Movie Blog Uncut - September 17th 2007

Posted by on 17. 09. 2007in Uncut Podcast

There just anyway around it… this is probably the most ridiclous episdoe of Uncut we’ve ever done. Bruxy isn’t with us tonight because he’s a big famous author now so he’s literally out of town at a book signing… and Darren, Doug and I spend most of the show just talking nonsense. The first 15 minutes is just about discount Chinese shot guns followed by our addiction to online games… but don’t you worry, we eventually get around to:

1) Sarah Michella Gellar’s career

2) How much obligation should movie stars have to the public?

And the rest of the show is just us blabbering. Totally a throw away episode… but we did laugh a lot. :)

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You can visit each member of the round tables sites here:
John Campea’s Site
Bruxy Cavey’s Site
Darren Conley’s Site
Doug Nagy’s Site

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18 Responses to “Movie Blog Uncut - September 17th 2007”

  1. Craig says:

    how do I slow it down so it’s not going uber fast =\

  2. tedward says:

    No actor/artist ‘owes’ any fan a single thing. Not an autograph, a handshake, a dinner , a stare or anything. Not a single fuckin’ thing…

    ..except for putting a decent effort into their work.

    That’s where their obligation begins & ends.

  3. SaraBean says:

    OMG, that was funny!

    Ok, SMG is so done. Stick a fork in her and send her off to retire quietly thank you very much. Nothing will revive that career.

    Celebrities owe everything to fans, so yes, I think they at least are obliged to walk in a front door of a movie theater at their own stupid premier when they know all the fans there want is to catch a glimpse of them. I’m really disappointed in MD for how he handled this.

  4. Salem says:

    ummm, it was kinda weird… the voices were like super high and the dialogue was pretty fast. Was this a tech. error?

  5. DarkKinger says:

    Crazy show! As for Postal, I got a peak of the ending here, . My God, that was horrible! Watch at your own risk!


  6. alfie says:

    postal will be a load of fucking garbage. the trailer is fucking pathetic and so is boll.he is a fucking crybaby….those idiot critics who fought him deserved what they got but what a fucking loser setting up fights …what the fuck did it prove? he should have taken some of that fucking loophole tax he gets his fucking untalented hands on all the time and given it to one of the critics then from the exact same script they should have had a film off and see who came up with the best film. all that boxing did was prove what a complete and utter joke the guy is and will always be.

    when the real reviews start coming lets see how many raves its gets…..

    but john a quick question about something that slipped by on one of last weeks live shows..i was going to leave it alone but it has been driving me crazy

    you said stanley kubrick is one of the most over rated directors of all time…I found that highly amusing on many levels…one of them being that fact that he directed

    Full Metal Jacket
    The Shining
    A Clockwork Orange
    Dr Strangelove
    Paths of Glory
    The Killing

    hardly a filmography that makes him undeserving of his high standing in film history….
    thern not 2 topic s later you name one of his films as the one you would want to see on the big screen most…you baffle me.

    and don’t use your old “people only say they like his films cos they feel they have too” argument that you always revert back to as that is the lamest argument in the world.
    classic don;t just become classic sbecause people feel they should be..

    theres reasons why people still talk about for example west side story today over the fucking hundreds of other musicals that came out the same year..because it was and is a fucking masterpiece that was head and shoulders above all the others. of course it is dated but as a film is is absolutely amazing and i could watch and have watched again and again becazuse when your a jet your a jet all the way.

    film critics and buffs etc don’t just randomly select old films from a hat and decide that they should be revered for no reason.

    I think the thing that amused me most was that this wild kubrick is over rated claim came in the same podcast in which you decided if there was anyone who should have a career revival its judge fucking reinhold.

    you amaze me feel how you feel and you put it out there and it fucking blows my mind…..we could not be more different on our views on pretty much every single thing you talk about….well we actually agree on many things but i find dissent is more fun than a bunch of threads where everyone does a circle jerk……

    seriously of all the talented people out there in the world judge fucking reinhold. astonishing.

    oh and I also liked the bit where you talked about the clone troopers all being CG. i thought that was fairly obvious with them looking all…well…fake as shit.

    anyway…..i am just ranting and raving and as always…

    please take my tone as it is intended by the way…with a skip in my step and a grin on my face….

  7. Johnskibeat says:

    Nice blog, man.
    Come check out my reviews - just finished 1408 and Superbad. Oh, there’s a Transformers one too if you’re interested!

  8. UKAndy616 says:



  9. Robert(wolf) says:

    It’s super fast :(

  10. Phil Gee says:

    That wasn’t a throwaway show John. It was one of the best pre-recorded shows in a while i thought; really funny and brought up a great debate.

  11. Allen says:

    Where’s the picture of Doug’s beard?

  12. Craig says:

    Great show!
    As always, John is completely right. Celebs owe it all to fans. Use the front door.

    I love Kids In The Halls! Buddy Cole! :)

  13. Gus says:

    I play the show and get chipmunks.
    How do I fix this?

    I need my Uncut fix

  14. Gruff says:

    Fucking hell that bitch was tense.

  15. invaziondrummer says:

    Campea shows some more of his true (delusional) colors on this one. Eagerly awaiting the Doug and Darren show.

  16. Rob Williams says:



  17. Johan De Silva says:

    Thank god you guys don’t have Championship Manager to play!

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