Best Articles On The Web - October 12th 2007

Hey there guys. This is going to be a new weekly feature around here. A couple of Movie Websites have partnered up to share with you the best editorial or unique content from each of the sites every week. We’re really looking forward to participating with these guys and sharing the best posts from their sites each week with all of you. I hope you’ll take time to read them. So here we go with the highlighted articles from around the movie web sphere this week:

4 Rules Before Making A Remake
The Movie Blog looks at some things that should be considered before a remake gets made.

Movie Theater Incentives: What Works? What Doesn’t? looks at which corporate incentives at movie theaters work and which don’t.

Seven Great TV Shows that have Been Shunned by Hollywood
Film School Rejects looks at seven fan favorites that should have made it to the big screen by now.

Exclusive Planet Terror DVD Clip
MoviesOnline looks at an exclusive extra from the Planet Terror DVD called “The Stunts”.

So take some time to check out these great articles and great sites. Next round up comes next Friday!

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  • 1. Darren J Seeley replies at 12th October 2007, 1:15 pm :

    Film School Rejects- I can see why they picked that name. One of the best articles on the Wib? Right.

    They should know that:

    1) Angel was a spinoff of Buffy the TV series…Buffy The Vampire Slayer, however, was first a theatrical film.

    2) One on the list is Firefly. They mention Serenity, but…that negates this off thier list if it is called “Seven Great TV Shows that have Been Shunned by Hollywood: they should have made it to the big screen by now”

    3) Battlestar Galactica.
    Em…no. Not if they wrap up stuff in the next (and last?) season like they threaten to do. (In addition, while it really doesn’t count, the original Galactica’s three hour pilot was consolidated into a big-screen theatrical release in ‘78…a notorious move and practice at the time)

    4) Thundercats.
    It is…happening…just not the way folks want it to. Still, it is, so that also negates it off the list.


    Here’s what should be on that list:

    1) AirWolf.

    2) A-Team (mentioned)

    3) Greatest American Hero

    4) Crime Story

    5) Sports Night

    6) Famous Teddy Z


    7) Forever Knight

  • 2. Goon replies at 12th October 2007, 2:06 pm :

    thats a humble choice for the first link.

  • 3. scoville replies at 12th October 2007, 9:36 pm :

    I agree Goon. Why post your own story on your “best from around the web”?

  • 4. Eric The Red replies at 12th October 2007, 9:54 pm :

    @Goon and Scoville, This is right in the post - “A couple of Movie Websites have partnered up to share with you the best editorial or unique content from each of the sites every week.”

    Learn to read. Each site highlights a story from their site. It’s the same post on each site.

  • 5. Kev replies at 13th October 2007, 3:16 am :

    1.A Team Yes George Clooney, Rob Lowe, Jim Carrey, Dwight Johnson
    2.Street Hawk
    3.Remington Steele

  • 6. scoville replies at 13th October 2007, 11:49 am :


    I can read. Thanks for going straight to the insult instead of thinking about what we could be saying.

    I just think it looks silly for that to be here. Can’t each site take their own link off the list on their site if one of their stories makes it?

    This just feel like it could turn into a lot of back-patting to me.

  • 7. scoville replies at 13th October 2007, 12:37 pm :

    ….and I’m not trying to be a troll here.

    I’m just expressing how it looked to me when I first saw it. I’m sure my opinion is just one of many out there.

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