‘The Karate Kid’ Remake?

Will the remake craze ever end? (Not any time soon unfortunately) There are probably two things you readers are doing right now. You’re either rolling your eyes or swearing at the computer screen. ( I managed to do both after finding out this news) It turns out that the beloved classic a lot of us grew up on is being seriously considered for a remake, and you’ll never believe who they’re considering to play Daniel Larusso.

Moviehole gives us this:

Jerry Weintraub, who produced the 1984 original, is teaming with Will Smith’s Overbrook Entertainment to do the new version, says IGN Movies. Glad that Jerry’s involved, and terrific to know someone with such a unique vision as Will Smith is producing, but you’ll never guess who’ll be playing the new Larusso? Will’s son, Jaden Christopher Syre Smith.

Okay…I’m going to calm down. I am NOT going to trash a nine year old child, because that’s just plain wrong. (Although, I really wish Will Smith would let someone ELSE cast his kid in a movie, so the world would know if Jaden has the acting chops to get into a movie without his daddy’s help.) This is horrible casting…just for the fact that this actor is TOO young to play this role. Are they trying to revamp the remake for a kiddie audience? What’s next? Casting Hiro from Heroes as Mr Myagi?

Bring back Ralph “has been” Macchio. Christ, even bring back Hilary Swank, but don’t remake the movie…not like this.

News about eighties classic remakes always sadden me. It means it’s just one day closer to possibly seeing my fave film of all time ‘Weird Science’ get remade. (Just to warn you if that happens, it will be a sad day for yours truly. :P )

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  • 1. Rodney replies at 28th September 2007, 9:44 am :

    This just screams out “Disney fluff” to me.

    Make a movie about a 9 year old kid learning karate. Fine. I can ignore that. But why call it a remake of the Karate Kid?

    However, if it DOES get made, I would LOVE to see Masi Oka as Myagi

  • 2. Roguepirate replies at 28th September 2007, 9:52 am :

    The kid is barely going to be 10 years old. It would seem odd for a 10 year old to be wandering the streets and trying to join Cobra Kai. It would also seem really weird for an old guy to be spending so much time with a 10 year old alone.

  • 3. Angela replies at 28th September 2007, 9:55 am :

    to be honest with ya, ith first karate kid movie was more than enouph for me!! it was OK the first time isaw it, but no more already!! i am awith you, if someone decides to remake Weird Science.. well, that wiould be a very, very, very sad day!!!

    please no more remakes!!!1

  • 4. Olivier replies at 28th September 2007, 9:59 am :

    This is blasphemy!!

  • 5. Terry Letourneau replies at 28th September 2007, 10:10 am :

    This sounds more like 3 Ninja’s. What’s next? Remaking Ferris Bueller with Dakota Fanning?

  • 6. Calviin replies at 28th September 2007, 10:27 am :

    Ok, first I am saddened by Serena’s news that they might remake this movie with “disney” twist. Now I hate Rodney for saying he wants to see Masi Oka as Miyagi. Someone needs to make this day get better. Apparently You two are just gonna let me down.

    (I’m not really depressed. Just the method I chose to express my disapproval.)

  • 7. EmilyK replies at 28th September 2007, 10:41 am :

    So does this mean they’ll also be remaking the song “You’re the Best”? Hmm…and which band/singer would they get for that?

  • 8. Roguepirate replies at 28th September 2007, 11:11 am :

    “So does this mean they’ll also be remaking the song “You’re the Best”? Hmm…and which band/singer would they get for that?”

    I’d put money on either Miley Cyrus aka Hanna Montana or Avril Lavigne. After all disney needs to push the soundtrack sales.

  • 9. Ric Ocasek replies at 28th September 2007, 1:26 pm :

    Do you smell that….I just shit myself. Couldn’t Will Smith just kick me in the balls, it sounds more fun.

  • 10. Darren j Seeley replies at 28th September 2007, 5:47 pm :

    I actually didn’t think the first Karate Kid was all that great. Good, but not great. It was the SECOND film which set the bar, and had a more interesting story. As for the possibility of a remake, I don’t understand why they have to use the title and re-cast the character of Larusso.

    Since Pat Norita is no longer with us, I’d rather have the role not recast. I’d rather see the character has sadly passed away, and the new “teacher” is Larusso and/or the Hilary Swank character instructing the kids in martial arts. THEN I can see them instructing “Karate Kids” between the ages of 10-17 or something like that.

    Unless I miss my guess, Wierd Science had already meen remade…as a short lived TV series. But that was when that iron was hot…

  • 11. Joesph(Jay)ClearnceHersey3rd. replies at 17th October 2007, 6:01 pm :

    I Really Want To Be Real Thing’s Really Can Be More Diff

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    hink When Ron Thomas Really Thinks Can Bobby Real Does.

  • 12. India Zulu replies at 13th February 2008, 7:32 am :

    NO!!! They can’t do that! That’s just unbelievabley stupid and unecessary! Karate Kid is such a cool film. Why watch it die with a remake?

    And the kid? Ralph Macchio was already 23 when he did the original. 9 really isn’t right for the part. 12 and I might have been able to overlook it but 9? Come on!

    I’m begging everyone out there. If it IS made (and they really shouldn’t allow it to happen) don’t buy it!! It’s an insult, not only to the movie but the actors. Ralph Macchio, Pat Morita (Long live his memory), William Zabka and Martin Kove are just not recreatable.

    Think about this. If someone remade “Pirates of the Carribean”, for example, I’d be pretty p**sed off. Wouldn’t you? K/K’s a classic. Don’t mess with it.

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