Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Clip

As people likely know already, both John and I share a love of Star Wars. We have yet to face each other on the grand battlefield of Star Wars Trivial Pursuit, however he has made a fan film where the closest I got to such an accomplishment is to have a lightsaber duel with TMB Alum Wormwood that nearly broke my ankle.

So to see ANY news about Star Wars gets my attention. There is a lot of talk about Star Wars coming to TV but a real lack of quality Star Wars games on PC or Consoles since Jedi Academy.

There is a fine line between games cinematic qualities and movies themselves that it almost seems appropriate that I found this clip through Cinema Fusion.

This game looks incredible. I planned on getting an XBox 360 eventually anyways so this just sets the date.

I will own one by the time this game comes out.

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  • 1. TM replies at 28th September 2007, 10:53 am :

    Ya…the game looks like it’ll be fun so does the story, but I’m still waiting for the reviews.

    I hope it supports a 1080p display for my PS3 and tv. :o)

  • 2. Kevin C replies at 28th September 2007, 10:55 am :

    When is this game coming out?

  • 3. Rodney replies at 28th September 2007, 11:05 am :

    The game is slated for second quarter, so that means April/May

  • 4. Dan Alpers replies at 28th September 2007, 11:18 am :

    Word has it that Wiimote users will be able to have realistic lightsaber duels.

  • 5. miles replies at 28th September 2007, 11:22 am :

    but it will look terrible.

    i have a wii and i feel cheated.

    i plan on getting a 360.

  • 6. GODFATHER replies at 28th September 2007, 1:11 pm :

    The game looks fantastic, but I gotta question the story. It seems that even though Darth kills just about every remaining Jedi, there’s more out there. I also have a question on why an apprentice (to the Emperor) would take on an apprentice himself… I’m sure there’ll be some sort of storyline to the game, but I’m not so sure I’m going to like the crappy lifeline they bring into it. It would’ve been better to just progress the Vader line instead…

  • 7. Jonathan replies at 28th September 2007, 4:55 pm :

    Godfather, here’s a “secret” apprentice, first of all. Secondly, it says in the trailer there it’s so Vader can see how far the force can be taken. It seems as though he’s more or less an experiment or a pawn.

    And it looks like it will further Vader’s story, but obviously in a game, you couldn’t really play AS Vader. Just my thoughts.

  • 8. Grave replies at 28th September 2007, 8:49 pm :

    Well looks good so far ill spend 60 bucks on it. I hope one special feature of the game is that you can play the game as Vader,or Luke or Maul. That would be cool.

  • 9. haole replies at 28th September 2007, 9:32 pm :

    No quality Star Wars games? I’m sorry, but I thought Knights of the Old Republic I and II were great. Not to mention Battlefront, especially the second one which brings to life the 501st.
    That being said, yes, I am looking forward to this game.

  • 10. Grave replies at 28th September 2007, 11:19 pm :

    What? KOTOR 1 & 2 were terrible. The first was such a rehash of New Hope and the 2nd game was made to cash out on the first ones success. Why you think they not making a 3rd one? Battlefront 2 on pc was great but short. I loved Shadow of the Empire for N66 and Rouge Squadren 2 & 3 were great.

  • 11. norm replies at 30th September 2007, 5:13 pm :

    I hate all this secret apprentice crap. Lucas screwed his own universe by limiting the number of Sith! Now they have to invent their way out of his box!

  • 12. Jimmy replies at 1st October 2007, 3:41 pm :

    I am stoked about the game, but I am sad about one thing… They should have cast James Earl Jones as the voice of Darth Vader. That would’ve been perfect.

  • 13. Rodney replies at 2nd October 2007, 9:10 am :


    Its been common practice in the SW Universe that a Sith master would have one official Sith Apprentice while keeping a number of side apprentices who were not yet considered “Sith”. The Apprentice was well aware that he could be replaced on a whim if his master was not satisfied with his performance. Sith rule by fear.

    Lucas didn’t make a mistake.

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