New John Rambo Trailer

What is the plot, the story… nay… what is the essence of the new John Rambo film? Well… if the first two “trailers” are any indication… it’s irrelevant. All the studio thinks you need to know is… Rambo kills lots and lots and lots of people in gloriously violent and disturbing manners. And really… they’re right. We really don’t seem to care anything at all about the next Rambo film except that it be insanely violent.

When you look at the boards, that’s all people are talking about… how violent will Rambo be. That’s not enough to cut it for most films… nor should it be… but there are exceptions (like Rambo) where you know that is the exclusive reason for the ride… and that’s ok sometimes.

At any rate… the newest “trailer” for John Rambo is out… and yup… doesn’t tell you a thing about the movie… cause the audience doesn’t care… what it does do is show you loads and loads of John Rambo making various people living impaired. Check it out (via Firstshowing)

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  • 1. geoff pedder replies at 9th September 2007, 1:15 pm :

    holy kebab meat, I guess this won’t be a PG-13 then.

  • 2. Roger replies at 9th September 2007, 1:23 pm :

    Whoa! The new Rambo film looks very violent, which is a good thing. I wonder if Stallones acting in this is going to be as bad as it was in Rocky Balboa.

  • 3. Anonymous replies at 9th September 2007, 1:34 pm :

    I think this film will cash in on the pussy out die hard had. Because this is a film that has been reawoken they will be compared. Good publicity.

    But motherfucker this looks my sorta thing


  • 4. Tombo replies at 9th September 2007, 3:43 pm :

    I know ts silly but i can’t help but be enthrawlled by this… i will surrender my monies for this movie no matter how potentially terrible it may or may not be!

  • 5. Bobby replies at 9th September 2007, 3:53 pm :

    Well…. who needs a plot John… It’s mutha F**K*** RAMBO!!!
    I’m sure we all can figure out the details once were in
    the theater… :) But man, those kills have got me in
    the seat bro come opening day!!! Bring on the pain!!!!



  • 6. Phil Gee replies at 9th September 2007, 4:00 pm :

    And this is what some people wanted G.I.Joe to be:)

  • 7. UKAndy616 replies at 9th September 2007, 4:02 pm :

    Where’s the Predator :)

  • 8. Omar replies at 9th September 2007, 4:35 pm :

    I’ll be there son.

  • 9. Phil Gee replies at 9th September 2007, 4:36 pm :

    Ha ha, well it would be nice to see Carl Weathers in a movie with Stallone again.

  • 10. rory Crockford replies at 9th September 2007, 8:21 pm :

    So is the budget primarily going for blood? I think that is the most blood in a preview I have ever seen. Is there an actual person who studies how much blood comes out when an arm is cut off by a machete as opposed to a chain saw? I am not complaining but the physics of blood in the preview really made me take notice.
    More blood than a vampire movie [underworld, etc.]

  • 11. Vern replies at 10th September 2007, 4:37 am :

    The first trailer did explain the story. Rambo is secluded somewhere and a group of missionaries tries to get him to be their guide into hostile territory. He refuses and they end up being taken prisoner. He feels bad so he goes in and kills motherfuckers. Because war is not something he can turn off.

    It’s too bad that the dumbass sequels have so tarnished the memory of FIRST BLOOD that nobody remembers what a great character and scenario it was in the beginning. The whole stubborn battle between Rambo and Brian Dennehy. I love how these two are fighting over absolutely nothing, the sheriff just doesn’t want a long-haired vet walking through town. But neither of them will back down and it literally escalates into a war. There is plenty of great action and macho dialogue from Richard Crenna, but the best part is the emotional climax when Rambo breaks down and blubbers about his experiences in Vietnam.

    It’s truly a great action movie that actually has things to say, but then they made Rambo 2 and all anybody remembers is a muscleman blowing shit up and everybody high fiving each other and yelling RAMBBBOOOOO!!! Too fucking bad.

  • 12. eric replies at 11th September 2007, 1:31 am :

    ENTER YOUR COMMENTS HERE. Make sure you fill out the box below this one before submitting your comment Y not make this a bad ass film. He is older and is showing the audience what he is really made of. more realistic than most movies. Almost like it was directed by rob zombie. Imagine how F%^&*ed up that would be.

  • 13. eric replies at 11th September 2007, 1:35 am :

    Like it or not, it will b a sell out crowd. Stallone’s acting isnt that bad as some think. He is alot better than many emmy awarded actors. There isnt many his age who could pull off a rocky and a rambo at his age. rite?

  • 14. FunkyMunkey replies at 11th September 2007, 3:19 am :

    This film will be so crap. Violence for violence sake and it doesn’t appear to be funny or tongue-in-cheek (eg. Starship Troopers).

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