This entry was posted on Tuesday, October 30th, 2007 at 6:02 pm.
Categories: News Chat.

It is no secret around here that despite the doubts on every Bond fan’s lips, have have all grown to LOVE Daniel Craig as the younger, edgier, badass-er James Bond. Well it would appear that we are not the only ones with complete faith in Craig as Bond reports:

MGM chairman and CEO Harry Sloan confirmed to The Hollywood Reporter that the studio has signed Daniel Craig to do four more “James Bond” movies, which will put his total at five, including Casino Royale and the upcoming Bond 22.

I am pretty happy with this news, as it doesn’t just mean that we will be seeing more of Craig as Bond, but rather it keeps up with the current story arc that we will be seeing a younger Bond.

We have already seen Bond be Bond for 20 films. Its about time we saw a little more character developement that got him to where the rest of the actors got to portray him. I like seeing him ballsier, flawed and even a little vulnerable.

I also like seeing him without all the silliness we have been “treated to” in the last decade of Bonds.

9 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Jonathan

    Not good news, not great news, INCREDIBLE news. Craig is a ridiculously talented actor, so as long as he keeps making other films in between, I’m all for this.

  2. Pablo

    Is it just me or did anyone else hated the last 007 because of this new actor?? I think he has nothing to do withthe character!!!

  3. bassturd

    nope. I hated all the Bond movies until Craig jumped on board and they decided to make them atleast in some realm of possibility.

  4. Donald

    That’s great news! Craig is the best Bond since Connery (though they have nothing in common)!

  5. Rodney

    Pablo, you are in the minority there my friend.

    You ask “is it just me?” Well apparently.

    Daniel Craig was so well recieved as Bond, and intentionally a different kind of Bond. This is early Bond, not the polished and emotionless killing machine we get to see later in his career. This is the story of how he got to BE the bond you think he is not. That was the point of these movies. Its not a continuation like the previous Bond movies. It was an origin story.

  6. Kenneth

    This is absolutely excellent news.

  7. #007#

    Awesome! I luv dis guy! Raw and Energetic!

  8. Faf

    Its a good news, but 4 more movies is really long! This will gets one my nerves lol!

  9. kaola

    daniel craig is no match for James Bond. hhahahaha

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