This entry was posted on Monday, October 29th, 2007 at 8:08 am.
Categories: News Chat | By John

Here is all the key movie news going on today:

  • Wonder Woman Movie Dead Again
    Joel Silver, who was producing the now-stalled Wonder Woman movie, told reporters that the project has been placed on the back burner in light of another impending superhero film. “They’re going to make the Justice League movie, and we’re kind of pausing on Wonder Woman now,”

  • U2 3D Picked Up by National Geographic
    A new U2 concert film has been picked up. I loved Rattle and Hum, and this one goes further by being all in 3D (quick useless fact: “Where the Streets Have No Name” is my all time favorite song)

  • Peter Jackson FIRED Ryan Gosling
    More reports that Gosling didn’t walk away from “Lovely Bones”, but rather he was being really difficult and Peter Jackson fired him 2 days before shooting was supposed to start. I have been less than thrilled with how Jackson has conducted himself the last 2 years, but GOOD FOR HIM FOR FIRING GOSLING if this is true. Hey Ryan, I like you very much as an actor, but don’t let one Oscar nomination go to your head. You’re nothing but an actor, and when you’re on set, you shut your mouth and do your job… the director is in charge and your job is to help fulfill HIS vision… not bring your own.

  • Josh Lucas As Captain Pike In Star Trek?
    There has been very little news about the new Star Trek movie that has given me much hope… but some of the casting for the film has been pretty visionary… and if this is true, Josh Lucas as Captain Pike would be a pretty sweet move.

  • Six Reasons to Upgrade to HD-DVD or Blu-ray
    An article by my friend Sean over at Filmjunk. I totally disagree with him on this 100%, but it’s a well thought out different point of view that’s worth looking at.

  • Mario Van Peebles Does Uniter“Mario Van Peebles has signed on to direct his sci-fi screenplay The Uniter, which Don Kushner and Brad Wyman (Monster) are producing.The Uniter chronicles the journey of a political fugitive who escapes from the future back to the present to teach a 13-year-old how to use his powers to unite the warring factions of the world before it’s too late for planet Earth.”

  • Battlestar Galactica on the big screen
    This is an amazing idea. “he new Battlestar Galactica telemovie, Razor, will premiere in theatres before airing on TV sometime next month in America, according to Variety. Best of all, it won’t cost you a cent to see it at the movies! The theatre showings, which are completely free, take place Nov. 12 in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Boston, Dallas and Seattle. Two weeks later the telemovie will air on the Sci Fi Channel in the states. The special two-hour episode “Razor”, which will serve as a backdrop for the events of season four of Battlestar Galactica, tells the story of Lee Adama’s first mission as the commander of the battlestar Pegasus — and the harrowing tale of that ship’s desperate fight for survival in the immediate aftermath of the Cylon’s genocidal siege of the Twelve Colonies.”

8 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. UKAndy616

    “Wonder Woman Movie Dead Again”

    Welcome to Development Hell. Have you met Master Chief?

    And for the record: Bullet the Blue Sky. :)

  2. Donald

    I would LOVE to see BSG on the big screen. A shame I am no where near any of those cities. On the other hand, I am confused as to what happens next. Does Razor come out and is followed by the series or do we have to wait for January???

  3. John A.

    “Wilson and Wes Anderson just talked about their new movie and didn’t mention the suicide attempt once, which made the whole interview pointless… because the looming issue distracted the viewers from anything else that was being said anyway.”

    I actually feel the opposite. The personal lives of movie stars is not movie news to me. Movie news is who is starring, directing and producing so and so movies. Movie news is how a movie is changing from its original source material. I watch movies not to know about actors lives but to be entertained. I do feel for Owen Wilson but I just hate the whole dissecting the lives of those involved in the entertainment industry.

  4. Hey John A.

    I don’t disagree that that’s how it SHOULD be. But the reality is that his suicide attempt was major headline news… and until he addresses the issue, it’s going to be a major distraction from the film itself.

    If he even did a quick 2 minute statement the day before about his incident, then I think the interview would have been MUCH more effective. As it is, no one was paying attention to the movie issues.

  5. Melbye

    Donald, BSG season 4 doesn’t start until April. That really sucks

    And Gosling was toatly wrong for Lovley Bones. He was going to play a father to a 14 year old

  6. DarkKinger

    Wonder Woman is gonna want to stay in development hell, since it looks like they are waiting for how JLA does.

    I want to say this off my chest, WHAT THE FUCK~?! They are getting started with the Superfriends spinoffs?! And those movies are going to tie in to JLA? I do not like this, and the director of The Flash has done mainly comedies.

    I don’t know what to expect with Green Lantern, but at least THAT looks to have some promise, until it falls under “JLA spinoff” category.

  7. Darren J Seeley

    1) Super Size Me friends:
    This is a slight contradiction: the Wonder Woman film is “on pause” (not dead) due to the Superfriends film, but a Green Lantern and a Flash film are on a fast track, with directors named without scripts. Interesting.
    But if Superfriends isn’t made, one of these could be more realistic. (and what about Lobo, Joel?) Worse, if SuperFucked is made and it is a bomb that no hero is immune from, what does that mean for a Flash that didn’t work or a Lantern that was crap?

    2) The Shat and Star Trek.
    This was the story I alluded to the other day on Now Live. Oddly enough, nowhere in those stories was the ‘reboot’ word mentioned.

    3) Peter Jackson firing Gosling.
    An interesting comment by Gio. When Gosling was rumored to have walked away, what were your comments, John? Didn’t you berate the actor for doing so? Now it turns out Jackson fired him, and Gosling is still a bad guy? God forbid Gosling be an actor whose authority supercedes a director, because if it were so, folks would be praising him like Ed Norton over Tony Kaye.

    4) Lohan reality. Who needs the show? We get enough of it on ET, E!, VH1 Best Week Ever and Inside Edition…don’t we?

    5)Big Screen Galactica.
    Makes some trivia sense. The original series pilot was blown up and (notoriusly) trimmed on the sides for a brief theatrical run as well back in the ’70’s. Why not come full circle?

    6) Brett not on Escape From New York.
    I am not the biggest Ratner fan, but I usually don’t join in on the bash fest because there are some films he’s done which I thought were alright. Not outstanding or great, but alright.

    I think it would be funny as beans if someone approached someone with a connection to good ol’ John Carpenter. Heck, just get John, say bye bye to Gerry and give us “Escape From Earth”….ha!

  8. Mark

    John, we have the same all-time favorite song! I once wrote an entire novel simply because I had a flash of inspiration consisting of that song playing over the opening credits if it were made into a movie. I would be perfect…

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