Brandon Routh Joins Dylan Dog

Brandon-Routh-DogI really enjoyed Superman Returns, and i thought Brandon Routh was a BRILLIANT Superman… even better than Christopher was. It wasn’t an easy task… he was being asked to be both Superman, and Christopher Reeve at the same time all while adding a touch of his own personality into it as well… and he pulled it off better than anyone could have hoped for.

Anyway, seems Routh is on board for another comic book adaption. This time it’s Dylan Dog. Moviehole gives us this:

Snakes on a Plane” director David R.Ellis has cast Brandon ‘Superman’ Routh in “Dead of Night”, which is – of course – based on a comic book. According to Comic Book Resources, the film – which sees Routh play lead character Dylan Dog will work on a $35 million dollar budget… The film follows a detective, on the hunt for the supernatural, who usually ends up discovering that it’s the ‘humans’ who are the big bad not the triple-horned monsters or razor-nailed ogres.

While I’m happy to see Routh in another project… I’d much rather see him suiting up for Man Of Steel soon… and to be honest this project sounds kinda lame. Having “From the director of Snakes On A Plane” in front doesn’t do much to improve that feeling either.

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  • 1. Ricci replies at 10th October 2007, 7:45 am :

    Sounds like scooby dooooooo

  • 2. Kevin C replies at 10th October 2007, 9:09 am :

    John, when..if ever do you see The Man of Steel getting made?

  • 3. John replies at 10th October 2007, 9:11 am :

    Hey Kevin,

    Sadly, not till after the strike

  • 4. Kevin C replies at 10th October 2007, 9:39 am :

    Ugh, what are the chances of Routh being cast in the Justice League flick?

  • 5. John replies at 10th October 2007, 9:43 am :

    Hey Kevin,

    You asked:

    “what are the chances of Routh being cast in the Justice League flick?”

    None… which is actually a GOOD thing. They’re trying to keep the existing Supermanand Batman universes separate from the JLA one they’re creating.

  • 6. FilmNerdJamie replies at 10th October 2007, 10:09 am :

    Yeah MAN OF STEEL is going to be post-strike by all accounts; probably for Summer 2010.

  • 7. Kevin C replies at 10th October 2007, 10:18 am :

    I see your point John, my worry is that The Man of Steel will be forgotten or straight up dumped because of the combination of strike and separate Superman flick.

    Im one of the few that really thought Superman Returns reinvented the definition of what a “comic book” movie needs to be and cant wait for the sequel. It seems like the more time goes by, the chances of seeing it go down.

    If the studios were really behind Singer and his vision, I think we’d be seeing MOS before JLA. Cheer me up with some assurances we will see Singers Superman franchise continue.

  • 8. John replies at 10th October 2007, 10:22 am :

    Hey Kevin,

    A pre-strike Superman isn’t an option for Singer… he’s busy with Valkyrie. For him to so a pre-stirke Superman he would have already begun serious pre-production work.

    I think it’s more a Singer thing than a studio thing.

    Plus the studio just wants to use JLA to pump and promote their other characters for movie franchises.

  • 9. alfie replies at 10th October 2007, 10:42 am :

    singers man of steel aint gonna happen.

  • 10. Kevin C replies at 10th October 2007, 10:57 am :

    yeah, thats kinda the feeling I get, which is a shame because I think it would be amazing.

  • 11. John replies at 10th October 2007, 11:07 am :

    Hey Alfie,

    Oh Man of Steel will happen, no film that makes just under $400 million won’t get a sequel. It will happen, just with a production budget somewhere around $150 million this time.

  • 12. Kristina replies at 10th October 2007, 11:24 am :

    You see that picture in the post? You see that face? That’s the only face I saw him pull throughout the entirety of Superman Returns To Stalk His Baby Momma. I don’t know if this guy can even act. He was nothing of note in that film.

  • 13. Kevin C replies at 10th October 2007, 11:41 am :

    I must respectively disagree. I thought he pulled off the dichotomy of Superman/Clark Kent beautifully. His mannerisms and facial expressions as Clark were great and his stoic presence as Superman was equally impressive IMO. He added more depth to that character than anyone before him.

  • 14. Kevin C replies at 10th October 2007, 11:42 am :

    I meant “respectfully” disagree…heh.

  • 15. krazie835 replies at 10th October 2007, 11:53 am :

    I think we can say that Routh didn’t exactly need the acting chops that Christian Bale has to play Superman. There was really nothing to the Superman Returns film except paying homage to the Donner film. Also making Lois seem unintresting and a woman who seems perfectly fine with the fact that Superman may have raped her.

    If Rought wants to conitue his film career he should start to get film roles right now because once the Superman films end the buzz around him is going to fade away. Unless of course he has some serious acting chops or undeniable screen presence like Keeanu Reeves who isn’t a great actor but his career is surely thriving after The Matrix.

  • 16. Kristina replies at 10th October 2007, 9:36 pm :

    @Kevin C

    Thanks for doing it respectively and respectfully:)

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