This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 26th, 2007 at 2:40 pm.
Categories: News Chat.

X-Files fans rejoice! It looks like the much rumored X-Files sequel is quickly becoming a reality. Movieweb got the first exclusive of the news when they had interviewed David Duchovny for the DVD release of the television series.

When asked about the X-Files 2 movie, this is what David told MovieWeb:

It’s at… the script is written and as far as I know we’re all trying to shoot in December at some point. We would all love it if we could keep it a secret and just give everybody a fresh experience of not knowing what the movie’s about. I know if I was a fan of the show I would kind of be excited to be surprised.

This is awesome news! Especially if the film does start production in December, because then it would beat the upcoming strike in June 2008. David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson are terrific actors who have both continued to show off their acting skills in very different films and television shows, (*Check Gillian Anderson in the new revenge flick “Closure” on DVD…AWESOME!) but we all know when we seem them onscreen, we only see Mulder and Scully.

Although, I do agree with Mr. Duchovny when he says the plot should be secret. Take for example the upcoming Sex and The City movie. I probably know all the important plot points by now, and have probably ruined any sort of surprise factor I would have had if I didn’t read so much in entertainment news.

Hopefully you guys feel the same way? So what are your thoughts? Are you ready to see Mulder and Scully hit the big screen again?

9 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Frank Einstein

    “interviewed David Duchovny for the DVD release of the television series”… how long ago was this interview? Weren’t the DVDs released ages ago?


    She’s referring to “the TV Set” DVD. The link says it all. But this is VERY COOL news. The last time I heard X-Files 2 news there wasn’t a script but everyone involved wanted to do the movie. FUCK YEA, this just sets it in stone baby. I don’t care if the movie sucks, it’ll be cool to see these characters again. Good find Serena. You lost me on the Sluts and the City blog, but you nullified it with this one.

  3. Darren j Seeley

    This news had been brewing for a few months, only *then* the interview in question was when DD was promoting ‘Californication’ (I think thats the interview you recall Frank)

    Now…let’s say it’s all good to go. [Looks like Chris Carter might direct?] The big question is that, since the show ended, Mulder and Scully were on the lam. The Alien Conspiracy is pretty much done - or is it?

    Will Robert Patrick be asked back? Mitch Pleggli?

    It’s a shame Doug Hutcinson is in the new Punisher. I would have done cartwheels if some joker ressurected Eugene Victor Tooms.

    [Hey, come to think of it, Fox: how 'bout an X-Files prequel with...oh, nevermind...]

    In any case, X-Files 2? I’m not holding my breath. Still, it would be outstanding seeing Gillian again. BTW, Serena? When Gillian did other film roles (House Of Mirth, for example) I never did “see” Dana Scully, so I respectfully disagree.

  4. Donna A.

    I liked the TV Show and the movie. I would go see this.
    Donna A.

  5. Sound Designer Dan

    I totally loved the X-Files during it’s peak. It’s best episodes though were not the ones associated with aliens but the ones about mutants, people with powers, etc.

  6. Klendathu


  7. Tripp Van Easille

    “Boy they really went “Caveman” on him!” This is GREAT NEWS and I also agree with a “Stand-Alone” episode/film. Some of the show’s best ep’s were of that ilk. Can we ever forget “Home”, “Small Potatoes”…priceless stuff!

  8. Some Guy

    This movie will never happen.

  9. DeAnte

    I would KILL to see this movie!

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