Shia Labeouf and Michael Bay Return for ‘Transformers 2′

shia-labeouf.jpgI don’t know if this even matters and no one is surprised, but it’s just been confirmed that young star Shia Labeouf will reprise his role in Transformers 2 as well as director Michael Bay. The film is expected a release date for June 26, 2009.

Moviehole gives us this:

As the trade states though, there’s a battle of wills between DreamWorks’ David Geffen and Steven Spielberg and leadership at Paramount conglom Viacom that may see that date change.
Michael Bay is also expected to return for the sequel. And yes, it will be released on DVD in both HD and Blu-Ray. Maybe.

This is great news (except for the possibility of a date change for a later date) because besides having robots in Transformers, Shia Labeouf and (gulp) Michael Bay onboard are sure signs of building up great hype for the sequel. I’m sure Michael Bay is also happy to hear that the film will be on BOTH HD and Blu-ray as well. :p


  • 1. melbye replies at 27th September 2007, 3:08 pm :

    As long as they remember more robots, less soldiers

  • 2. Darren j Seeley replies at 27th September 2007, 3:27 pm :

    Megan Fox, Rachael Taylor and Peter Cullen, if you are out there, clear those calandars and follow in these footsteps of Shia LeBouf and Michael Bay…

  • 3. GODFATHER replies at 27th September 2007, 3:49 pm :

    Well, it’s no surprise that Shia is back… And Bay? Well, of course he’s back… Now, as far as anyone else is concerned, it really depends on what direction they take the movie… I personally think that the parents will be back, as well as Sector 7. Doubtful they’ll have the same soldiers in it, although they can spin them off into a new part of Sector 7.

    People I really hope don’t make it back: John Turturro (great actor, but WAY over-hyped his performance) and Anthony Anderson (he’s just not funny to me). As has been stated though, MORE ROBOT SEQUENCES, and gimme Ultra Magnus!!!

  • 4. Kurt replies at 27th September 2007, 4:15 pm :

    I’d like to see confirmation that there would be at least some attempt at ’story telling’ and ‘dialogue’ this time around now that we’ve gotten special effects and sunset-photography out of the way with the first one.

    Even so, they will not be getting my $11 the second time around. Few films made me angrier than Transformers this year for sheer nonsensical bombast.

  • 5. chris replies at 27th September 2007, 4:30 pm :

    i agree 100 percent kirt….movie pissed me off to no end but sadly…..when this comes out michael bay will have my money…

  • 6. Umberhaven replies at 27th September 2007, 5:22 pm :

    Shia Labeouf. Yay! Michael Bay. Boo!!!

    Thank goodness some other people here feel the same way I do about the first movie. It wasn’t a complete failure or waste of time. I still gave it a C-. But, it did make me angry as it did with Kurt and Chris. I even went into it not expecting to love it, and I was still disappointed.

    For details as to what I found wrong with it, here’s the link to my Transformers review on my blog:

    Like Chris, I will probably see the sequel no matter what, but I’ll go into it with some major reservations.

  • 7. Robert(wolf) replies at 27th September 2007, 5:23 pm :

    Best fucking movie this year!!!
    Glad to hear Shia and Bay are back.
    Cullen will return no doubt.

  • 8. Rafael replies at 27th September 2007, 5:36 pm :

    ooohh!! weee!! - they visit Cybertron!!
    Remember I called it first!

  • 9. Hotmale replies at 27th September 2007, 6:57 pm :

    ooohh!! weee!! - they get into fights that you can’t tell what is happening because the camera is shaking so much. You look for a story but there is nothing to find. There are various peepee and masturbation jokes. It ends with the good guys getting the crap beat out of them for about 2 hours and somehow win regardless.

    Remeber I called it first!

  • 10. Kristina replies at 27th September 2007, 7:09 pm :

    Yay for Shia!

  • 11. miles replies at 27th September 2007, 8:30 pm :

    the more i thought about transformers after watching it, the more let down i was.

    here is to hoping they learned their lesson.

    here is to hoping the plot will center around the robots and we will actually get to see them when they fight.

    also that the most powerful being in the universe isn’t killed by shia fucking laebouf.

  • 12. THEFLYINGWORM replies at 27th September 2007, 11:09 pm :

    Somtimes I wonder if people just bash this movie on purpose. oooh, boo on Michael Bay…c’mon…as Nell Carter said, “gimme a break”. Being my age, I grew up with the cartoon. I did not like the idea of it being destroyed in a 2+ hour movie. But once I saw it, although there were some things I would have done different, the movie itself was by far better than I expected. The story was thin, but it was still there(and the humour was more than just about masturbation). If another director did this movie the story might have been more in-depth. But in this case I’d rather have a mediocre dialogue and EXCELLENT VISUALS, rather than great writing with stop-and-go motion. It’s Transformers for Pete’s sake. The story was limited before it even became a fucking movie.

  • 13. jordan barrie replies at 27th September 2007, 11:53 pm :

    I jsut hope they take it more serley like they did in batman begings don’t make it as kid frendy base the storey more aroud teh robots and no the humans. But i still though the firstone was great i loves it was pree fun. rasnformers ratatouille and the bourne ultimatume

  • 14. hotmale replies at 28th September 2007, 12:40 am :

    I can live with bad dialog and even the masurbation and pee jokes as long as the action is good. However, it wasn’t. I don’t understand how so many people actually think it is. What’s the point of shaking the camera around so much when filming CGI robots? It’s almost as bad as the Bourne Ultimatum when it comes to this…but Bourne was actually a great movie so you can look past that. Then on top of that, the fight scenes…especially the last one…were soooo fucking long. I was bored of the fight after about 5 minutes because it was the same thing over and over but it lasted probably 20 minutes.

    And yes I hate Michael Bay and think he has yet to do a good movie. I like Shia however, but any movie that ends on a LINKIN PARK song just solidifies how bad it was.

  • 15. THEFLYINGWORM replies at 28th September 2007, 1:00 am :

    Well, let’s say that the fight scenes were drawn out, which is only opinion depending who’s watching, shortening those fight scenes would only mean enduring the horror of more bad dialogue that the haters didn’t like in the first place. I do agree with you though, I have never been a Bay fan. And I can’t argue with the whole Linkin Park thing. But shit, it was fun to watch and therefore I will still give it two thumbs up.

    P.S. sometimes a shaking camera enhances the effect, atleast for me.

  • 16. DirtyRobot replies at 28th September 2007, 10:24 am :

    Kurt and Chris… thank the gods there is some TRANSFORMERS dissent around here! I too felt the pain and anger of having to sit through that shiny piece of nonsense, and then to bear the shocked and dismayed looks of everyone else who loved it, and then assured me that I “just didn’t get it somehow.”

    Shia Labeouf, I know this film is bringing you name recognition and a dump truck load of cash, but please, for you the sake of your soul, get away while you still can!

    Best moment of the film… the threesome at the end.

  • 17. Donna A. replies at 28th September 2007, 11:15 am :

    I will most likely be taking my grandson to this one also. He really loved the first one.
    Donna A.

  • 18. #007# replies at 28th September 2007, 1:02 pm :

    One of Transformers 2’s dialogue:

    Otimus Prime: “Stop dropping do-do on the poor man”

  • 19. GODFATHER replies at 28th September 2007, 1:25 pm :

    Wow… It seems there’s a lot of bitterness to a movie catering to TEENAGERS! Come on people…. You seriously expect a cartoon based, toy series is going to give you or even compare to dialogue of a R rated movie? I think you guys need to get off your Coco Puffs and actually watch the movie for what it was: a fun, relaxing couple hours, reliving a time when the world wasn’t so pessimistic.

    Transformers is not the greatest movie of all time, but it was never meant to be.

  • 20. hotmale replies at 28th September 2007, 2:06 pm :

    Sure it is catering to the kiddies. But to throw in that whole masturbation joke seemed out of place. A forced joke to get snickers even tho it wasn’t needed. I’m 21 and believe it or not, MY MOM of all people made me go see the movie with her. I believe the sole reason was because of that loser from the Vegas show was in it. Dear god he sux at acting. But back to the scene where the parents were talking about masturbation while the transformers were outside destroying the lawn, that felt like it lasted 30 minutes, was completely unneeded. Long and pointless. The parents were beyond annoying.

  • 21. chris replies at 28th September 2007, 3:06 pm :

    its not that we’re mad because it was made for kids or just because we dont like michael bay, its because as transformers fans we didn’t get what we expected. i hated the new designs for the robots, but i thought about it and said i can deal with that.

    I ignored all the camp and stupid dialogue and even the stupid ass sector 7 crap. I tried really hard to like this movie but I couldn’t….why? Because its fuckin called transformers!! In a movie called transformers we shouldn’t have more human scren time than robot time, we shouldn’t have pointless lines about characters (did we really need to know about that soldiers wife and kid or that meagon fox’s pops stole cars”

    Transformers should’ve have been about the robots, point blank. The transformers themselves are deep three-dimensional characters and have their own identity, to make the autobots besides prime and bimblebee nothin but background guys is stupid…and jazz said wassup bitches….sigh, michael bay u piece of shit

  • 22. Kurt replies at 28th September 2007, 3:46 pm :

    Atrocious screenplay did it in more than anything else, but while we are listing atrocious points about this piece of blockbuster detritus:

    1) Reasons for many of the action scenes made little sense (example - Hey Shia, take this cube up to the top of a building, WHY? getting to higher ground when the enemies tranform into frickin’ planes? Made no sense, heck why go into-the-city at all?)

    2) Car Commercial / Sunset (’magic hour’ photography) - Wow, how much of this is required in any action movie, let alone a ‘kids movie’

    3) Soulless Characters - particularly all the robots amounted to a catch phrase or two, or memory of who they were from the cartoon. Nothing is done to advance their personalities here.

    4) Pointless subplots - What happened to the hacker thread that so much time was spent on? Who Cares?

    5) Dialogue - Inspiration Bot mots from Prime, filler from everyone else. Shia comes out looking the best, but barely. Most of the time it just frightful, like a computer program spit it out from compiling scenes from other movies

    6) Product Placement- I know you big budget movies pretty much require this to pay for all those pretty special effects. But the nokia, 7-up, eBay mentions in the film were particularly heavy handed and grating. Quite offensive really.

    7) Robot Designs - Hmmm, Twisted hunk of metal #1 is fighting twitsted hunk of metal #2. Please spare me the ‘we wanted to make the transformations look realistic’ because you as a defense to nearly all of the previous above arguments is ‘lay off it’s a movie based on a cartoon’ - I don’t understand who approved of those shitty spikey blobs that fought each other in the last act of the film.

    I don’t know why I continue to rip this movie, better that I just ignore it. It probably has something to do with my complete and utter failure to understand why people gave this a pass and Spider Man 3 a fail. Can’t we fail all needlessly bloated SFX blockbusters equally?


  • 23. Kurt replies at 28th September 2007, 3:59 pm :

    I have a soft spot for ‘kids’ movies that tend to stretch their audience, not reduce them.

    Brad Bird is a fine example - compare his THE INCREDIBLES vs. the two FANTASTIC FOUR films made. There is no comparison really, The Incredibles is in a league of its own. RATATOUILLE could be benchmarked as one of the supreme recent examples of childrens films that really want to expand kids minds (instead of pander shamelessly to them - namely Transformers).

  • 24. Monty replies at 28th September 2007, 4:39 pm :

    I would have been happy with a fun average summer popcorn movie(I personally never expected a great plot or dialog), but as much as I love the Transformers, for me personally, there is no escaping the fact that it’s simply a bad movie.

  • 25. hotmale replies at 28th September 2007, 8:00 pm :

    Wow, I’m glad all you guys are coming out of the woodwork. For a long while here I thought I was the only one that thought the movie was complete trash. It sure seemed that way. Even exiting the theater, with my headache from the last 30 minute action scene and linkin park song, I could hear people in the audience saying “Wow, that was the best movie I’ve ever seen”. I didn’t say anything to them but I couldn’t help but wonder what the hell they have been watching all their lives and what the hell they think they just saw that passed as even a decent action film.

    Only positive thing I ever said about it was the CGI was really good and Shia was funny at times…tho he is much funnier in real life (watch any interview he has had).

  • 26. Kristina replies at 30th September 2007, 1:54 am :

    I’ll use this post to encourage folks to check this flick out in IMAX. I saw it in IMAX today and it is AMAZING. Yes, the movie is nowhere near perfect, and yes the hackers/soldiers/anyone not named Sam were useless, but I still had a good time watching it. Helluva lot more than I can say about Mary Jane 3 or Pirates 3: At Wit’s End.

  • 27. Rachel replies at 6th October 2007, 12:31 pm :

    ok you know what!? You guys are just ticked that megatron wasnt a gun!!!! And spare me the whole “The transformers are not realistic looking” what would you like them to do, make them look like the robots in the old Battlestar Galactica!?! Also I bet my last dollar that you all laughed at the so called “masturbation” and “pee” jokes. You guys just dont want to admit that Bay finally did something good!!! And you may complain on the and i quote “meagon fox’s pops stole cars” cause that would explain her breaking into the truck that was carrying bumblebee around so he could kill the other decepticon!!!!! Oh and I did not experience a shaky camara at my movies. So come on!!!!!! And just letting you all Transformer haters out there, there making 2 more after number 2, so HA!!!!

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