Peter Farrelly Talks About ‘The Three Stooges’ Movie

Posted by Rodneyon 30. 09. 2007in News Chat

three-stooges.jpgIt has been highly talked about that Peter Farrelly (of the Farrelly brothers directing team) has been trying to create a film adaptation of the classic television show, ‘The Three Stooges.’ At a press conference for his latest film, The Heartbreak Kid, Farrelly told ComingSoon. net details about the long awaited film and if it’s indeed going to happen or not. gives us this quote:

“It’s one of those things that’s just been tricky,” he said. “The studios all feel like women won’t go see it. I don’t agree. ‘Dumb and Dumber’ wasn’t a chick flick, but eventually women got in there. Also, they don’t think it’s going to be big overseas because no one knows of it, but again, nobody knew about ‘Dumb and Dumber.’ We are going to do it eventually.”

How can people overseas NOT know THE THREE STOOGES??! Honestly, why are studios holding back on this project? There are tons of television shows remade into movies all the time, and I have no idea why they would be holding back on a project that has both an old and young audience. (Jesus, it can’t be any worse than ‘Wild, Wild, West!’) Would you guys like to see Farrelly revamp the ‘Stooges?’

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Rodney who has written 8870 posts on The Movie Blog

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13 Responses to “Peter Farrelly Talks About ‘The Three Stooges’ Movie”

  1. Xavier Donoso says:

    This is really bad idea! I like the Farrelly brothers work but I don’t support that revamp I prefer to see the original tv series in DVD. It’s like making an I Love Lucy movie…probably some studio is thinking about it (or I just gave them an idea).

  2. pendragon00 says:

    As someone from ‘overseas’ i can honestly say that the only thing of The Three Stooges i have ever seen is from Short Circut. I have to agree with the studios for once and say i really dont think it would be big anywhere outside North America

  3. pendragon00 says:

    As someone from ‘overseas’ i can honestly say that the only thing of The Three Stooges i have ever seen is from Short Circut. I have to agree with the studios for once and say i really dont think it would be big anywhere outside North America

  4. herby says:

    This is a very bad idea.

    Nobody could ever capture the chemistry of Moe, Larry, Curly and sometimes Shemp.

  5. Glenn says:

    The Three Stooges was not a TV show, they were theatrical shorts shown in theaters before a film. They would later be shown on television, But don’t categorize the Three Stooges as a “television show”.
    This is a very bad idea for a film. You can’t recreate the magic of the stooges without the real stooges. This is why most movies nowadays suck.

  6. haole says:

    I hate to say it, but slapstick is dead. No one knows how to do it anymore, it’s a lost art. Just look at how terrible Steve Martin’s Pink Panther was. This would be just as bad.

  7. Mr. James says:

    Ok, I’d go see it if they actually got some older actors to play the parts like John Lovitz to play Larry I mean look at that pic you’ve got for this post and tell me that doesn’t look a little like John with a bald wig and stringy hair?! However, if they go out and do some kind of “teen” Three Stooges prequel I will never watch another Farrelly Brother movie ever again! The Three Stooges will always be middle-aged men being overgrown babies. That’s the beauty! Keep it that way!

  8. miles says:

    maybe someone finally gets that you can’t always replicate the magic fo the original.

    could you imagine a garfield-esque three stooges?

  9. Rafael says:

    I say go for it. Studios spend money on all kinds of movies and tv shows that suck. You guys know what I mean - I don’t have to give you any examples. I’ve always waited for someone to make an actual movie of this
    great trio. I’ve seen just one made for tv movie about them and didn’t care for it. If studios are going to spend money on crap then maybe this may be great crap. Yes, there is such a thing as great crap. Eat a burrito at El Faro and you’ll know what I mean Nyuck Nyuck - Sointly!!

  10. Clarkehead says:

    Unless this is a biopic about the Three Stooges, and the tragedy that surrounded Moe (losing both of his brothers, having to find replacements) while trying to continue to make people laugh on screen - I wouldn’t do it.

    The Stooges shorts and movies don’t need a re-do, but the previous made-for-TV movies that tried to tell their story didn’t do them justice. I think if anyone could pull this off, it’s the Farrelly brothers.

  11. FunkyMunkey says:

    I agree that people from overseas probably wouldn’t be interested in this: I’m from the UK, and the only thing I know of the 3 stooges is references from other films. I don’t know anyone who’s ever watched an episode

  12. FunkyMunkey says:

    I agree that people from overseas probably wouldn’t be interested in this: I’m from the UK, and the only thing I know of the 3 stooges is references from other films. I don’t know anyone who’s ever watched an episode

  13. Meli says:

    This is a horrible idea. I pray it never gets made. There is not one ounce of me that thinks even a Farelly brother could pull it off.
    The only movie I want to see about the Three Stooges is a biopic and even then I’d be wary about who they’d cast.

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