they don’t have anyone from the first film, I will not even rent this on DVD. ‘Disturbia’ to me was a stand alone film, and I think it should be left alone. What are your thoughts?

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  • 1. Kristina replies at 10th October 2007, 11:49 am :


    This movie was a one-shot deal. No more.

  • 2. krazie835 replies at 10th October 2007, 11:56 am :

    Marketing can really kill a movie and thats what the trailers did to me when I saw a preview for the movie. It was better than what I expected but still the trailers had put me off for a while. Same can be said about Serenity the traielrs were awful if it wasn’t for the solid reviews or at least better reviews than i thought it would get I would not have seen either film. I really wouldn’t be into seeing a sequel if Shia isn’t in the movie and to be honest I hope they don’t make a sequel to the movie.

  • 3. Melbye replies at 10th October 2007, 1:32 pm :

    Some movies should have sequels, some shouldn’t. this one Should not

  • 4. bjon replies at 10th October 2007, 1:38 pm :

    I completely agree. It should just be left alone. It was a great movie and if Shia Lebeouf wasn’t in it, it maybe still would’ve been okay, but no where and I mean NO where NEAR how good it was with him in it.

  • 5. DirtyRobot replies at 10th October 2007, 1:49 pm :

    I havn’t even seen DISTURBIA yet, and I say NO SEQUEL!!!

  • 6. Gerball replies at 10th October 2007, 2:15 pm :

    Disturbia the first 2rd of the film were rally good then final third tun into usual teen horror flick… Now for me this film was still pretty enjoyable and alot of this was due Shia Lebeouf and i would be fairly interested in see a disturbia 2 continuing on from the first movie.. Not another Movie with completely different cast just basically using the Disturba name..

  • 7. Senor Chefy replies at 10th October 2007, 2:33 pm :

    Don’t do it! This film was a one-shot.

  • 8. hotmale replies at 10th October 2007, 4:48 pm :

    Never got the fuss over the movie. People were telling me how good it was. I rented it with my family and there is absolutely nothing special about it at all. A forgettable film. The last 10 minutes was very stupid as well…like they were trying to quickly rap it up in timely fashion cept it was PG-13 so they couldn’t show any of the killings so they had to do shotty camera work or make the scene completely dark to convey what happened without actually showing it.

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