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Reflections From LA: Being A Stupid Movie Fan

By John Campea - September 26, 2007 - 13:55 America/Montreal - 13 Comments

Hey guys. As some of you may or may not know, right now I’m down in Los Angeles having some meetings and getting ready to head to San Diego tomorrow for the San Diego International Film Festival where I’ll be premiering my new film “Prince of Peace - God of War“. This is my 5th trip down here in just over a year. Hence my lack of posting this week (special thanks to Serena and Rodney for helping to pick up the slack).

Anyway, last night I was invited to the world premiere of the new Morgan Freeman / Greg Kinnear film “Feast of Love” which was held at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences. What an amazing theater with so much stuff inside. Anyway, I’m standing around in the foyer a few minutes before they start the movie and Sharon says to me “Hey John… behind you”… so I turn around and I’m standing right beside Morgan Freeman. Later I had a bit of a geekgasm when I got to meet Fred Ward (Remo Williams himself bitches!), have drinks with a Vice President of MGM and chat for a moment with Toby Hemingway. Earlier in the week I bumped into Michael Bay, was bought lunch by a big Hollywood publicity company and had a meeting at the head offices of Lakeshore Entertainment. The other day I spoke with Kevin Smith and had The directors of Crank call into the live show with me. Later today I’m having coffee with Johnny Whitworth (CSI Miami and AJ on Empire Records) and drinks later in the evening with some more studio folks.

So what’s the point? The point is I still freak out about all this stuff. I mean holy shit… I’ve talked to people who have been movie journalists for like 6 months who don’t geek out anymore about getting to do all this stuff… me… I’ve been doing this for over 4 years now and I’m still as amazed and bedazzled by the world of movies as I’ve ever been. There I was, standing in the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences, and I felt like I snuck in or something… because I’m just some wide eyed movie geek feeling like he’s about to wet his pants because HOLY CRAP THERES ROBERT BENTON!!!!

So why can’t I get used to this? Why aren’t I “cool” like all the other people who “cover” the movie industry and not get phased or excited by all this? I remember standing at Comic Con with another web guy and across the room I saw Robert Downey Jr. I freaked out a little and say “Holy crap, don’t look now, but there’s Downey Jr!” To which the other guy (who is much cooler than me) turned his head… said “oh yeah” and then just went on with our conversation like it was no big deal. I felt like such an absolute nerd… but I can’t help it… I AM an absolute nerd.

It’s not because I think any of these people are BETTER than anyone else, and certainly not any more important than anyone else. I think it has more to do with my (and our) fascination and love of the movies that gives me an unyielding appreciation and envy (there, I said it) for those who get to live and work inside that world. It’s not that Fred Ward is so important… it’s that he’s got to do so many cool things and be involved in so amy great movies that I just want to talk to him, hear about his experiences, what he’s seen, what he’s done and what he’s going to do. I think that’s why I get just as pumped about meeting studio people… because they’ve seen and been involved in so many cool things, that all I want to do is buy them a drink and pick their brains about their experiences for hours. I’m standing on a red carpet and had Jon Voight walk up to me… my first instinct wasn’t to ask him about the event… my instinct was to go “OH MY GOD! YOU’RE JON VOIGHT! TELL ME WHAT IT WAS LIKE MAKING DELIVERANCE!”

Is that “unprofessional” of me? Yup… sure is. Is it nerdy of me? Yes. Does it make me look like a loser? No doubt. And ya know what? I DON’T CARE.

I am, and have always been (like most of you guys) just a dude who LOVES movies. This whole site is nothing but an expression of my (and yours) enthusiasm for movies… and sometimes I feel like my whole existence is powered by my enthusiasm for movies. And I make no apologies for it. Let other people be professional. Let other people be cool. I run an irrelevant pointless website… but it let me have drinks with Zachary Quinto while talking Heroes and his new role in Star Trek… so I love my life, and I hope I never get used to it.


  1. Ross says:

    Well John like you repeatedly have said that you are a just a movie fan like the rest of us. And you happened to start a unique(particularly the movie podcast) movie community site on the net. The Movie Blog, if I’m not mistaken, was one of the very first blog’s about movies. And there was a whole load of people who were interested in venting their interest about movies to others - so subsequently this site became popular (sorry for explaining to you the history behind your own site :P)

    Like you said also there is tons of professional websites that even though they look cool and sleak etc they just don’t have the community that this site has. Because you started this site and it became so popular that is why you get to do all the cool stuff like meet famous people etc.

    But I say REVEL in your fortune John instead of feeling like you need to be like everyone else and act “cool”. If you happen to see Morgan Freeman then shout (like the rest of us would do) - “Holy crap there’s Morgan Freeman!”

    Just because you run a site doesn’t change the fact that you love movies, now does it?

    (PS. I bet that guy you were talking to SECRETLY was shouting “Holy shit there’s Robert Downey Jr!”:P)

  2. Gillian says:

    Glad you’re having fun (and hope you enjoyed HEROES!)!!

  3. Phil Gee says:

    If i were ever in your situation John, my dream would be to sitting in a resteraunt and see Alan Rickman, Jeremy Irons, James Earl Jones, Gary Oldman, Tim Curry, and James Woods, all at the same table talking about how nobody hires them to be villains anymore like they used to. Then James Earl Jones says:

    “We should put together all our money and make our own movie starring all of us. It would be called ‘Bad Fucks’ and it would be an action blockbuster from the perspective of the villains.”

    “Fuck yeah”

    “And we will get that English guy sitting over there to write it for us. He looks like a fan; i’ll ask him. Hey, English person, get over here and suck our dicks. Then you can write a movie for us.”

    I’m sure you have similar dreams John;)

  4. Jose says:

    The truth is John, I prefer guys that are like you rather than the ones that act oh soo cool about being part of the movie industry. The truth is that one moment or the other everyone was like you, or like us, true hardcore fans whom just loved movies. But they have grown used to it and they have forgotten how they felt or how much they fought to get to where they are right now. As long as you never forget this, you will always appreciate every single time you see something like this…be it a big theater or a celebrity. Because the truth is, not everyone gets to be so lucky as to see those that create entertainment for millions.

    So, as you said, do not feel ashamed because there is nothing to be ashamed of. Keep enjoying it, cuse I would do the same!

  5. SX0T says:

    You are my hero.

  6. Henrik says:

    Well ignorance is bliss, and nobody is happier than a child.

    I hope you will get to work more inside the industry though. It sucks to envy people.

  7. TheScourge says:

    Although I’m not a movie insider, I’ve met quite a few actors, and although I act cool, I’m internally geeking out as well. However, I once talked to R. Lee Ermey for about 45 minutes. (I was a Marine and he was our guest speaker at a VERY SMALL Marine Corps Ball). He repeatedly told me, that it was HE who was privileged to work in the industry and was grateful to have the work and have to get a “real” job.

    I think the problem with Hollywood “actors” is that they tend to forget that. Which by the way, is why I think R. D. Jr, will be great in Iron Man. Someone who’s career has run the gamut from Weird Science to Back to School, to In Dreams, to a big budget blockbuster.

    A shout out to Mr Favreau…don’t forget where you came from! (”Can you blow me where the Pampers is?”)

  8. Rafael says:

    Just never lose that fascination John, never lose it.

  9. Kristina says:

    You lucky lucky lucky bastard:)

  10. crackerjack says:

    John, sounds great. Glad you still have that kid in you. I am new to the working Hollywood life myself. I am working on the Will Smith film Hancock at Sony Studios and almost everyday I see someone in passing and am still in awe of them. Today saw Danny Devito for the second time at work and it is so hard not to run screaming “I love your show!” I don’t ever want to lose the kid in me. I am right there with you man and if you ever want someone in Hollywood to grab a beer with and talk movies I am here buddy.

  11. alfie says:

    John we may disagree on a lot of things. o.k. we may disagree on all things but theres a reason I keep coming here and it’s your genuine passion for film and everything about it.
    you really love this shit and I like that.
    if you became jaded and cynical - all too cool for school I wouldn’t come here.

    Keep it up…

    don’t go changing.

  12. ChickheaD says:

    Yay. Another, “wow, how humble is me!” post from John.

    Fresh, original, interesting content is becoming harder and harder to come by on this site.

    Keep regurgitating those news links for posts I guess.

  13. CLERIC says:

    Is it me, or does John come across as a name dropper…

    I love the podcast though, best one online,

    Keep it up

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