Russell Mulcahy to direct Vampire Film

Russell-mulcahy.jpgRussell Mulcahy (director of the ‘Highlander’ series) directed the recent box office success ‘Resident Evil: Extinction’ and now that he’s directed a zombie flick, he’s now moving onto another beloved monster genre, the VAMPIRE genre. Mulcahy is signed to direct the upcoming vampire film based off a novel by Steven-Elliot Altman called ‘Zen in The Art of Slaying Vampires.’ gives us this:

The protagonist is turned into a vampire as he and his lover are attacked in lower Manhattan. She dies, and he struggles to overcome his murderous instincts and thirst for blood through Zen meditation. A struggle for his soul ensues between the bloodsuckers and the zen masters.

I don’t know if this movie sounds brilliant or incredibly stupid. A vampire overcoming his killer instincts through ZEN meditations?! That doesn’t even work for me when I’m STRESSED!

Although, Russell Mulcahy is a fine director and a viligante vampire flick sounds highly tempting for me considering I love vampire and viligante films. (It can’t be any worse than this year’s ‘Rise: Blood Hunter.’)

I’ll guess we’ll have to wait to see who has been cast in the roles….then we’ll know if this is going to be a film that’s going to suck or something we should SINK our teeth into.


  • 1. jack-o replies at 27th September 2007, 2:45 pm :

    Is this going Direct to DVD?
    Russell has been working in the D2D movies for a while now, and RE: Extinction is his first theatrical movie in more than a decade. THank goodness Paul Anderson gave him a 2nd chance.

  • 2. Darren j Seeley replies at 27th September 2007, 3:22 pm :

    Since RE3 got a theatrical and his next film will could go theatrical (The Scorpion King 2) it’s possible that this Vampire flick could go theatrical. It could go either way.

    Okay, what do you have against “Rise”? It wasn’t *that* bad. Was it worse than say, the DTV ‘Vampires: The Turning”? Okay, maybe you are on to something there but hey, at least ‘Vampires: The Turning” showed off Muay Thai action in the flick…(and having a loose connection to the ‘Vampires’ series started by John Carpenter. Yeah, I know “fans”don’t consider ‘Turning’ part of the trilogy, but the Hunters that happen to show up use the same methods as the Hunters fromthe previous films)


    Yes. It IS a silly idea. But, in other vampire flicks, most vampies drink rat’s blood (Interview With A Vampire, for example) or take late night hospital shifts and help themselves to the blood storage bags. Or run a late night blood donation scam where folks donate blood thinking it could save the life of another human being, only unwittingly helping vampires fill a winery. See? No Zen required!

    BTW, one of my fave Mulchahy films, other than the first Highlander…is Razorback. (yes, folks, the monster boar-pig that eats human flesh) But you know me, Serena, I’m a sucker for all eco-horror…

  • 3. Stormy70 replies at 27th September 2007, 8:16 pm :

    Zen vampires? I got enough of vampire angst reading Ann Rice. I don’t need to see it writ large on the big screen. They should make a film based on those best selling vampire huntress novels.

  • 4. Sir Jig-A-Lot replies at 27th September 2007, 10:18 pm :

    cast ain’t important. hey the guy turned Chris Lambert into a star (sure he ended up squandering that fame away,but hey that’s his fault).
    strangely last thing i heard a year or so ago about Mulcahy was he was doing a reboot on Dracula. guess he changed his mind.

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