Movie Blog Uncut: September 3rd 2007

Posted by on 03. 09. 2007in Uncut Podcast

Hey there guys. It’s a holiday around these parts, so the rest of the round table guys are taking the night off. Since it was just me, I thought it would be a good opportunity to do another mail bag installment of the show. So tonight, I talk a little bit about my Best and Worst films of the summer that was 2007, and then just spend the rest of the episode responding to questions. Hope you enjoy.


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31 Responses to “Movie Blog Uncut: September 3rd 2007”

  1. Anonymous says:


  2. CastleKnight says:

    Thanks for answering the question. I Look forward to the review!

  3. Kristina says:

    I’m going to a sneak of 3:10 to Yuma Wednesday, so I hope I enjoy it as much as you did. It really looks good.

    Spiderman 3 is shit, and I really don’t see how people can defend it. I seriously don’t get how anyone could watch that shit and enjoy it.

    How dare you disagree with me, Campea!!!! Muahahahahahaaa!!

  4. Larry says:

    I love the Monday Round tables, so please don’t take this the wrong way, but I do wish you would do these mailbags a little more often. They’re just a bit more focused. A different flavor than the round tables. Don’t replace the round tables, just consider doing these mailbags once in a while. Maybe as a special a couple of times a month on a Tuesday or something. Just a thought.

    Great show by the way.

  5. Goon says:

    John, of COURSE I acknowledge that many including you didnt like Spiderman 3. But I also recognize that I’ve never heard a good case why it is so vastly inferior to the other Spiderman films. Even on the initial review all I’ve heard is strange nitpicking that makes me question your remembrance of the flaws of the other two films, and IMO, a questionable sense of humor when it came to say, the brilliant jazz club scene. You say “emo”, I say “Superman Returns was way more emo” and you liked it. You say “too many villains and you have to wait for Venom”, I say “Transformers has an even bigger problem with this, you wait even longer for even less, you wait even longer than the Hulk did for the hero, and you liked it…”

    So in the end I’m just puzzled and head scratching at how you add all your supposed problems with the film into “the worst movie of the year”. And since I don’t see the case made, well all I can do is simply make my own judgment that its a hyperbolic statement, an emotional response to a letdown of a film. I can’t truly know whats in your head, I can only judge by what you say on your blog and shows, and thats the conclusion I’ve come to.

    I’m sorry man, on Spiderman 3, to me the Movie Blog is the home of incorrect movie opinion.

    You’ve got me hyped up for 3:10 to Yuma now though, before some of this word of mouth came around I was up in the air whether or not to catch this or Shoot Em Up first. And now, well, I guess I’m still confused, but more confident in 3:10 than SEU.

  6. Goon says:

    also, i dont know if its fixable, but around 20 minutes in when you talk about Serena’s viewing the sound doubles up - glitch.

  7. AjaxLou says:

    Agree with Larry the mailbag shows are great and a nice change of pace.

  8. John Campea says:

    Hey Goon,

    You said:

    “But I also recognize that I’ve never heard a good case why it is so vastly inferior to the other Spiderman films.”

    No, you just haven’t heard any you agree with. I’ve stated multiples times on here why I hated that wretched film. From the lousy dialog, the horrible pacing, non-existant character development of the villains that the other 2 films did so well, sickeningly focusing the lions share of the story on the most non-likable character in the franchise (MJ) and making the film more about her career problems than Venom or Sandman, and plot devices more worth of Uwe Boll than Sam Raimi.

    I could go on and on and on and on and on. So you see Goon, you’ve heard ample amounts of good cases why so many people, myself included, detest this horrid movie… you just don’t agree with the reasons. And that’s fair enough. But you’ll just have to accept that rather than prescribing some imaginary excuse as to why others didn’t see it the same way you did.

  9. Grave says:

    Yea John is right in my opinion. Spider-man 3 was way garbage. I didnt really like the spider-man films all that much but the third was the worst. MJ cying about her career most of the time with Peter riding the tides of fame? Sandman looked fantastic but he wasnt a villian at all in this movie. Harry was such a waste of a building charater. I was expecting him to be much more. The goblin costume for harry lets face it was terrible. He looked like a cyber snowboarding ninja from a bad saterday morning cartoon. Venom was also such a wasted charater that looked great but because the writers and directors wanted more MJ/Peter scenes Venom was only shown for like what 15 mins. The movie seems like it was suppose to be only Spider-man and Venom right from the opening credits. How much more proof does people need that some of us feel that it was a bad movie.

  10. tr0n says:

    Hey John,

    Just wanted to second Goon’s comment about the audio glitch (at least for the downloadable version of the podcast). It doubles up at approx 17:00 in and as much as I like the sound of your voice, two of them is just too much for me to handle. It’s like I’m going into some Campea mind meld. Any chance of getting a fixed ver up? I know it’s a holiday.


  11. tr0n says:

    Actually it only goes on for about 1min 30sec so no biggie.

    Oh and great stuff as usual. Love it. Keep it up.

  12. Darren j Seeley says:


    I’m convinced now that Vulture, played by Ben Kingsley, would have been badass. No wait, it would not have mattered…Peter would still be emo and MJ would still whine. Even I think that Venom should have kidnapped Gwen and MJ should be the one to save her. I do not however think Spidey 3 is the worst film this summer. But it is a letdown after the greatnness of 2. Y’know what? John made a point late in the ‘cast. We get what we pay for. **Fans** wanted that Venom, no matter what. You clowns want the Utlimate every damn thing and now…you bite the hand that feeds.

    I think it is time.
    It is way overdue…for filmmakers to stop listening to the **fans** and instead, do what is right for story purposes. Venom could have been spared for part 4 and folks would be happy. I can understand Gio -and many others- frustrations. I’ll defend it to a point…even I have to concede that the story and characters, aside from Harry and Bruce’s waiter (a shot of life to most) are wasted in Spidey 3.

    It’s not as bad as Gio says it is. It’s just not on par with the quality od the previous films.
    I loved Dunst and the MJ character. They just didn’t know what to do with her. Make her do *something* other than whine. The jealousy part is fine…but I think after that wonderful intro to Sandman rising…we did get dumb dialog with Grace’s Brock, didn’t we?


    Ben foster is going to be a MAJOR actor in the next few years. He was one of the few bright spots-and actors- in Alpha Dog earlier this year. Wait a sec, you say. He was in “Alpha Dog”? That’s right, int’l friends. He schooled Justin Timberfake on how to act. Not to mention Foster’s character kicked some shit and ass around in that film real good.

    He was fine as Angel in XMen3. Needed bigger role.
    See early film “Liberty Heights” helmed by Barry Levinson.
    See his psycho in ‘Hostage’
    See Speckler Dave in ‘Punisher’.

    Big name on the rise.
    Good actor too.


    I’ll ask the unaired q’ on Now Live come Wed.
    Hope everyone had a great labor day.
    Or Halloween.

  13. Goon says:

    Hey Goon,

    “No, you just haven’t heard any you agree with.”

    Completely wrong. I’ve heard many people make a case against Spiderman 3 that while I don’t agree with, convinces me that they truly figured out why they don’t like the film. With you I’ve heard hyperbole and nitpicking at devices that you accepted in other films. I don’t have to agree with someone to think they have made their case. They don’t have to win me over, they just have to explain why something didn’t work in a way that tells me they really thought about it.

    Most of the time you do this. With Spiderman 3, I think you were disappointed and have since had such an emotional hyperbolic response. Bringing up Uwe Boll to me again reeks of hyperbole to provoke. To a degree you do this with Death Proof as well. Perhaps you think I do that about Transformers on TMB’s site comments - you’d have to listen to the Film Junk podcast on that movie to maybe think otherwise.

    Perhaps I erred when I said “never heard a good case against the film” - it sounds like I say I’ve never heard a good case from anyone, when in fact I point directly at Movie Patron as an example of a good case against the film. I really meant “never heard a good case from you”

    if you want to make an extended case about why the things you disliked make not just a bad movie, but the worst movie of this year, go ahead - but I’ve listened to your extended post-show review of it, and your sheer hate of the movie hasn’t dulled since then, so I don’t know if you’re going to be any less emotionally reactive :/

    I mean seriously, you pointed out that we have to acknowledge that many people hated this movie, and I do. But that most people think its the WORST MOVIE of THIS YEAR? I don’t think there’s a good case for it whatsoever, and I don’t even think that many people really believe it. I don’t think you really believe it. You’ve seen Bratz and Daddy Day Camp, and can actually tell me it has less value? I think you’re lying to provoke. I seriously do.

  14. John Campea says:

    Once again Goon, I can’t lay out my case against this horrible movie any more clearly than I already have. Your insistence of “no no… I don’t buy it, so I’m sticking with my own theory” is sad… but you’re entitled to it. I’ve repeated dozens of times all the horrible shortcomings of this “movie”, and this may be hard for you to accept… but even though you don’t think it deserves to be called the worst film of Summer 2007, doesn’t invalidate other people from thinking so. Majority or minority.

    You see Goon, your logic fails. Buy your made up interpretation (in an attempt I can only theorize to validate your own opinion), if disappointment causes ones to backlash, then I should have been raking Phantom Menace across the coals. Never in history have I had higher expectations… and the film let me down. Still… I admit to enjoying it anyway, despite being a bad movie. I had very high hopes and expectations of Spider-Man 3, loved the previous 2. The movie was beyond the even miniscule redemption of at least enjoying it despite it’s weaknesses.

    So it’s either one way or the other Goon, you can’t have it both ways. You’ll just have to accept that there are some of us out here who wanted to like that movie, but just simply found it to be wanting so much so that it constitutes being called the worst film we’ve seen this year.

    If you can’t handle that… that’s a shame. But don’t presume to put words in my mouth or ascribe fictional reasons you conjour up yourself as to my reasons when I’ve already come out and told you my reasons explicitly.

  15. Goon says:

    Oh I can handle it, I just think you are amazingly wrong, and my own interpretation of your specific personal case against the film, as the WORST of the summer, comes across as dishonest for the sake of provocation and discussion - just as when Michael Moore or Ann Coulter go on a rant, they might mean much of what they say, but they dress it up for the same reason - it gets attention.

    I have to step back from my self and think its funny that we can both get so upset about two movies that amount to about 5 hours worth of entertainment. If you and I somehow ever had a show of Transformers vs. Spiderman 3, I think it would end up containing enough bile to equal a dozen Fred Phelps rallies.

  16. John Campea says:

    Hey Goon,
    You said:

    “my own interpretation of your specific personal case against the film, as the WORST of the summer, comes across as dishonest for the sake of provocation and discussion”

    Well there it is. Because you just can’t accept that someone has an opinion far removed from what you think…. you resort to calling them “dishonest”, because heaven forbid anyone thinks that differently than you.

    I don’t take exception to your wildly shortsighted and blind disliking of Transformers (please note tongue in cheek), nor do I take exception to your failure to recognize just how bad Spider-Man 3 really is… it’s all subjective, and I accept that.

    What I DO take exception to is the accusation of being dishonest with my opinions, simple because you can’t wrap your head around someone thinking so lowly of a film that you don’t think so lowly of.

    I accept and welcome us disagreeing. I do not accept nor do I welcome you making it a personal attack and accusing me of certain things, such as dishonesty with my opinions. That’s not cool.

  17. Goon says:

    I’m sorry you take it as a personal attack, when it is merely that you put out a list of your own opinions, and as I’ve stated, like a Moore or Coulter “tome”, that you’d put it above Bratz and Daddy Day Camp resoundingly seems to me like you are just trying to get people talking. This is what I mean by ‘dishonest’ - I am not claiming that you secretly liked Spiderman 3 whatsoever - I simply do not take your assertion of Spiderman 3 as the worst movie of the year at face value.

    I just can’t lie John - a person like you who sees so many movies, who saw BRATZ for chrissakes - I just don’t believe you REALLY thought it had less value. Please don’t push that statement into some larger personal attack, which it is certainly not.

    If I tread anywhere near the personal area at all, its because the nature of the segment of the show personally spoke to me - that we have to accept peoples opinions at face value, when no - thats not the way the world works. People hyperbolize their opinions, people dress up their words to provoke discussion, and that was my impression of your list. period.

  18. Goon says:

    I’m trying to think if theres any other way to phrase it without anyone anywhere reading it as some personal attack…

    i think everyone knows someone who is very passionate about everything, who gets really happy or angry with everything, always using phrases like ‘new favorite’, ‘best ever’, etc with every new thing that comes along… With someone like you John, you’re not that guy ALL THE TIME - absolutely not, but when you really really love something, like Transformers, or really are let down, like SM3, to me you sound like ‘that guy’. Is ‘that guy’ really lying? mmmmmmno, i guess. but is ‘that guy’ entirely honest either? no, I don’t think so. Passion pushes people into these extremes, and I don’t think you, or anyone actually, is able to make a case of SM3 being worse than Bratz without that emotional gut reaction to the film playing a huge role.

  19. Grave says:

    I just like to make the statement that people have a right to agree and disagree. John and I have diffrent opinions of SAW 3 and the whole torture porn issue. There was also a disagreement on if the Resident Evil movies and AVP bombed at the box office. However, I have never made any personal attacks on him saying that he is flat out wrong or stupid or whatever. If i did that would make my comment about as worthy as a Spider-man 3 Uncut edition with bounus material of MJ finding a real job. The point is John opinions are shared with people that agree and disagree with what he says and the only reason ppl still listen to him is because what he says is valid to people that respect others opinions.

  20. Krintina says:

    @ Goon: Ok, did you ever stop to think that maybe John and some of the rest of us had that strong “emotional” response to SM3 exactly because we found it that bad and the worst film of the year?

    You’re trying to put the cart before the horse. You’re insisting to tell other people why they thought what they thought. You’re telling us the only reason some of us call SM3 the worst film of the year is because we hated it so much, when what John and the rest of us are trying to tell you is that we hated it so much BECAUSE it was the worst film of the year.

  21. Goon says:

    Kristina - Sure, but I’ve seen other film reviewers get emotional - yet for the most part, I’ve seen them hate the movie, review it and move on. When someone has to keep going back to it all the time though, it starts to strike me differently. I’ve been reading this site since well, pretty much since it started. I don’t claim to know John, all I can claim is my impression based on years worth of listening and reading. And I don’t now what else I can say about this whole thing without repeating myself.

  22. John Campea says:

    Yes Krintina! That’s exactly my point… you just said it better than I did.

    Goon can’t accept my opinion is different than his. He thinks I must obviously be dishonest, because Spider-Man 3 wasn’t worse than Bratz or Daddy Day Camp in his view… therefore if I say it was worse, then I must be lying.

    Yes, you put it perfectly. Goon thinks that I only said it was the worst film because I hated it… when the fact is I hated it so much because it was the worst film of the summer. Well said.

    Spider-Man 3 was the worst motion picture of the summer. Goon, you say that’s hyperbole… but there has to be a worst of the summer… and Spider-Man 3 is it. Period. I respect that you don’t agree, and your opinion is just as valid as mine…. except I’m not going to dismiss your opinion beacuse of some made up excuse, like you just refuse to see how bad Spider-Man 3 was due to blind Raimi worship, or anything else for that matter.

    You don’t see what is clearly obvious to me. Spider-Man 3 is the worst film of the summer. But I don’t need to tell you you’re just being difficult for not acknowledging it, or that there is some hidden reason for you failing to admit it. You just saw it differently, and I accept that.

  23. Stormy70 says:

    MJ needs to be killed off or sent away on Sabbatical, like the Soap Operas do when one of the characters cause homicidal thoughts in the intended audience.

    Spiderman should be bad ass, not an emo tool with a whiny, useless girlfriend.

    Here’s a thought, why not make a Spiderman villain an actual villain, not someone with life issues that get them down.

    Spiderman 3 sucked.

  24. Kevin C says:

    I havent heard a decent explanation yet as to why Spider-man 3 was a good film on any number of boards.

    SM3 was one of my most anticipated films of the summer and I WANTED to love it, but I just couldnt.

    Now I wont call it the worst film of the year, because if it wasnt a sequel and didnt have so much hype, it wouldnt have gotten as much flack.

    I will say it was a poorly executed film that tried to do way too much and failed. But it still had some decent moments.

  25. Darren j Seeley says:

    “Here’s a thought, why not make a Spiderman villain an actual villain, not someone with life issues that get them down.”

    Just some nasty person who wants to kill/maim superheroes, scare people, pillage and rape ?

  26. Goon says:

    well John, I just don’t think you’re going to get what I’m saying. If your list was ‘most hated of the summer’ i wouldnt have batted an eye. But ‘worst’ with all that should entail, on a list including Bratz, I just don’t buy it, and based on other things you’ve said over the years leads me to accusations that you’re trying to provoke, just as I’d accuse a controversial writer. As for ‘acceptance’ - If I said say, Cuba Gooding only did Daddy Day Camp because thats all he can get, a response from him of “you just cant accept that someone would do Daddy Day Camp for reasons other than a paycheck”, well that doesnt fly with me. No, it just means I’ve seen evidence that leads me to believe that he took that gig for other reasons. But I don’t think any of what I’m saying is reaching you, and I’m repeating myself, so I’m done. Done.

  27. John Campea says:

    No Goon, I hear you, and I understand what you’re saying… but you’re wrong. Just that simple. You’re wrong… period. I slated Spider-Man 3 as WORST film of the year, because that’s what I think it was. Any other theory you have in your head about why I put it there is 100% incorrect… because I’m the only one who knows… and I’m telling you.

    But once again, you reveal that it all comes down to what you agree with. You said:

    “but ‘worst’ with all that should entail, on a list including Bratz, I just don’t buy it”

    That sums is all up. You don’t buy it… therefore, for me to says it is indeed the worst of the summer, there must be something up. If you did agree… then there wouldn’t be a problem.

    Spider-Man 3 is the worst film of the summer bar none. It was worse than Bratz, it was worse than Daddy Day Camp. All that is true weather you “buy it” or not. You have a different opinion, and that’s cool… but I won’t accuse you of just lying about your opinion just to start a fight in here.

  28. Kurt says:

    Wow. Count me in the flabbergasted club. Now I’ve not seen Spidey3, Bratz or Daddy Daycamp, but I cannot believe that a Sam Raimi film would be worse than the latter two obvious cash-in hack jobs.

    Seriously, I can see where Goon is coming from though John, you can be a tad reactionary sometimes. I know you opinion is your own and all that, but certain things do perplex sometimes….

  29. WomanizingFreak says:

    Sory john…… I dont agree with what you said about the critics…… Even if everyone sez a film sux…… If im interested in it I still have 2 see it otherwise it just nags away at me…… Like ino that alot of ppl say the new Halloween sux….. but im still going to see it coz im interested in it….. Just so I can have an opinion and shit

  30. Tom says:

    john first of all i really enjoy the podcast but common your reviews arent always right. Now you said that death proof was really boring and was just girls talking. well look at resovoir dogs. it had guys talking and it was a great movie. It was just because it was girls talking and you couldn’t relate as much with them. Maybe you just didn’t like the movie because you had just seen planet terror and it was a fun non stop action movie. You were expecting to see something full of action or something. Also look at some of the old horror movies like friday the 13th and halloween, they all started slow but were great movies. And also quentin tarantino was trying to play homage to those classic badly made movies as rodriguez was just trying to make his own bad movie.

  31. Cleric says:

    I have to agree with goon, he makes a very reasonable argument…

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