Blade Reboot?

Blade-Reboot-MaybeRebooting seems to be all the craze of late. Nolan rebooting Batman. Battlestar Galactica rebooting on TV, The Hulk is doing it and Star Trek is even getting the treatment. Now there is a odd rumor going around (emphasis on RUMOR) that Marvel may be looking at giving the reboot treatment to Blade.

The folks over at Bloody Disgusting give us the following:

there’s a reboot of the Blade franchise in the works. He explains that it’s something that the comic property wants, not necessarily New Line Cinema (who might not even be involved.)

When I first heard about this, I instantly rolled my eyes. But upon further reflection… I started to think… WHY NOT? Think about it for a minute. Blade’s 1 and 2 were both great fun little films (I thought 2 was the better of the pair) and most people agree taht Blade 3 was an embarrassment of biblical proportions. It was so bad that New Line ditched their plans for spinning off a Night Stalker series… because NOTHING could be salvaged from the mess that was Blade 3.

But now Marvel is into doing their own thing… they’ve got their own film division now and don’t need New Line or anybody else for that matter… and Blade is still a good property. The current series went to shit… so just do it over! It really seems to be working for Hulk despite only being out a couple of years ago… and I can’t see why it wouldn’t work out for Blade as well.

Just… for the love of all that is good and holy… DO NOT bring in “Sticky Fingaz” as Blade (he was the lead character in the short lived and ill conceived Blade TV show).

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18 Responses to “Blade Reboot?”
  1. Nick says:

    I couldn’t agree with you more on your last comment John. The “Blade” TV series was an absolutely horrible embarassment to the movies. I love the “Blade” movie so much (except the third) and I only had to watch 5 minutes of the TV series to see that it just SUCKED!

    As for the reboot, I say BRING IT ON as long as Wesley is returning and that he as NO PARTNERS!

  2. Nick says:

    I couldn’t agree with you more on your last comment John. The “Blade” TV series was an absolutely horrible embarrassment to the movies. I love the “Blade” movies so much (except the third) and I only had to watch 5 minutes of the TV series to see that it just SUCKED!

    As for the reboot, I say BRING IT ON as long as Wesley is returning and that he as NO PARTNERS!

  3. Steven Carroll says:

    I’m not sure how well a Blade reboot would do without Snipes attatched. If the premise sounds good, then I’ll of course give it a chance. I hope they are able to save it.

  4. calviin says:

    I say move on. I’d rather see some movies done by Marvel featuring characters that haven’t had their chance yet.
    Doctor Strange
    Nick Fury
    Lady Deathstrike
    Venom, Carnage and Toxin
    MODOK (that would be hilariously awesome)
    Red Skull
    Scarlet Witch
    Emma Frost
    Weapon X (I know it’s Wolverine, but it’s a good storyline. I don’t know if this is where they are going with the Wolverine movie, but they should)
    Jean Grey/Phoenix (This story line needs more Phoenix. She was in X-Men 3 for far to short a time. Let’s see Dark Phoenix/White Phoenix)

    So many more options.

  5. rafa1215 says:

    Reboot or Reimagined? I don’t care. Spend the allotted studio funds to new content. That’s right New Fricken Content. I don’t know make a movie about shoe shine or make a movie about elevators - something. As long as it’s original.

  6. bond james bond says:


  7. Joe says:

    blade 1 was awesome, blade 2 took it to a new level, blade 3 just made me hurl. That movie was an abomination to the blade series just like terminator 3 was to the terminator series. If there going to do a new one get snipes to do it and get rid of his so called ‘partners’ who ruined no,3

  8. Darren J Seeley says:

    I have some good things to say about ‘Blade Trinity’, but the main fault was the focus on Nightstalkers and Dracula/Drake as a hired thug (other than a setup between Hannibal KIng and Blade that didn’t pay off); but there were some stuff I did like.

    The series? I too, didn’t care for Kirk ‘Sticky’ Jones; but I LOVED Jill Wagner! I loved Jill Wagner! I loved Jill Wagner I L-O-V-E-D Miss Wagner!

    I’d much rather hope for Blade 4 rather than a ‘re-boot’ (really, what is there to reboot? One bad film? One short lived series which retcons the films?)

    By the way, y’all know me. I want a film based on Morbius, the living vampire.
    And a Howard The Duck remake.
    And Deathlok.
    And Iron Fist/Cage.


  9. Patriot says:

    If they get the same Director from blade 1,2 and get snipes I would be all for it.

  10. minor says:

    whew! i thought it was blades of glory :D

  11. Vern says:

    They should do the Blade 3 that Goyer talked about forever, where it was 15 years later and the vampires had won, and Blade was one of the last humans (if he counts as human).

    But you guys are wrong about the TV series. Of course if you only watched 5 minutes you didn’t like it. It was not for people with short attention spans. The series was great because they could take a different approach from the movies and develop one long story, with the character Krista going undercover in the vampire society. The show was more about how the vampires work and how Blade’s operation works. It was like a cop show. Blade himself was kept in the shadows most of the time. Sticky was no Wesley Snipes but he grew into the role as the series went on. He was even more anti-social than the Wesley version while the villains were pretty sympathetic.

    It was a real bummer that those assholes didn’t renew it and just show reruns of fucking Star Trek and Ultimate Fighting all day long. And they still haven’t released it on DVD.

  12. John says:

    Hey Vern,

    Actually, I watched every single episode right up to the finale. Still didn’t like it.

    And they had 2 very good reasons for canceling it. 1) Is sucked. 2) No one watched it.

  13. Krewo says:

    Why this effin need to REBOOT everything? Why not hire TALENTED people to create something on the path that was already established? God, each time idiots screw up a franchise all other idiots can think of is REINVENT! REBOOT! Which basically means that most of the mythology and ideas previously established are considered wrong/a dead end, so let’s take the core, add some new stuff and hey, we revived the “property”! This might be the right thing to do when you have a bad start (like Hulk the movie), but in most other cases where the first steps were right this is a completely UNNECESSARY move. You’re not even creating anything original; instead of expanding something, you’re just recycling parts. It’s lazy creativity, lazy thinking, lazy decisioning.

  14. takata says:

    i just cant imagine any other actor on that black dodgecharger seat.
    snipes maded just such a good job on those movies,but when people say REBOOT its almost certain that a recast for the principal caracthers would be a requirement.
    i dont now.
    i really would like to see more blade movies do!

  15. HandnHalfSword says:


  16. Andy says:

    I agree with Kern that the TV series was excellent. I think most people’s hang-ups was that they didn’t have either the attention span or the patience to let the story develop. Also that the action didn’t compare to the films which how could it on a TV budget? In the movies Wesley Snipes had weeks to film one action sequence and probably had weeks prepping before filming began. The TV series probably only had one day and an entire episode was probably shot in about a week.

    The TV series strength was its story telling and being well written. The introduction of new characters and developing not only the Blade character but the Blade Universe to levels never seen before .

    I agree Sticky’s early-season performance wasn’t that good and like the show he improved with every episode making the role his own. I definitely think he was the right man for the show and would love to see him continue the series. Goyer definitely redeemed himself after the poor Blade Trinity .

    As for the “Reboot” I’m not sure it’s a good idea. Will they throw out what came before and return to something more like the comics, with spandex? Will Blade still be the quintessential anti-hero badass cutting vampires down with reckless abandon, blood spurting, cool extremely well choreographed martial-arts action? or will it become another sanitised Hollywood comic-book hero?

    The question is who’s going to play Blade in this next “reboot” movie? Not Wesley Snipes as they will obviously be looking for someone younger, cheaper and someone who can do the role for the next 10 years or so. While I think Kirk “sticky” Jones was perfect for the TV role whoever this new actor is he needs to be well versed in martial-arts like Wesley Snipes. Obviously that’s far more important than his acting ability because at the end of the day Blade movies were about action not character development. Unless they going to try and develop the character like the TV series?

    Whatever happens I hope they hurry up and release the complete Blade the series on DVD !

  17. cole says:

    blade is cool i love the films and series can’t wait to see new one

  18. D says:

    I hope they do decide to reboot the Blade franchise the third film was just a total embarrasment compared to the first and second films, and the TV show god I don’t even want to think about it I might just beat myself to death. Otherwise I hope they do reboot the Blade franchise he diserves it just as long it’s just Blade and Whistler if not then just Blade on his own

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